Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C11 Marriage Rope
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C11 Marriage Rope
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C11 Marriage Rope

As the countdown on his phone hit zero, Zhou Pu grabbed a blanket and a prepared bucket, filling it to the brim with tap water just in case it wasn't enough. He then entered the Secret Garden. The environment within the garden remained unchanged, preserving its prior state.

The garden was an enclosed space, small in size, which could be unsettling for those with claustrophobia. But for Zhou Pu, a seasoned homebody, it was a tranquil haven.

He carefully watered the seeds he had planted in the flower pot, cautious not to overdo it. He had learned that too much water could drown the seeds, while too little wouldn't allow them to sprout.

After watering, Zhou Pu gazed at the damp soil, his mind filled with concern. How long would it take for the plants to germinate, grow, and bloom? It seemed like it would take at least a month, an agonizingly slow process. Was he to simply wait idly for all that time?

Despite this, the space was comforting to Zhou Pu. The ceiling's soft light was easy on the eyes, the air was fresh with a subtle sweetness, and the temperature was pleasantly moderate, almost as if air conditioning was on. Having barely slept the night before, Zhou Pu spread the blanket in front of the shelf and decided to take a short nap.

After some time, he awoke with a start, realizing he had slept deeply. He had been in the garden for far too long; his family must have noticed by now. But then he remembered, with a wry smile, that aside from Lin Yijing, no one would mind his absence. Who else would care?

He checked the flower pot, noticing the soil had dried slightly but still no signs of germination. He watered it again, pulled out his phone, and saw that only ten minutes had passed. It felt like he had been asleep for much longer, and he felt surprisingly refreshed.

Even though he was often overlooked, the thought of his sudden disappearance from the new house troubled him. If Yun'er returned and didn't find him, he couldn't help but wonder what issues might arise. Pressing the exit button on his phone, he returned to the new house.

Confronted with the countdown on his phone once more, Zhou Pu shook his head in resignation. He couldn't fathom why the system had such a tedious setup, as if the garden were some mystical place, yet it restricted entry so needlessly.

A message suddenly popped up on his phone:

"Congratulations, fortunate cultivator, you have successfully sown the seed of the bush lily. The seed has begun to germinate. Please continue to water it with patience and await the blooming of its beautiful flowers.

As a reward for the germination, you may choose one of the following three rewards. If you fail to select within the time limit, or if you engage in any prohibited actions, the system will randomly select one for you.

Reward 1: Half of Yue Lao's Red Thread — Destiny weaves its intricate web, connecting those meant to meet, regardless of the distance. This half-thread can bind you in a destined relationship with your beloved for one month.

Reward 2: Golden Dream Fragrance — The one who awakens first knows their own life. Enter the dreams of others, craft your own delightful reverie, and become the sovereign of that dreamscape. The effect lasts as long as an incense stick burns.

Reward 3: Soul Transferring Doll — Envious of another's life? With this, you can swap souls and walk a mile in their shoes for a day."

Zhou Pu read through the options, his eyes wide with astonishment. These were beyond scientific explanation; they were the stuff of magic. Any one of them would astound the world, each brimming with allure.

The concept of fate, intangible as it is, could now be manipulated with an item. With this power, could one not arrange a date with a celebrity or court a goddess? Such a treasure defied the very laws of nature.

However, Zhou Pu found the dream-inducing reward to be of little use. Dreams, no matter how joyful, are fleeting. Upon waking, all is lost, and some dreams are even forgotten. Unless one wished to play a prank or frighten someone, he saw little value in it.

The last reward was the most astonishing. To exchange souls with someone for a day could mean transferring their wealth without their knowledge. If one were a terrorist and swapped souls with the president of Phiorend, the nuclear codes could be compromised, heralding an apocalypse.

Caught up in his thoughts, Zhou Pu was jolted back to reality by the countdown already ticking away. There was no time left to deliberate.

Which one to choose? Zhou Pu felt as if the system had tormented him into a state of indecision, his finger wavering over several options, yet he couldn't bring himself to decide. As the countdown hit zero, the system announced,

"Since you have not made a choice, the system will now grant you a reward."

Furthermore, the system's existence is a taboo within this space. The trial-taker must not disclose the system's existence to anyone, either directly or indirectly. Violation of this rule will result in punishment from the system, which may include erasing the trial-taker's karma.

The warning on his phone sent a shiver down Zhou Pu's spine. This was no idle threat. Having witnessed its magic, Zhou Pu knew better than to ignore its commands, or he would be effortlessly erased by this so-called system, without leaving a trace behind. He resolved to keep this secret buried deep within himself, never to be spoken of to anyone.

Curious about which option the system had selected for him, Zhou Pu tried to regain his composure.

The Eye of Omniscience had appeared suddenly before, but this time, the items were tools and talismans. How would they manifest? Surely not by delivery. After checking his phone and finding no further clues, and with no changes after a lengthy wait, it seemed unlikely that the items would just pop out of the screen. Could they be in his suitcase? Zhou Pu hurriedly began to search.

Just then, the door burst open.

Lin Yun'er entered, lost in thought. She caught sight of Zhou Pu crouched on the floor, digging through his worn suitcase, and felt a wave of irritation. Then, she noticed a strand of gold-threaded red rope slipping from Zhou Pu's pocket, glinting like a string of rubies.

"You're stealing!" Lin Yun'er accused, thinking she had caught him red-handed. She snatched the red rope while he was distracted. As she tugged, she realized one end was still attached to Zhou Pu's pocket. Pulling again, the red rope suddenly vanished. Had she imagined it? In that moment, both Zhou Pu and Lin Yun'er jolted, a strange tremor in their hearts, their minds going blank.

Zhou Pu looked up to find Lin Yun'er staring back at him, her expression one of complete bewilderment. He was at a loss for what she was thinking.

"I didn't steal anything," Zhou Pu asserted as he zipped up his suitcase. He had to keep the system in the dark about the prize. He'd search for it when he was alone; the system was always so baffling, leaving him perplexed. Surely it wasn't playing tricks on him this time!

"If you say you didn't steal, then I believe you," Yun'er responded, noticing his frustration and feeling an unexpected pang of distress. He had just been falsely accused, and yet he hadn't spoken ill of anyone. How could someone like that be a thief? She massaged her temples, puzzled by her sudden empathy. She was determined to push him towards divorce, so now was not the time for compassion.

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