Godly Conceited Son-in-law/C3 It's over so Soon?
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Godly Conceited Son-in-law/C3 It's over so Soon?
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C3 It's over so Soon?

Guan Yang followed eagerly. He opened the back door and was about to sit beside Ouyang Ruo Lan.

"Sit in front." Ouyang Ruo Lan glared at Guan Yang and emotionlessly threw out a sentence.

"I'll listen to my wife, hehe."

After a moment of hesitation, Guan Yang got out of the back seat with a smile and sat on the passenger seat.

When Ouyang Ruo Lan's car sped away, that group of young masters finally reacted and looked at each other blankly.


Could it be that the goddess is really this bastard's wife? This … How was this possible?

"So what if that poor competition is the goddess's fiancé? The goddess will definitely break off the engagement! I still have a chance. "

The little fatty shouted as if he was cheering himself on.

In a short period of time, the news of the Goddess of Jiangbei having a fiance competition had spread throughout the entire city.

"Wife …"

"You're not allowed to call me wife!" As soon as Guan Yang opened his mouth, Ouyang Ruo Lan coldly pushed him back.

"Alright, Lan Lan."

"Don't call me Lan Lan!"

"Yes, wife!" Guan Yang smiled with a face full of contempt as he nodded his head.

Ouyang Ruo Lan's eyes were filled with a cold light as she stared at Guan Yang. She wished that she could cut him into a thousand pieces.

The interior of the car was as cold as an ice cave, so cold that it was suffocating.

Guan Yang, who was sitting in front of her, seemed to be unconscious as he excitedly hummed and sang the song about the palanquin.

The normally calm Ouyang Ruo Lan was so annoyed that she covered her ears.

The female bodyguard's mouth twitched a few times. Sister Ouyang finally met her match this time. The person beside her was simply an exceptional person.

"Wifey, has something happened recently? Someone is following us. "

Suddenly, Guan Yang stopped singing, his face turning exceptionally solemn.

The female bodyguard was stunned after hearing that. She quickly looked at the cars behind her, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. However, the female bodyguard subconsciously believed Guan Yang's words.

"Young Master, they won't be able to catch up to us." As the female bodyguard said this, the car sped up rapidly, as if it was a dragon swimming through the traffic.

"Xiao Xia, stop shouting, who's Young Master?" Ouyang Ruo Lan's voice came from the back.

The female bodyguard, Xiao Xia, stuck out her tongue and stopped talking, focusing on driving.

Guan Yang scanned the surrounding cars and shook his head slightly. Xiao Xia's driving skills were not bad, but she was almost on fire if she wanted to shake off the people behind her.

However, this was just the right choice. He would have to defend against thieves for a thousand days. It would be better to grab the head of the bandits and finish it once and for all.

As soon as they left the city, a car in front came over and stopped Ouyang Ruo Lan's car. Soon after, three other cars came up from behind and blocked their way out.

About a dozen people came down from the car, wearing masks as they surrounded Ouyang Ruo Lan's car.

"Miss Ouyang, please get off the carriage and come with us."

One of them shouted into the car.

"You two, obediently sit in the car. As for the rest, leave it to me."

The corner of Guan Yang's mouth slightly raised, revealing an evil smile. You dare to attack my wife? You're courting death.

Finished speaking, Guan Yang opened the car door and walked out.

When those people saw a rustic man get off the car, they were stunned. "Who are you?" Isn't Ouyang Ruo Lan's bodyguard a woman? "

Hehe, I'm her husband! If you want to harm my wife, you have to do so on my corpse. "

After Guan Yang finished shouting, he felt a burst of pride in his heart. When his wife heard this, she would definitely be moved by him and then …

As he imagined his wife throwing herself into his arms, Guan Yang giggled.

The leader of the masked men waved his hand, "Kill this idiot."

The man closest to Guan Yang did not say anything else as he smashed the rubber rod towards Guan Yang's head.

But in the blink of an eye, the rubber rod had fallen into Guan Yang's hands. He swung the rod at the man's head. The man's eyes were wide open as he fell to the ground without making a sound.

The person in the lead was stunned as he realized that he had just met a tough guy.

"Let's attack together. There's not much time left."

As the leader of the group gave the order, the others all charged towards Guan Yang.

"Xiao Xia, go down and help him. Don't let this hooligan get beaten to death." Ouyang Ruo Lan said to Xiao Xia inside the car.

Although on the surface, the two of them seemed to be on the same level as the Miss and the bodyguard, but in private, the two of them were very close, like sisters.

Xiao Xia shook her head. "Sister Ouyang, you don't have to worry. Young master is not simple. Those people are no match for him."

His head was the most vulnerable part of his body. If he punched himself with all his strength, it would seem as if his young master was unharmed. He was like a demon with a big head.

Ouyang Ruo Lan glared at Xiao Xia. "Who's worried about him? …" "You're shouting nonsense again, what 'Young Master', he's just a pervert, a hooligan …"

Ouyang Ruo Lan suddenly stopped as she spoke.

He saw Guan Yang standing in front of the car, with a muscular posture and an expression that made people praise him. He looked at Ouyang Ruo Lan, who was in the car, with a fawning gaze.

It's been resolved?

Ouyang Ruo Lan opened the car door in disbelief and saw that all the masked men were lying on the ground, hugging their arms and legs as they wailed in pain.

"This... So soon? " Ouyang Ruo Lan was a little shocked.

"Wife, how can you say husband is fast? To say that a man is fast is the greatest insult to a man. You should say that your husband is strong. " Guan Yang looked at Ouyang Ruo Lan with a serious expression.

Little Mei pounced and laughed. "Young Master, you …." You really are a hooligan. "

Ouyang Ruo Lan, who had been ignoring him, suddenly reacted and her face turned red.

As if nothing had happened, Guan Yang squatted down beside a masked man, "You are just so-so. You must have come here specifically to deal with Xiao Xia, right?"

As Guan Yang said this, he twisted the man's arm. The sound of bones rubbing against each other resounded, and in a second, the man's arm was twisted into a mess.

The person screamed and fainted. Guan Yang mumbled something. Who made you faint? He reached out and poked the person twice in the chest. The person immediately regained consciousness and rolled on the ground while hugging his crippled arm.

Guan Yang stood up and walked over to another person. That person's arm had already been broken, so he stepped on that person's leg and crushed it.

Just like this, the arm that was originally crippled, and the bone on the leg that was crushed, the leg that was originally broken, broke an arm.

The remaining masked men looked at Guan Yang as if they were looking at a demon. They didn't even bother to scream as they all moved backwards.

"I say … "I say, my lord, we have eyes that fail to recognize Mt. Tai. Please spare us." "When Guan Yang arrived in front of the leader, that man was crying and kneeling on the ground. Without caring about his broken arm, he started begging for mercy.

According to that person's instructions, they were originally criminals from the provinces. After arriving in Jiangbei, a mysterious person found them, gave them a large sum of money, and told them to kidnap Ouyang Ruo Lan before sending her to a prearranged location.

Guan Yang stood up and looked around. In the distance were lush wooded slopes.

Staring at that direction, Guan Yang coldly snorted.

Then, he gave her a middle finger and made a neck-slicing gesture.

"Young Master, is there someone over there?"

As Xiao Xia spoke, she started to run in that direction.

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