Godly Mercenary in City/C9 That's how it was pulled
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Godly Mercenary in City/C9 That's how it was pulled
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C9 That's how it was pulled

Ye Ziyang's body lightly touched the ground, and with a leap, he flipped over and jumped onto Xia Guonan's Rolls Royce, as if he was performing a magic trick.

The heels of the leather shoes he was wearing hit the ground.


A crisp sound rang out and a crack appeared on the surface of the car.

"Buzz Buzz Buzz!"

Ye Ziyang did not do such a "good thing" out of good intentions, but continued to jump on the car.

One minute later.

The poor luxury car had offended someone it shouldn't have, just because it had followed such a scheming owner. As a result, it had been injured to the point of being disgraced, with wounds all over its body.

After some rough calculations, it would be difficult to fix it without paying a price of a hundred and eighty thousand...

"Forget it. Actually, he didn't do anything. I didn't lose anything."

Luo Yuxin could no longer bear to watch, so she asked Ye Ziyang to give up on ravaging that pitiful luxury car, and at the same time, the amount of people spectating also started to increase.

"Yu Xin, remember, any man who has ill intentions towards you will have to pay the price!"

Ye Ziyang said firmly, but his eyes were staring straight at Luo Yuxin, the determination in his eyes causing Luo Yuxin to feel gratified.

"Hurry up and send us a message. This is the headlines of today's news. Hurry up and call the television station. You might even be able to earn a fee for your clues."

There were many people in the crowd recording it, and there were even some who were calling the television station.

But even more people still raised their thumbs up. This was clearly a slap to the face of that fuerdai! This gave the watching diaosi a little satisfaction in her heart.

"What are you guys looking at? If you keep looking, dig out your eyes!"

Xia Guonan was enraged, this time he was truly enraged, he had been an eagle for his entire life, but this time he was actually pecked in the eye by an eagle!

He hadn't expected that the unassuming young man would have so much energy in him.

Previously, when he saw a beauty on the street, he had tried to snatch her away. However, every time, he would succeed. This time, however, it was different.

Even after his luxurious car was smashed, the other side was still showing their love in public. Did they not know of his identity?

Looking at his friends who were still watching the show, Xia Guonan's expression suddenly changed. This was a great shame and humiliation!

At that moment, a police car slowly drove over.

"Make way, make way."

The police officer squeezed through the crowd and walked in. When he saw the unrecognizable luxury car, his heart ached. He had been a police officer for so long, but this was the first time he saw such a willful thing!

"What's going on?"

After a few Xiao Jingcha walked into the circle, a square faced policeman also walked in. Looking carefully, isn't this the Company Leader Li Jian that they met previously …

"Mr. Police, that kid smashed my car."

Xia Guonan took a step forward and denounced Ye Ziyang. Since the police were there, he would definitely not dare to make a move.


Li Jian first looked at the situation of the carriage carefully.

"Your Deputy Chief Liang is a good friend of mine, please give him some face."

Xia Guonan handed a cigarette to the leading Li Jian and started to reminisce about the old days.

"Sure, sure."

When he heard about Vice Chief Liang, Li Jian's brows tightened. He then realized, that this was a chance, Vice Chief Liang was the second-in-command in the Bureau, his promotion would definitely be of great help.

"You were the one who smashed the car …"

Before Li Jian could finish speaking, he was already shocked.

Why are there these two living Bodhisattvas everywhere?

"So … So it's the Miss Lowe, I'm really sorry, it's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. "

Originally, he wanted to teach the perpetrator a lesson. However, he discovered that he simply did not have the ability to. He could only blame his own stupidity. How could a person who could brazenly smash a luxurious carriage be of ordinary status?

"There's no misunderstanding. I was the one who smashed the car, but I refused to apologize and refuse to compensate him. He teased my girlfriend first, so I'm acting in self-defense."

Ye Ziyang said with an imposing manner, as though he had only done a small thing.

"And he extorted ten thousand dollars from me, Inspector."

Seeing that the other party seemed to have some power, Xia Guonan thought of his own money and said.

"Sir, is there such a thing? This is not a good thing, is it not, Miss Lowe … …"

Li Jian's gaze never left Luo Yuxin, because she was like a myriad of stars surrounding the moon, standing behind her was a spectator, dressed in professional attire she was even more charming than the last time he saw her, Li Jian's eyes did not want to shift further.

"Is that true?"

Luo Yuxin did not understand, because she did not know about this matter, so she asked Ye Ziyang who was beside her.

"Of course not. He was the one who paid for my information. How can that be called extortion? He volunteered, didn't he? "Sir?"


When the surrounding people heard Ye Ziyang's words of killing without paying with his life, they seemed to have understood something in an instant.

"You … "You all..."

Since he was young, he had always been treated like the stars surrounding the moon. The people around him had always only been flattering him, but today, he discovered that the brothers who were playing with him behind his back were actually laughing at his incompetence.

Looking at the crowd laughing, Xia Guonan suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Officer, can we go now?"

Luo Yuxin asked bluntly.


Li Jian was momentarily at a loss as to what to do, he did not care, but the key was that the young master was still around, and seeing his dejected look, Li Jian walked towards him.

"Sir, can you call your family and ask them what they should do?"

Li Jian did not say that he would look for Deputy Chief Liang, because if Deputy Chief Liang knew about this matter, it would be difficult for him.


At this time, Luo Yunan walked behind Xia Guonan and whispered a sentence into his ear.


Xia Guonan found it hard to believe this matter at the moment, because he did not attend the banquet last night, so he did not know who Luo Yuxin was anymore.

"I won't hold them accountable, sir."

After thinking for a while, weighing the pros and cons, Xia Guonan made the wisest decision of his life, and that was to endure this matter that had been shamed to his maternal grandma's family. Even though he was laughed at by his friends, he still did not dare act rashly, because his family's old man had once warned him to be careful when doing things, and not offend people on face.

"Alright, Miss Lowe, you can leave now."

Li Jian finally heaved a sigh of relief. Reconciliation was the best way, he couldn't afford to offend either of them.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over and that the fun was about to end, Ye Ziyang suddenly walked over and fiercely slapped Xia Guonan in the face.


A crisp sound resounded in the air, and did not dissipate for a long time.

"Well fought! He was the one who took my girlfriend away, and left her behind after we finished playing. It's time for the fight! "

Someone in the crowd was actually cheering. It looked like he was an injured bro.

Ye Ziyang did not expect that there were even fans in the crowd.


Xia Guonan could not take it anymore. He had already reached his bottom line just now, and now that he was slapped in front of the police, how could he remain calm!

Originally, Ye Ziyang did not want to help anymore, but when he felt the light from the high-powered telescope that was being observed at a distant window, Ye Ziyang changed his mind, and Xia Guonan became a pitiful bug.

"Miss Lowe, this …"

Li Jian was now stuck at the two ends of the wall and found it difficult to be a human. He had thought that the young miss of the Luo Family was a ancestor, but to his surprise, the real ancestor was the man by her side.

The wind and strength generated by the slap just now when he was by her side was something even the instructor of his own police academy could not do!

"Expert, stay away."

At this moment, those two words had become Li Jian's motto. However, in the end, he could not persevere with these two words, and suffered a tragic fate.

"Just what do you want!?"

Xia Guonan roared fiercely.

He had already secretly made up his mind. He must get rid of this man, this man who had humiliated him so greatly.

"My intentions are simple. Apologize to my woman and promise not to pursue her. Otherwise, today's matter will never end!"

In broad daylight, Ye Ziyang's actions were extremely abnormal.

"Ziyang, forget it, he actually didn't do anything to me."

As the person in question, Luo Yuxin didn't want to spread the news, so she went forward to discuss it with Ye Ziyang.

"It's fine, I have my own plans."

Ye Ziyang smiled as he replied to his woman.

At the window of an upstairs building on the main street, a pair of high-powered binoculars were monitoring everything that was happening.

"Go and report to boss."

The black-clothed man who was watching Ye Ziyang's movements through his binoculars instructed the black-clothed man beside him.


In a luxurious villa in the outskirts of Yongan, Ge Tianxiong laughed after hearing the news his subordinate had reported. Really, whatever he needed, it would come. Although the Xia Family was not as powerful as the Luo Family, but he was still one of the hidden families, and was not weak either.


"Send word to make today's news appear in tomorrow's paper. If any newspaper doesn't want to report it, you know what to do."

Ge Tianxiong instructed his subordinates.

"Yes, boss."

His men left under his orders.

Ye Ziyang knew that there were a lot of people monitoring him, but he did not know whether Ge Tianxiong's target was him or the Luo Yuxin beside him. Right now in the Yongan, what he needed was to continuously probe and accumulate strength.

An experienced old hunter would only kill their prey when they were 100% sure of it, and this was the personality that Ye Ziyang developed.

One of Xia Guonan's subordinates had already called the old man at home, because he didn't know what to do about this matter.

"Young master, this old man's word is' withdraw '!"

Taking courage, the subordinate went over to Xia Guonan and whispered into his ear.

"Just you wait!"

After saying that, Xia Guonan no longer bothered them. He got on the carriage and left with his subordinates, without bothering to greet his friends.

Luo Yunan smiled in his heart. He did not expect that after a short period of pain, they would actually watch a good show.

"Let's go."

Ye Ziyang said to Luo Yuxin with a smile, as if what happened just now had never happened before.

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