Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C10 Work
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C10 Work
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C10 Work

As the countdown hit zero, a notification popped up on his phone: "Your Omniscient Eye experience has ended. We hope you enjoyed the journey. If you wish to continue exploring or even gain full access to the Omniscient Eye, consider upgrading your Secret Garden. With each upgrade, you'll receive corresponding rewards."

Zhou Pu suddenly felt the world go quiet. The constant chatter that had filled his ears vanished in an instant. This abrupt silence was unsettling, almost as if he had gone deaf.

Now, without his Metapower, he wouldn't be able to foresee the myriad of schemes and plots or anticipate what others were truly thinking. He felt a profound sense of loss, surprisingly yearning for the Metapower he had once resented. Thankfully, this wasn't irreversible. Yet, upgrading the Secret Garden seemed daunting; he hadn't even planted the seeds.

The night passed in silence.

The following day, Zhou Pu set out to find employment. He interviewed at several organizations, but they were all looking for recent graduates. As a computer science major from a third-tier university, he didn't stand out. Factories had no specific requirements, but they entailed shift work and living in the staff dormitory. Being married, he knew Lin Yijing would never agree to him moving out. While he had experience as a delivery driver, it required intimate knowledge of the local roads. Being new to Ylauginia, he was lucky not to get lost just stepping outside, so that job was out of reach too. Eventually, he secured a position as a temporary waiter at a hotel, working from 10 am to 9 pm daily. The pay wasn't great, but the hotel was conveniently located a half-hour walk from the Lin family, saving him transportation costs. Plus, with monthly pay, Zhou Pu was content.

It wasn't the most prestigious job, but it was enough to support himself. Zhou Pu was elated. He had been ridiculed for living off someone else, but now he could earn his own keep and stand tall. And without the Metapower, the newfound quietude was a welcome relief.

After returning, I updated Lin Yijing about my job situation. The old man was clearly taken aback. He had intended for Zhou Pu to take some time off before helping out at the company. Little did he know, Zhou Pu was in such a hurry that he had already found a job, and as a waiter at that. The thought of people discovering that Lin Jiantu's son-in-law was waiting tables at a hotel was mortifying for him. In Ylauginia, the Asluck Group had grown over the years to become the top-ranked conglomerate. It was even among the top three in the entire Klidiff region, with ventures in real estate, jewelry, film, catering, cosmetics, and many other sectors. Adding insult to injury, the Royal Palace Hotel where Zhou Pu had secured employment was one of the properties owned by Lin Yijing. Currently, his eldest daughter-in-law, Zhou Pu's mother-in-law, was managing it.

Zhou Pu was astounded by this revelation. He had suspected that the Lin family was well-off, but he had no idea of the extent of their wealth. The Royal Palace Hotel was a five-star establishment, renowned in Ylauginia, and just one piece of the Lin family's empire. The full scope of their fortune was staggering. As the son-in-law, he was bound to draw envy.

Nevertheless, once Zhou Pu had regained his composure, he declined Lin Yijing's offer and chose to stick to his own path. The old man debated with him briefly, but seeing Zhou Pu's resolute stance, he broke into a hearty laugh, commending him for his stubbornness, much like his grandfather. Lin Yijing didn't press further but insisted the matter remain confidential, not to be shared with even family members. Zhou Pu readily agreed.


At a table in a Western-style restaurant sat two young women, Lin Yun'er and Zhong Qian. Yun'er was in casual attire, while Zhong Qian donned a blue dress. They were enjoying their coffee and engaging in conversation.

"So, are you intentionally trying to upset your husband?" Zhong Qian inquired, setting down her cup with an amused smile.

"That wimp is not my husband. This whole situation was forced on me by Grandpa," Lin Yun'er responded with frustration.

"We're talking about a married couple here. Yun'er, we've been best friends for over a decade, and you didn't even tell me about your wedding. That's a pretty big deal."

"I never intended to marry him in the first place. We're bound to divorce sooner or later. I'll make sure you're the first to know when that happens."

"Wow, already thinking about divorce just after getting married? It's going to be tough finding someone else after being married for so long!"

"Enjoy my misfortune, why don't you? How are things with you and Prince Qiao? After all these years, you two should have settled down."

"Hmph, I'm a firm believer in staying single. I have no desire to enter the 'graveyard of love.' Who was it that I agreed to stay single with again?"

"Stop rubbing it in. I never wanted to get married either, but he's so unyielding. Nothing gets to him, not hitting, not scolding. He doesn't even bat an eye when I cheat on him. You've got to help me figure out how to push him into a divorce. I'm at my wit's end."

"Alright, I'll stop teasing. As you said, if he's unfazed by a glowing head, he's either a weirdo or he's after something else. Your family is wealthy, he's probably eyeing your assets. Didn't you mention your grandfather thinks highly of him? He might even inherit a hefty sum someday."

"Stop that, no jinxing, no jinxing. Grandpa is in great health."

"My apologies, I misspoke. What I meant was, he might end up taking over the family business one day."

"Then give me some advice already. Aren't you the one they call 'Little Zhuge'?"

"Ha, I've got a clever plan. If he's after money, it's simple. He's a country boy who's never seen much of the world. Offer him a million – it's just pocket change for you, but to him, it's a fortune. Have him sign the divorce papers willingly, and you're set."

"And if he refuses the money?"

"You're right. Compared to your family's wealth, that amount is trivial. A greedy person wouldn't take it. Besides, giving money to the greedy is just throwing it away. You need to catch him showing his true colors. That way, your grandfather won't side with him anymore. Get him drunk, let the truth spill out. Have him confess his designs on your family's fortune, record it, and show it to your family. Let's see if he has the nerve to stick around after that."

"He doesn't seem to be a drinker. He barely touched alcohol at the wedding."

"Miss, that's where you're going wrong. You could use your charm to seduce him, or better yet, whisper sweet nothings in his ear and he'll do whatever you say!"

"I'd rather not exploit my looks. Isn't there another way?"

"Well, there is another tactic. Find a gorgeous woman to set him up in a honey trap, snap some photos of him in bed, and then expose his affair. Just married and already cheating – do you think the old man would tolerate that?"

"Where am I supposed to find a gorgeous woman? Why don't you play the part, and I'll handle the photography?"

"Pfft, what an idea! Imagine a wife getting her best friend to seduce her own husband and then taking pictures. That's too scandalous for even a novel."

"Aren't you running a film production company? You've got plenty of popular stars at your disposal. Just choose one to play the role."

"My marriage is still under wraps, a secret between you and me. You mustn't tell anyone else."

"Then how about tempting him to gamble? I know a guy who runs a casino. I can't promise he'll win, but losing is a sure thing. Just bring him there, and he'll lose so much he won't even recognize his own mother. Then you can use the debt note to trade for a divorce."

"He doesn't seem to gamble either, and he's broke. Plus, he's too timid; it probably won't work. Any other ideas?"

"Well, any other methods would likely be illegal, and I can't assist you with that."

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