Godly Treasure Evaluator/C20 Gang ruckus
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Godly Treasure Evaluator/C20 Gang ruckus
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C20 Gang ruckus

Each time he carved, it would be like a battle. Xue Yang understood that every thought and movement he made had a certain effect on his own creation.

He changed the chisel and used over an hour to carve the huge chunk of crystal into a crystal coffin.

This crystal coffin is many times smaller than the coffins that are used in real life, but if you were to place that white jade skeleton inside, it would be more than enough.

The reason why Xue Yang created the crystal coffin was to suppress the unfathomable evil energy on the skeleton. After all, the crystal coffin had already been given an effect to ward off evil, and now that it was in the shape of a coffin, it was even more so used to maximize its effectiveness.

The Little rat seemed to be hungry and just ate a few pieces of the crystal, but the crystal was very hard to satisfy its appetite. It only ate two bites before it started to wander around.

Seeing the pitiful look on the Little rat's face, Xue Yang directly took out several different shaped jade flowers from her drawer. These flowers were left behind when she was training with the saber, and she felt that it was not bad.

Although the quality of the jade could only be considered to be good, it was definitely much more delicious than the crystal itself. Therefore, when Xue Yang placed it on the table, the Little rat immediately jumped onto the table and finished it in a few bites.

After preparing the crystal coffin, Xue Yang directly took the jade skeleton out from the box and placed it in the center of the crystal coffin.

When his tools came into contact with the skeleton, he felt that everything had been settled. Xue Yang was just carving according to the thoughts of others.

Maybe it was just a psychological effect.

With this thought in mind, Xue Yang took out the thinnest sword and went behind the Jade Skeleton.

Although Xue Yang knew that this cut that he did not plan on using would very likely destroy the entire sculpture, he still prepared to give it a try.

Even if one were to draw a knife here, no one would discover it because the mark could barely fuse with the entire cutting technique. Perhaps the person who discovered it would call the knife a failure, but no one would ever think that this was just a deliberate attempt by the sculptor.

Xue Yang placed the blade on the table and waited quietly.

After a long while, Xue Yang was still waiting at the same place.

He did not know what he was waiting for, but his instincts told him that after making such an attempt, he should receive some sort of warning or injury.

Everything was because the feeling of carving this skull was too strange. Even though he had wrapped the skull in crystal, he still could not wipe away the worry in his heart.

But after waiting for over an hour and seeing that he was still safe and sound, Xue Yang finally heaved a sigh of relief.

He was about to continue carving, but a loud noise came from outside the small dark room. It was clearly from the inside of the shop.

Xue Yang quickly walked over, only to find that the three delinquents had blocked Song Yu behind the counter, and behind the three delinquents, there were still five or six people standing on the counter, searching for the jade artifacts.


Xue Yang walked out and the Dragon Fist chant was recited in his heart.

At this moment, a hoodlum with dyed yellow hair actually extended his hand towards Song Yu, "Look at your tender face, it is a kind of perfect seduction. Originally, I didn't want to have sex with you, but you are indeed a handsome little girl.

The other hooligans were also well-matched in size. However, when they smiled, they did not forget to search for something.

Xue Yang walked out from the room but was stopped by two delinquents.

The expression on Elder Huang's face became even more wonderful, "Yo, there's a man here, and you're hiding a man in the Golden House? [That's good. This lord likes to flirt with his woman in front of his man the most …] Woman... "What the f * ck!"

Before the yellow haired man could finish speaking, Xue Yang had already pulled back his bow, directly putting down the two gangsters who were blocking his path, and rushed towards the yellow haired man with an exaggerated speed.

A series of kicks shattered the yellow-hair's jaw bone, and the yellow-hair was sent flying backwards like an arrow.

The crowd was shocked. No one dared to act rashly.

Xue Yang carried Song Yu in his arms, only now realizing that the Lady Boss's eyes were firm, and that he was holding onto a pair of scissors, seemingly intending to give it to him when the yellow hair was not expecting it.

However, the result of the attack was about the same, and the moment he landed on the ground, he fainted.

Xue Yang laughed, and directly took the scissors from Song Yu's hands. Right at that moment, Song Yu's tensed body suddenly went soft, and he leaned into Song Yu's embrace.

In ten seconds, Xue Yang had knocked down three people, causing the six people in the room to quickly throw down their things and run.

However, there was still one thing that had a jade in its pocket. It was about to slip away while he was still in the water, but just as he was about to leave, a horizontal kick knocked him against the wall.

This hoodlum did not faint, but his face was covered in blood and he looked to be in quite a sorry state.

The hoodlum collapsed to the ground, tears in his eyes and blood on his head. He took out all the things in his pockets while crying, but they were all broken at this time.

Xue Yang directly kicked his stomach, causing the hoodlum to cry as he hugged his stomach.

"Enough, don't cry. I won't hit you for now, but do you know how much these things are worth, and how long you can stay in prison for stealing?"

Hearing Xue Yang's words, the man cried even harder. Even a newborn baby couldn't cry as hard as him.

"I'm giving you this chance now. You don't need to be beaten up, you don't need to lose money, and you don't need to go to jail."

The crying suddenly stopped, the hoodlum whose face was covered in blood stared at Xue Yang with his eyes wide open.

"Just tell me who ordered the robbery."

The hoodlum lowered his head and said, "Our boss brought us here. He said that you have good business here and that there's only one assistant and the Lady Boss who don't have security. But who knew that you were so powerful … …"

"Lady Boss, call the police and calculate how much money we lost today to make him pay."

Xue Yang immediately turned and said to Song Yu. In order to stop the escaping youth, she had placed Song Yu on a chair.

But when Song Yu took out his cell phone, that hoodlum immediately wailed out: "I'll say, I'll say, it's not enough."

Seeing Song Yu put down the phone, that hoodlum's eyes were also filled with fear: "It was a boss surnamed Wang who sought out our boss, he said that your place is very easy to get his hands on, and after everything is done, he would even give us money. The brothers of Wolf Gang are so poor that they can't even afford to eat, so they all thought of doing something big …"

"Have you seen the boss?"

"I've never seen him before. My boss told me about him, but I think he mentioned that the boss also does business with jade."

His surname was Wang, and he was in the jade business, Xue Yang seemed to have some background.

He directly looked towards the shop on the other side of the road. Only then did he realise that half of the head was looking in his direction, and when he saw Xue Yang turn his head, that half of the head had immediately hidden itself under the counter.

There was no need for Xue Yang to even think about who that half head was.

Xue Yang stood up, just as he was about to go take a look around the shop, he suddenly felt his vision darken, and he fell down down hard.

Noticing the situation, the little hoodlum hurriedly grabbed the broken jade artifact that he just took out from his pocket and ran outside.

Song Yu screamed and ran over, but when he felt Xue Yang's weak breathing, he immediately used his finger to dial the emergency number, just that her hand was shaking too much, and had to call the number multiple times.

Song Yu only felt his mind turning blank as his tears crazily flowed. She squeezed onto Xue Yang's chest with all his might, but none of this could change the fact that Xue Yang had fainted.

At this moment, half of the head of the shop opposite appeared again. It looked like the big head wanted to run out, but was stopped by a hand with a bewitching nail.

Wang Lei panicked a little: "We just wanted them to destroy the shop, why are these youngsters so ridiculous, they want to kill us all! I have to go and save them! "

"Are you insane? "It doesn't matter to you what death is. If he doesn't die, we will be the ones to starve to death."

The one holding Wang Lei back was the Mrs. Chen.

A night's time passed in a flash. When Xue Yang woke up from his coma, he heard that Song Yu was still talking about something.

"... You know, ever since my father passed away, I didn't have any family to rely on anymore, so in order to collect my father's relics, I had to support this shop until I met you. You're my only family now, so wake up, don't leave me behind. "

The girl's tears fell onto Xue Yang's hands.

Just as Xue Yang was about to open his eyes, he heard another person hurriedly running in from the sickroom.

"Song Yu, don't be so sad. Xue Yang is definitely so powerful." This voice was actually Huang Yingying's.

Her arrival had also surprised Xue Yang a little, so Xue Yang also continued to lie there, wanting to see just what happened.

Due to Huang Yingying insisting on taking over the shift, Song Yu, who had not slept for the entire night, was coaxed into resting by her. When the only people left in the room were Huang Yingying and the "fainted" Xue Yang, Huang Yingying actually directly laid next to Xue Yang's face.

After a short moment of silence, Huang Yingying also began to mutter to herself. Xue Yang truly suspected that this was a common ailment of women.

"Actually, Xue Yang, I know that your boss likes you a lot. Otherwise, she wouldn't be crying so much.

"Even though you're my fake boyfriend, I realized that I really like you. I miss you every day, it's just that you're with your boss every day. How am I supposed to find you? I'm so jealous of her."

At this time, a scene of Huang Yingying pouting in front of him suddenly appeared in Xue Yang's mind. But only when he thought this, did her warm lips directly kiss his mouth.


This girl actually tried to sneak attack him when he was unconscious. When he woke up, he should have taught her a good lesson.

Xue Yang slowly experienced the warmth of the cherry lips, but had to struggle not to laugh.

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