Godly Mercenary in City/C8 Free lunch
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Godly Mercenary in City/C8 Free lunch
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C8 Free lunch

An Qinger lost her idea for a moment, she did not know how to face her own cousin, and thought, could he have gone mad?

"Cousin, as long as you are willing to help me, we will still have the chance to turn the tables on you. It will depend on whether you are willing to help me or not."

This was the first time Luo Yunan seriously spoke to An Qinger.

"Cousin, go ahead."

An Qinger thought for a while, and decided to listen to what her cousin had to say first.

"Can this work?"

An Qinger asked doubtfully.

"Cousin sister, since when did your cousin say something that doesn't count? Listen to me for sure, I won't let you work in vain. Once this is done, Vice President's position will definitely be yours!"

Luo Yunan patted his chest as he promised An Qinger.

"Alright, since cousin has said so, then cousin will do as cousin says."

After saying that, An Qinger left Luo Yunan's office and returned to his own office, sitting on her own large and comfortable office chair. At the moment, An Qinger was enjoying every second of sitting here, she hoped that she could stay here forever, because in her heart, she had started to have her own plans …

In the blink of an eye, an entire morning passed by. Luo Yuxin started to familiarize herself with the business of the company in her own office, and the heads of various departments all went forward to get to know each other, hoping that they would be taken care of in the future. Of course, Ye Ziyang was no exception.

"Dang, dang, dang, dang …"

Knocking sounds came out from Luo Yuxin's office.

"Come in."

Luo Yuxin habitually replied.

Because Luo Yuxin had not chosen her own secretary yet, those who entered the office would have to knock on the door themselves.

"My CEO, shouldn't we go eat?"

Ye Ziyang stood in front of the desk and knocked on it, looking like he was teasing it.

"Oh, the time is so fast. Let's go."

Luo Yuxin did not dawdle, she immediately tidied herself up and followed Ye Ziyang out of the office.

After confirming that Luo Yuxin and Ye Ziyang had left the office, a figure appeared in both their arms. After the two of them had left, a figure secretly placed something in the room …

enjoyed this feeling very much as he arrived outside the building and breathed in the air unique to the China. As time passed, Ye Ziyang gradually began to think about his hometown.

"Come on, let's go to work for the first day. We have to celebrate. There's a big hotel over there, let's go there."

Seeing that there was a luxurious Star hotel across the street, Ye Ziyang suggested to eat there.


Luo Yuxin naturally did not object, although it was a celebration, his expression did not change at all, it was extremely cold. However, Ye Ziyang insisted on letting her hold her arm, in order to protect her safety.

They walked arm in arm across the sidewalk to the door of the hotel.

A longer Rolls Royce rushed over, but stopped right beside the two of them as the car came to an emergency halt.

Very quickly, the person on the car walked out and threw the car keys to the doorman, indicating for him to stop the car.

"Beauty, let's have a meal together."

The man said to Luo Yuxin, completely disregarding Ye Ziyang, the living man.

He wore a suit, shiny leather shoes, waxed hair, studs in his ears, diamond rings, and a golden watch. All of these signified that the owner of the car was a very successful person.

He obviously could not let this girl, who was standing not too far away from him, get away with it, because he was Xia Guonan, and one of the most famous princes in the entire Yongan. He was unable to attend last night's banquet because he was chasing after a C-list celebrity.

"Mister, please leave, I'm busy!"

Without even looking at it, Luo Yuxin coldly replied and directly walked in.

"I say, sir, I have a good way to get you to eat with her, but..."

Ye Ziyang was very unhappy with the man, so he wanted to make a move on him, but held back and let him "think of a plan".

"Oh? What is your relationship? "

Xia Guonan asked doubtfully, he had clearly seen two people holding hands just now.

"Us? If you want to know, it's very simple. You have to show it... "

Ye Ziyang started to count the money. His intentions were clear, as long as Xia Guonan gave him some, he would definitely tell him the reason.

"Here, it really is a bumpkin!"

Xia Guonan reluctantly flung a few hundred yuan worth of bills to Ye Ziyang. Towards a man, he was unwilling to part with even a single cent.

"Big Brother, you want to send me off with just this little bit of money? "Well, man, come here."

Ye Ziyang waved his hand and called over a young doorman.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The doorman asked politely.

"Here, take the flowers. This is the tip the gentleman gave you."

Ye Ziyang handed over the hundred dollar bills to the doorman.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir."

Seeing these hundred yuan bills, the little gatekeeper was overjoyed. He never thought that this handsome guy who dressed normally would be so generous, charging several hundred yuan in the first move!

"You …"

Xia Guonan was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He didn't think that this man wouldn't be easily fooled.

"Here, can you tell me now?"

Xia Guonan took out a dozen of cash from his pocket. There were ten thousand, he had not had enough to spend, so he did not have the time to waste on that beauty.

"Why don't you take it out earlier?"

Ye Ziyang took the money and placed it into his pocket.

"Hey, you haven't told me yet!"

Xia Guonan shouted loudly, afraid that he did not get any valuable information from the money he spent.

"What are you shouting for? It's actually very simple. As long as you're handsome enough, she will treat you well. For example, someone as handsome as me, go take a piss and look at yourself. Only you can catch up to her?"

Ye Ziyang had a face full of disdain, as he walked straight into the hall.

"You bastard!"

Seeing that he had been played, Xia Guonan flew into a rage where she was standing, but she was choked back her words.

After calming himself down, he took out his phone and called some of his friends. He wanted to invite them to dinner.

"What did you just say to him?"

Ye Ziyang asked in a worried tone after he caught up with Luo Yuxin.

"It's nothing. I'm treating you to lunch today. Please order anything you like."

After he finished speaking, Ye Ziyang threw the money he just earned onto the table.

"Ahh …"

Although Luo Yuxin was not someone who was short on money, she had never seen someone as greedy as Ye Ziyang.

His face tensed up, his eyes turned white, and he started to hate Ye Ziyang!

"Fish fin, abalone, caviar..."

In the private room, Luo Yuxin started to order dishes. She thought Ye Ziyang was a tycoon who would order dishes 10,000 times with a wave of his hand.

After all, the money was not his own. Furthermore, he even gave the beauty a big meal, and also paid for it to his father, Luo Zhentian, who had assets all over the world.

However, things were not that simple because those ten thousand dollars were not easily earned. After all, those who made such a huge sum of money were not ordinary people.

Xia Guonan found a few of his friends to cheer him on, and this included the people that Luo Yuxin and Ye Ziyang were familiar with, Luo Yunan.

Luo Yunan and Xia Guonan both belonged to the young masters of the Yongan, and they both liked to toy with some women.

"Brother Luo, how is it? This one that I like is pretty good, right? "

Luo Yunan hurried over, and then accompanied Xia Guonan to eat lunch. The frustration of the morning had not yet been digested, but now, he had once again seen the biggest stumbling block on the road, causing him to immediately be energetic.

Since I can't beat you now, then I'll just find someone to fight with you. Adding to my plan, both of them will work together, Luo Yunan thought to himself.

"That's my boss. You won't be able to take him."

Luo Yunan whispered into the ears of Xia Guonan and his friends who were beside him.

Xia Guonan was unhappy, it was not easy to get a chance to show his face, how could he be willing to give it up.

"Tsk, I don't believe it. Just you wait and see how I'll deal with that man."

After he finished speaking, Xia Guonan walked over, prepared to teach Ye Ziyang a lesson.

"Beautiful lady, if you know what's good for you, follow me. Otherwise, hmph, hmph!"

Xia Guonan took a step back, and the two men in black who were called over earlier stepped forward, wanting to forcefully take Luo Yuxin away.

"What do you want? What do you want to do in broad daylight? "

Luo Yuxin shouted angrily, she did not expect that someone would actually dare to snatch someone from her at such a time and place, her heart was filled with anger.

"Since you took our young master's money, you have to listen to our young master."

One of the men in black said.

"Take money? I didn't take your Young Master's money! "

Luo Yuxin felt that it was an inexplicable second, and replied coldly.

"Since this gentleman with you has taken it, it means that you have taken it. It's better to come with us, is our young master's money that easy to take!"

the other man in black advised.

"It's your young master's fortune to treat us to a meal, and you still want to take advantage of us? Just a glance was enough to tell him that there was more than that money. How many times had he seen it? "Let's see how you continue to take the money."

Ye Ziyang replied.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite!"

Right after he finished speaking, the two black clothed men started to attack Ye Ziyang from the left and right.

Ye Ziyang's lower body was extremely stable. It was rumored in the martial arts world that his kick with the Flying Dragon Kick could turn the martial arts world into invincible. Now that he was attacking his lower body, wasn't this just looking for excitement!




Two screams rang out.

Although the two of them had some skill, in front of Ye Ziyang, they were just child's play. In a single exchange, both of their faces were drained of color. Ye Ziyang had only lightly slapped each of them once.

"If you don't scram, then the next time will not be so light!"

The two black-clothed men looked at each other. It was as if they had made up their minds, and directly walked in front of Xia Guonan, ready to be scolded. It was better to be scolded than beaten!

"You two fools, you can't even beat one person! This is such a waste of my support! "

After the lesson, Xia Guonan walked in front of Ye Ziyang.

Just then, Xia Guonan's car was driven over by a doorman, after the doorman got off, he handed the car keys over to Xia Guonan, and at that moment, an unexpected scene happened!

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