Godly Treasure Evaluator/C7 Midnight bandits
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Godly Treasure Evaluator/C7 Midnight bandits
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C7 Midnight bandits

Xue Yang was a person that slept soundly, but ever since he started practicing the Dragon Fist, he felt that his sleep wasn't as good as it used to be.

For example, now, he had awoken from his sleep. This time, it wasn't because something had disturbed him, but because something invisible seemed to have woken him up. It was like a type of aura, causing his hair to stand on end.

He didn't know why he had this feeling in the middle of the night, but once he woke up, he would be awake. Moreover, after he woke up, this feeling would still persist. Not only that, but with his hearing that was much stronger than before, he could faintly hear sounds coming from outside.

That voice was definitely not made by Song Yu when he woke up, because Xue Yang had heard that voice before, and it was much louder than that voice. Furthermore, the beauty that had come in today was just an ordinary girl, so it was impossible for her to make such a soft noise.

If it wasn't the two of them, then it was someone else.

Xue Yang quietly got off the bed and opened his door a crack. His eyesight had also increased by a lot as well, so even though it was extremely dim right now, he could still see four people quietly walking in the living room outside. Two of them were preparing to pry open Song Yu's door, while the other two were walking in his direction.

Of these four people, three of them had knives in their hands, and it was obvious that they had not come with good intentions.

Xue Yang was shocked, the two men who went to pry open Song Yu's door had already made their move, and the one who was heading towards him had not even arrived. If the two people were allowed to enter Song Yu's room, the two girls inside would be in danger.

In just an instant, Xue Yang had already thought of the consequences! He immediately opened the door and shouted, "Boss, be careful. Someone has barged in."

After he finished speaking, he pounced towards the two people standing not far from his door.

Xue Yang had used the loudest voice possible to shout out loud, and adding the change in his body, that voice was naturally as ear-splitting as thunder.

Therefore, his loud shout successfully woke up the two girls in Song Yu's room. Song Yu reacted a little faster. After hearing his words, he was also startled, his first reaction was to wake up and go out to see what was going on.

At this time, Xue Yang was already outside his door and the two people were already fighting. He had only trained in Dragon Fist for a short time and other than his five senses, his strength and speed had also increased a lot.

In this situation, he could only use brute force while adding on the Dragon Fist's techniques. Even so, he still knocked down one of his own.

At this time, the two people who were knocking on the door had discovered the situation. One of them joined the battle while the other stood in the middle of the living room, observing the situation.

Xue Yang felt that something was amiss, but he did not have the time to deal with him.

Just then, Song Yu had already put on his clothes and pulled open the door.

The man in the middle of the living room turned to look, and at the same time a hand went to his waist. This person was the only one among the four who didn't have a saber with him. From his appearance, it was obvious that he had something even more powerful.

For a moment, an unprecedented sense of danger filled Xue Yang's entire brain. Almost without thinking, he pounced towards Song Yu with his fastest speed.

In a split-second, the sound of a gunshot with a silencer rang out. Song Yu only felt a shadow quickly rushing towards her, before she could even react, he was already on the ground.

She was about to scream when she smelled a strong scent of blood.

"Are you okay?" Xue Yang asked hoarsely. His arms were currently soft, but he did not have the mood to think about all this. When that gun hit his arm, he felt that his arm was about to break.

Song Yu was thrown into a panic by the bloody stench, he anxiously touched Xue Yang's face and said: I'm fine, you, what's wrong with you?

Hearing her slightly tearful voice, Xue Yang slowly stood up and said softly, "I'm fine. Lie on the ground and don't move."

Song Yu obediently answered with an "En" sound.

At this time, the other two had already pounced over, and quickly fought with Xue Yang again. The person who had fired the shot was still standing there, seemingly looking for an opportunity to continue firing.

Xue Yang's five senses were much stronger than the two by his side, he grabbed one of them and threw it with all his might.

Everything was silent, so as not to wake the people next door. He was scared, but he didn't dare to yell.

At this time, the light was dim. When the person who had fired the gun saw something flying over, his first reaction was to raise it and pull the trigger.


The person that was flying towards him was instantly killed, but he still continued flying towards him. The person who had fired had no time to dodge and was hit by the corpse of his comrade.

On the other hand, Xue Yang was getting more and more proficient in using the Dragon Fist. He used two moves to defeat the remaining person, then rushed towards the person who shot the gun. That person had a gun in his hand, but he wasn't that skilled. Furthermore, he was smashed until he was dizzy, and before he even had the time to shoot, Xue Yang had already killed him.

After confirming that these people did not have the ability to move, Xue Yang then said: "Alright, it's fine, you can get up!"

Song Yu crawled up from the ground, found the light switch in the living room and turned it on.

When the light was switched on, the first thing she saw was Xue Yang's bloody arm. Two streams of tears unknowingly rolled down her face, "You, are you alright?"

Xue Yang gritted his teeth in pain, but he still consoled her, "It's fine, just a small wound."

If it really was a small wound, he would definitely cry for his mother. But this was a snatch, so the wound was probably a little scary. He didn't want Song Yu to worry about him, instead, he had to pretend that he was fine.

At this time, the beauty who stayed in the same room as Song Yu walked out. When he saw the scene in the living room, he screamed out loud: "Wh-wh-what happened?"

The girl was called Huang Yingying, she had grown up cutely, when had she ever seen such a bloody scene? Seeing this scene unfold all of a sudden, it was already a great honor not to faint.

Xue Yang comforted one and wanted to comfort the other, then said with a grin: "It's fine, it's just a few thieves who barged in, why don't you help inform the police!"

Although Huang Yingying had never seen this battle before, she was not stupid. Where in the world would a thief hold a knife? Moreover, she seemed to have seen a pistol with a silencer. This was probably not a thief but someone who came to kill.

Thus, when she called the police, she directly told them about the seriousness of the situation. It was precisely because of this that the police arrived in a short period of time.

Xue Yang's wound wasn't penetrating, and the bullet grazed past, so it wasn't particularly severe. He did not want to call out for 120 right now, so Song Yu shook his hand to help him with a simple treatment of his wounds.

As soon as the police arrived, he stood in front of another group of police officers.

Several policemen came upstairs. When they saw the dead man, the leader frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Song Yu quickly spoke out: "These bandits have barged into my shop, and they even have blades and spears with them?"

The policeman was surprised for a moment and then asked, "Why are you fine if you carry a knife and a gun?"

"My shop assistant overpowered them." Song Yu explained.

The policeman glanced at Xue Yang who was lying down to rest: "Did he do it?"

Song Yu nodded.

"Tie him up and bring him back." Bring him to police station pointed at Xue Yang and ordered.

The leader of the group was the captain of the regional police force. Someone greeted him before he arrived. If the kid in the shop died, then it would be a small matter. If he didn't die, it was all over his head.

Seeing that not only was Xue Yang not dead, but he had only suffered a light injury, the leader made a prompt decision to have his men capture him first.

"Wait, why didn't the criminals capture him?" Hearing that something was wrong, Huang Yingying shouted: "Those people are the real bandits, they came in with blades and spears, and want our lives."

The captain looked at him and said, "But what I saw was that those few people no longer have the ability to move, while the three of you are fine. Did those incompetent people kill their accomplices? You'd better not obstruct our law enforcement, or else the crime will be even greater. I don't think the two of you will be able to go anywhere innocent.

Huang Yingying did not expect him to distort the truth to that point and shouted angrily: "You, you wrongly accused the good person, you two are simply accomplices!"

The captain laughed coldly, ignoring her. It was just a little girl, it wasn't worth it at all.

Huang Yingying clenched her teeth in anger, she furiously picked up her phone and made a call.

"Wuuu..." Some of Uncle Lu's men tried to kill me, and some even tried to bully me … " She started crying on the other end of the phone, recounting what had happened over here.

The captain didn't take her seriously at all. He felt like a child who had lost a fight trying to find his parents. She was trying to sue her elders!

But so what if he complained? They were members of the police force, so ordinary parents could not do anything to them.

Only, he never thought that the parent Huang Yingying sought out was not an ordinary parent.

After a while, Huang Yingying ended the call, walking over with an ice-cold look on her face: "You better wait, otherwise you won't be able to explain yourself."

The captain sneered: "Little girl, this society is not as simple as you think it is. Do you think that you can turn the situation around by crying to your family? "Stop dreaming..."

Before he could finish, his cell phone rang in his pocket. The captain's expression changed. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should take out his phone to take a look.

Huang Yingying's eyes lit up, and she said: "Officer, I think you should pick up the phone first! Otherwise, you'll never get the chance to pick up such a phone call! "

Although the team leader didn't want to show weakness in front of this little girl, she wasn't without reason, so he took out his phone. When he looked around, he saw that it was actually their Director's number.

"Xu San, who gave you the guts to randomly arrest someone and accuse them of wrongdoing? Hurry up and release her, you dare to capture her? You don't want to f * * king mess around and not implicate me? " As soon as the captain picked up the call, the director's roar came from inside.

His face was livid, but he did not dare to argue with his boss. He could only speak in a friendly tone, "Bureau Chief, there's someone dead here. It should be that kid who killed them. What if they run away?"

"Do you have evidence that he killed the man?" "If you don't have any evidence, don't randomly grab people to cause trouble for laozi. Hurry up and catch the intruder, otherwise you won't need to work as a captain."

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