Godly Master's System Plug-in/C6 Bargaining in a Restaurant(part I)
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Godly Master's System Plug-in/C6 Bargaining in a Restaurant(part I)
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C6 Bargaining in a Restaurant(part I)

After getting out of the car, the driver refused to accept any money and insisted on adding Li Yun's WeChat and QQ. However, Li Yun did not have any, so he could only take a step back and add Li Yun's phone number.

This driver called Xie Dahai said that when Li Yun got his hands on Xiao Jiayu's picture, he would send him a few pictures.

Li Yun shook his head and smiled. Just as he was about to drive away, he threw a hundred yuan to him from the window.

He waved his hand at him and said, "I'll talk to you if I have her picture."

He really did not know what kind of peerless beauty Xiao Jiayu was, to be able to make a passerby driver fall in love with her so much.

Li Yun did not care about Xie Dahai anymore. He walked towards the small restaurant in his house.

The small restaurant had been opened for more than twenty years. It had always been the source of Li Yun and his twin sisters' living and schooling expenses. It was only until he went to the army and received the bonus that the family's financial situation became better.

From the last call, he found out that his family was still running the small restaurant. His parents refused to rest and retire no matter what.

Therefore, Li Yun walked straight to the store. According to his previous experience, his parents were definitely still busy in the store.

Feeling a sense of fear, Li Yun walked slower and slower. He could not help but think of the time he left.

Five years ago, his younger sister, Lee Caiwei, and Lee Caixia, were only nine years old. The two sisters cried and shouted at Li Yun not to go to the army.

The three of them had a good relationship. Because the small restaurant in their family was too busy, he was the one who brought his two younger sisters when they were young.

A small restaurant needed to support three children. Lee Yun's parents could only work as hard as they could.

In the morning, they woke up at four or five o'clock to prepare breakfast. At night, they had to work until ten o'clock, and there was almost no time for rest.

Lee Yun could not bear to see his parents working so hard. When he graduated from high school at the age of sixteen, he still decided to listen to the system's suggestion to be a soldier.

This was also the reason why Lee Yun did not reject Murong Mingyue's money.

One million was not worth mentioning to a rich family, but to an ordinary person, it was a money that could only be earned after working hard for decades.

"Boss, boss, come out!"

Lee Yun heard an arrogant shout from afar. There seemed to be an argument in front of him, and the neighbors around him also surrounded him to watch the show.

"Where is this?"

Lee Yun looked around carefully. Although the surrounding buildings had changed, wasn't the place where the crowd was watching his small restaurant?

The restaurant's sign was still the same, the Guanyu Restaurant.

Guanyu was his father, Lee Guozhu.

Yuxiu was his mother, Zhou Yuxiu.

Lee Yun stood silently outside the crowd and looked at who the troublemaker was!

Zhou Yuxiu walked out of the restaurant and looked at the young man with fierce eyes and colorful hair. She asked anxiously, "I am the Lady Boss. What's the matter?"

"What is it? Hmph!"

It was obvious that the hooligan was here to cause trouble. He pointed at the plate he had just eaten and scolded, "What the f * ck are you asking?! Look at the food in your restaurant, how f * cking dirty is it?"

Everyone looked over and saw that there was a huge cockroach in the plate!

The yellow cockroach shell and long tentacles caused the human body to instinctively feel nauseous and disgusted just by laying in the plate.

The few people at the table all stood up abruptly and looked at Zhou Yuxiu with unfriendly expressions. A bald man threatened, "Mistress, there is a cockroach in A Fei's plate. I'm afraid that there will be more in our plate. Tell me, what should we do now?"

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