Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C12 Drinking
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C12 Drinking
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C12 Drinking

Lin Yun'er's phone rang with a video call from the director. She had intended to ask Zhou Pu to leave, but for some reason, she held back.

"Director Lin, I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you so late. Have you had dinner yet?" The company director crouched in front of the phone, clearly trying to butter her up.

"I'm not interested in small talk. If there's nothing important, I'm hanging up," Lin Yun'er said, placing the phone on her computer desk with a hint of irritation.

"There is something. Our company's rising star, Chu Yuefei, who's recently been in several hit movies, is getting quite famous. But he's gotten himself into trouble. The fool got drunk at a bar and assaulted someone," the director explained hesitantly.

"What have you been doing? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him? I leave the company for one day, and you stir up this mess?" Yun'er said angrily, slamming her hand on the table. "Go get him back. Take care of the injured party—cover all medical and lost wages, and offer extra to settle this quietly. We can't afford a scandal."

"Yes, of course, you're absolutely right. Director Lin, your strategic mind is unparalleled," he began to flatter her again.

"Enough, just get it done," she cut him off.

"Ah, Director Lin, I've been under your brilliant guidance for so long, I know what to do, it's just that..."

"If you keep rambling, you'll be writing your resignation letter tomorrow."

"No, no, please. After Chu Yuefei's altercation, he went to a KTV. When the police arrived, they caught him and a group of people using drugs. He's been arrested. I only just heard the news and have already sent our lawyers to handle it."

"Idiot," Lin Yun'er exploded in anger, startling Zhou Pu, who was searching through his travel suitcase. He looked up, relieved to find she wasn't yelling at him, and sighed to himself at her fiery temper. He wasn't the only one on the receiving end of her outbursts.

Artists are public figures, and their reputation and image are paramount. Chu Yuefei, a handsome and talented singer, was on the fast track to stardom, being groomed by the company as their next big thing. But now, just as he was gaining fame, he'd lost his bearings and caused a debacle that not only jeopardized his own future but also threatened the company's bottom line.

"Cut ties with him immediately. Terminate all his contracts and hold him accountable for the negative impact he's had on the company. Have the PR team denounce his actions. Since he's not interested in maintaining his reputation, we'll ensure it's thoroughly tarnished."

"Yes, I'll handle it right away." Director Lin had braced himself for such a resolute decision, yet he couldn't help but feel a jolt of shock. The star who was the darling of the company just yesterday was now being discarded. The company had poured immense resources into cultivating his fame, and he had indeed generated significant value in return. Yet now, in a single moment, all that investment was severed. He sighed at the harsh reality of show business but knew this was the smartest move for the company. He couldn't help but silently admire Lin Yun'er's firm resolve.

Lin Yun'er, her face set in a stern expression, tapped her fingers on the desk after ending the call. She was clearly upset. Her handling of the situation might have appeared decisive and composed, but the loss was akin to a painful stock sell-off, and she was acutely aware of it. If only she had been more vigilant, perhaps...

Zhou Pu looked at her with a mix of worry and fear, and she found an outlet for her frustration.

"Go prepare a foot bath."


"It's too cold."


"Now it's too hot. Are you trying to scald me?"


"Be more careful. Are you doing this on purpose?"


"Is 'oh' the only thing you can say?"

"Yes. I mean, no."

Watching him attend to the task without a word of complaint, Lin Yun'er's anger subsided somewhat. She found him less irritating, certainly more so than the drug-using, brawling pretty boy. The thought of drinking crossed her mind.

"I'm in a bad mood today; you're drinking with me."

"Ah? I don't drink."

"You don't know how to drink? Are you even a man? You drank at the wedding banquet, didn't you?" Lin Yun'er immediately regretted bringing up their marital status, as if she were deliberately reminding them both of their connection.

"Let's just have a little. Too much alcohol is bad for your health."

"Enough talk, go get the wine."

Zhou Pu had to ask the butler to discover there was a wine cellar in the house. Faced with a choice of XO, vodka, Lafite, and Maotai, he was overwhelmed. He was hesitant to touch the strong spirits, but the butler professionally selected a bottle of '82 Bordeaux for him. Zhou Pu was relieved to see it was wine, the least potent option available. He would have preferred a beer, but alas, there was none to be found.

In the room, Zhou Pu and Lin Yun'er swiftly emptied a bottle of Bordeaux, their cheeks flushed with the warmth of the wine. Zhou Pu, looking a bit rosy, was ready to tidy up and head to bed. However, Yun'er, her eyes reddened, was not about to call it a night. She insisted that Zhou Pu fetch two more bottles.

Yun'er had crafted a cunning plan. Zhou Pu rarely drank, so she assumed his tolerance would be low. If she could get him drunk enough, she could coerce him into signing the prepared divorce papers and snap a photo of him in his inebriated state for leverage. Then, they could part ways without a hitch. But to her surprise, Zhou Pu's tolerance was stronger than expected. He was more lucid than she was, and she knew she couldn't let the opportunity slip away tonight. The matter had to be settled.

When Zhou Pu returned, albeit reluctantly, with two more bottles of wine and suggested they stop drinking, Yun'er let out a dismissive snort. Was this kid playing dumb, pretending to be a pushover? Did he not realize who he was up against?

"Let's play a drinking game. Loser takes a shot," she declared.

"What? A drinking game? I don't know how to play. Maybe we should stop; I've already had quite a bit, and my head's spinning," Zhou Pu protested.

"Don't play coy with me. I'll teach you—it's easy. What kind of man doesn't know how to play a drinking game? Aren't you worried about being the butt of the joke?"

Several rounds later, Yun'er, clutching her hot forehead, couldn't help but wonder why she was the only one losing after the initial couple of rounds she had won while teaching him the game. It was baffling. Was her luck really that terrible today?

"You're two bottles in, and your face is beet red. Maybe you should get some rest," Zhou Pu suggested, his gaze lingering on her now even more enchanting features. His heart raced, perhaps from the alcohol, and his mouth felt parched. He shook off the distracting thoughts and tried to focus, offering a gentle reminder.

But Yun'er, staring at Zhou Pu's blurry double image, breathed heavily with the scent of alcohol and stubbornly retorted, "I refuse to give in to this nonsense today. Let's go again. If you back out, you're a coward. Do you believe I'll hit you?"

"You seem a bit tipsy. Maybe you should..."

A punch landed on Zhou Pu's chest as Yun'er poured another drink, spilling half of it. "I'm not drunk. Come on, drink up."

Zhou Pu massaged his chest where the punch had landed. It was a solid hit. He wasn't sure if she was truly drunk or faking it. Without his Metapower of full vision, he felt as though he was blind, completely insecure. He sighed internally, thinking that Yun'er's tolerance was mediocre at best, and her behavior when drunk was even worse, resorting to violence. He had no choice but to keep her company and hoped she'd calm down if she was indeed intoxicated.

But the next turn of events made Zhou Pu wish he had put a stop to it sooner.

"It's so hot!" Yun'er tugged at her clothes. "Let's play a game... Loser strips."

"What? Strip?" Zhou Pu snapped to attention, staring at Lin Yun'er, whose face was now the color of a ripe apple as she giggled foolishly. He was so startled he nearly bit his tongue. "Where on earth did you pick up these unhealthy games? Ouch, ouch, ouch! Stop pulling my ear. Fine, I'll play, okay?"

"Are you even drunk? You can't sit straight, yet you're clear on the rules of the game!"

"Maybe we should stop this nonsense. You're... You're down to your underwear. Ouch, ouch, stop yanking my ear..."

Zhou Pu bore the intense pain in his ear, managing to subdue her. If her antics continued, he feared he might lose control. And when she sobered up, he dreaded that she might just beat him to a pulp.

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