God of Illusions/C99 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part Iii)
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God of Illusions/C99 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part Iii)
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C99 The Second Puppet of the Wild Man Class!(part Iii)

After sending off the second batch, the third batch of Young Lady s walked in with smiles on their faces.

This feeling of anticipation was always extremely exciting.

"Because there aren't many puppetmaster s that are purely made from ice, we didn't make them in large quantities. This time, we only brought three."

"Chain of Frost, strengthens the effect of the frost. It comes with a skill, Ice Armor, which is made entirely out of ice and can reflect a portion of an attack back at you through the use of ice spikes."

"Frost Hand, a glove made from the fur of the Snow Wolf King. It strengthens the freezing effect. It comes with a skill, Ice Grip. It is an object that can be frozen."

"Ice Queen's Staff, strengthens the effect of frost. It comes with a Frost Rain ability, and once released, it will summon Frost Feather Arrows within its surrounding area. It will attack all enemies within its range, so I would recommend this personally."

Hearing Feng Wuhen's introduction, Chen Hui couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Although he had made preparations beforehand, after seeing so many Purple Level Puppets, he was still unable to control himself.

If not for coming to the Savage class, his Snow Congealing Bead would probably be the only Purple Level Puppet in his entire life …

"I want to choose the second item, Frost Hand."

Chen Hui's decision stunned everyone, but no one could refute what he immediately said.

"I want the puppet left behind by my mother to forever be my main attacking puppet, and not be replaced by another puppet of the same type."

Chen Hui's eyes carried a trace of determination, something that would not be shaken in the slightest.

"Good will and good will. Your class is indeed not some ordinary person."

Feng Wuhen replied in time, his ability to flatter others was comparable to Bai Xiaofei's.

"Fellow student of the Assassin division, I brought two puppets for you. Actually, there are many puppets of the Assassin division, but after seeing these two puppets, I know you definitely won't choose another one. In a sense, you can say you're lucky!"

Excited by what Feng Wuhen had said, Wang Hang followed the directions and looked over. What entered his eyes was a pair of simple-looking boots and a puppet core.

"Shining Shadow Boots, the first craftsman Pinocchio's masterpiece. Every year the production will not exceed three pairs. The effect is that the boots will flash to the designated location and then disappear at the same time!"


As for Assassin type puppetmaster, one of their most basic abilities was concealment, but there were currently three concealment effects on the continent: simulation, stealth, and disappearance.

The simulation was also called mimicry, which allowed one to blend in with the surroundings to avoid other people's line of sight. However, the speed of movement in the simulation was usually very slow, so it was the lowest level of concealment and also the easiest to be discovered.

Stealth relied on various special objects. The assassin would sneak in and appear when necessary to take his life in one shot!

Amongst the three concealment abilities, the strongest one was Disappear. In disappearing state, it was basically impossible to detect, and an Assassin could move at will in this state until they launched an attack!

And not only did this flash Boots disappear, it even had the ability to twinkle. This was truly a bit terrifying …

The surprise on Wang Hang's face explained everything, but this was merely the first time he was shocked.

"The path of assassins, the skill on the core of this weapon is the path of assassins, after using the path of assassins, you can choose a target, when the target is attacked by you, all of the shield s and armor on the target will become ineffective, and according to the shield s and armor on their body, it will provide you with additional damage. After completing the killing, the path of assassins can be used on the next target!"

"I'll take them all!"

The one who spoke was not Wang Hang, but Bai Xiaofei who was standing behind him. These two puppets allowed Bai Xiaofei to see the Freshmen's Congress's Champion Cup.

There was no suspense at all. Wang Hang would definitely become the number one assassin among the freshmen! No one was useful!

However, what no one noticed was that Xue Ying, who was sitting at the back, couldn't help but to gulp down a mouthful of saliva as well.

After taking care of Wang Hang, Zhu Nuo was the next to be called out, causing the nervous girl to immediately jump up from the sofa.

"You asked me to choose a puppet with healing powers, so I brought you a work of Divine Craftsman Hundred Blossom."

"Crown of Morning Stars, spawned with the skill Saint realm. All allies chosen by you will receive Starlight Blessing and will be able to recover from your injuries within five seconds."

A puppet, Zhu Nuo instantly became a big breast!

After getting three more people settled, the last batch of Young Lady walked in.

"Agility System's Little Sister from the Southern Wilderness, your boots are one of the Valkyrie sets, so I brought you the other pieces of the Valkyrie set. You can choose one."

On the first level of the voice tower, the four Young Lady s displayed four puppets that were made of the same material as Zhu Sisi's boots: gauntlets, light armor, helmet and short sword.

Zhu Sisi seemed to have long been prepared, and before Feng Wuhen could introduce him, he had already chosen the gauntlet.

Valkyrie's Hand had the ability to destroy shields!

Additional skill [Traction], can pull oneself towards the target. If the target's weight is lower than the target's, the effect will change to pull the target towards the target!

After Zhu Sisi, Xing Nan finally welcomed his spring.

Unlike Zhu Sisi, who already had a Purple Ranked Puppet, Xing Nan's first Puppet was only a Yellow Ranked Puppet, so his request to Feng Wuhen was also a Puppet Core.

"Concentrate. By gathering your energy, you can increase the power of your arrows. The upper limit is ten times higher."

However, the effect and concentration are the exact opposite. The size of the elemental strength arrows under the effect of the massive transformation will become larger, from a little bit of damage to a large amount of damage. "

The energy arrows that you shot out will have an additional burst effect. Once it hits the target, the arrow will trigger an explosion.

After Feng Wuhen's introduction, he fell into a dilemma.

Explosion had to be done. The problem lay in whether or not to be the first or the second. One was for a single target, while the other was for a group. This was a question that was difficult to answer at long range.

If it's a single target, Fang Ye would be enough. Furthermore, your ability to pierce through arrows is not low either. "

In the end, it was Bai Xiaofei who gave the suggestion. Xing Nan pondered for a moment and agreed.

Without Bai Xiaofei, there would not be a chance for him to make this choice. Therefore, at this time, he had to think for the Savage class.

, who was left, swallowed his saliva. There was still one Young Lady left, needless to say, this would definitely be his!

"When I went back and asked for the spear puppetmaster's second puppet, little brother, who do you think called me?"

Facing against the last Fang Ye, Feng Wuhen showed off his true skills for the first time.

Fang Ye opened her eyes wide, and her lips trembled as she spat out a few words.

"South …" Silent South? "

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