Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C14 Save a Beauty
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C14 Save a Beauty
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C14 Save a Beauty

After a busy afternoon, he had hoped for a moment of respite. Yet, as the new guy who was always being bossed around, he was tasked with cleaning up again—tidying tools and decorations. His back ached, and his arms were sore, particularly where he had been injured the night before. The wound throbbed persistently, and moving items often aggravated it, causing sharp pains that sapped his strength.


Inside the private room:

"You hardly ever wear turtlenecks! Aren't you usually in shirts? I didn't even see you try this on when we were shopping. Are you still feeling down?" Zhong Qian tossed a shopping bag onto a chair with a flourish.

"It's all because of your brilliant idea. I nearly..." Yun'er threw her coat onto the chair, revealing a turtleneck sweater that accentuated her S-shaped figure, making her look even more alluring.

"Nearly what? Got into trouble?"

"Ugh, stop with the doom and gloom. Nothing happened; I just got drunk and made a fool of myself."

"Ha! You got drunk? Isn't his tolerance way better than yours? You're lucky he didn't take advantage of you when you were wasted."

"Stop reveling in my misfortune! It's not funny!" Yun'er stood up to tickle Zhong Qian, not stopping until she begged for mercy.

"I'm sorry, okay? Your husband's quite the gentleman. Maybe you should just give in," Zhong Qian teased, but before she could finish, Yun'er lunged at her again, prompting her to quickly clamp her mouth shut.

"Fine, I apologize. How about this: next time, I'll help you seduce your husband and rescue you from your misery. That's what friends are for, right? I'm even willing to sacrifice my charm for you!"

"That's what you said. You better stick to your word."

"Ah? You're really going to let me do that? A friend seducing your husband, and you, as the wife, are okay with this? That's not right."


As evening fell, Zhou Pu was still occupied with delivering meals. He had thought he'd soon be finishing up for the day, but upon entering a VIP room on the third floor, he froze. He hadn't expected to run into Lin Yun'er there. She had been out shopping with Zhong Qian and decided to dine here, just as unexpectedly encountering Zhou Pu.

They locked eyes, both equally taken aback.

"Do you two know each other?" Zhong Qian asked with a puzzled look.

"No!" Lin Yun'er, realizing her lapse in composure, quickly denied any acquaintance.

Zhou Pu also feigned nonchalance, setting down the dishes before slipping away quietly, maintaining the pretense of being a stranger. He had been terrified at the thought of Lin Yun'er introducing him to her friends. Despite believing that no job should be a source of shame, the idea of introducing himself as a temporary dish server in his own family's hotel to her friends was mortifying for Zhou Pu. Fortunately, Lin Yun'er had firmly denied knowing him, though he wondered if her friends might suspect something. Hearing her claim ignorance of him brought relief, but it also left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Zhou Pu reminded himself that there was still plenty of work to be done. He had long grown accustomed to others' disdain; what mattered was living with integrity. As he was about to leave, he caught sight of Lin Yun'er stepping out the door.

"I'm just going to touch up my makeup; I'll be right back," Yun'er said, waving to those inside before closing the door gently. She then grabbed Zhou Pu, who was about to leave. "What are you doing here? Carrying plates?" she whispered, her voice laced with incredulity as she pushed him against the wall.

"I... I'm working," he stammered.

"Working? This is your job?" Yun'er's voice rose with frustration. Of all the places he could work, he had to choose her mother's hotel, and as a plate carrier at that. If word got out, it would be a stain on the Lin family's reputation. She didn't want to meddle, but his current state was an embarrassment to the Lin family, and she felt compelled to intervene.

Before she could continue her reprimand, the door of the adjacent room was violently kicked open. Zhou Pu and Yun'er barely had time to process what was happening when several burly men spilled out, brawling and cursing as they went. The stench of alcohol was overpowering, and the men behind were even more aggressive, wielding bottles as weapons in their pursuit. The narrow corridor meant that Zhou Pu and Yun'er were quickly caught up in the fray. The lead man, desperate to escape his assailants, barreled towards Lin Yun'er. She recoiled in disgust, managing to land a kick that momentarily halted his advance. But as another shove sent him hurtling forward again, Yun'er braced herself for the worst. In that critical moment, Zhou Pu instinctively stepped in front of her, shielding her from the oncoming threat with his own body.

Zhou Pu couldn't bear the thought of his wife being jostled by strangers. A sudden, sharp pain shot through his shoulder as he was struck from behind. Bracing himself against the wall, he shielded Lin Yun'er with his body to prevent her from being crushed by the crowd. He took the brunt of the chaos, enduring a barrage of punches and kicks, and even a vicious blow from a wine bottle that made him gasp in pain. Catching Lin Yun'er's gaze as she looked up at him, their eyes locked. Her expression was a mix of panic, confusion, and complex emotions. Zhou Pu, feeling her body against his and inhaling her scent, was momentarily captivated by her vulnerability.

Zhong Qian, alerted by the noise, came to investigate but found herself trapped at the doorway, unable to get through. In her urgency, she dialed the police.

The corridor eventually fell silent. As Zhou Pu turned to assess the situation, he was suddenly overpowered by an immense force, his shoulder searing with pain as if his collarbone was trapped. His body involuntarily crumpled, and he found himself pinned to the ground. Struggling to look up, he realized a bald man in a black suit and sunglasses had subdued him. Around them, several others dressed similarly had the drunken brawlers also restrained on the floor, some of whom were silenced by a swift knockout. These suited men resembled movie bodyguards, leaving Zhou Pu bewildered by the unfolding scene.

"Director Lin, are you okay? These lowlifes had the audacity to bump into you; they should be punished severely. Beat them until they can't stand. If they end up crippled, I'll take the blame," declared a tall young man, dressed in designer clothes and sporting earrings, exuding an air of entitlement.

"No need for violence," Lin Yun'er interjected, her eyes betraying a hint of revulsion upon recognizing the newcomer. Yue Qi, the sole heir to the Yue Group, was rumored to be a Whiadan-educated returnee who had taken over his family's enterprise, managing a chain of cinemas. Lin Yun'er disapproved of his notorious reputation for frequent scandals and his rapid succession of girlfriends, akin to changing socks. Their paths had crossed professionally a few times, and despite his repeated invitations, she had always declined. Now, witnessing Yue Qi ordering his men to attack, and considering the venue belonged to her mother's hotel, she knew the situation could not escalate further. Besides, the poor fellow who had been mistakenly identified as a troublemaker would suffer a beating if she remained silent.

"Stop, Director Lin has spoken. Why haven't you stopped?" Yue Qi chastised as he approached Yun'er. He gallantly removed his jacket, intending to drape it over her shoulders. "Director Lin, you must be shaken. The wind is quite strong outside; please don't catch a cold."

"No need, I'm not cold," Lin Yun'er declined, her gaze unintentionally falling upon Zhou Pu on the ground, feeling a flutter of unease. She then questioned her own reaction—why bother looking at that coward? It would be far more satisfying to infuriate him.

"Please, don't stand on ceremony. Consider this an apology for the behavior of my subordinates," he said, placing the coat on Lin Yun'er without waiting for a response.

"Thank you," Yun'er said softly, her eyes once again seeking out Zhou Pu. She hoped to see his anger, but his look of dejection didn't bring her the joy she had anticipated.

"Clean this up!" Yue Qi commanded the bodyguards. Sensing a shift in Lin Yun'er's demeanor, he felt a glimmer of hope and tenderly offered, "Yun'er, allow me to make amends over a drink."

"My friend is here."

"Oh, the celebrated author Zhong Qian is with you? Let's all go together."

"I'd rather not play gooseberry, plus I've called the police," Zhong Qian said with a shrug.

"What a shame. Yun'er, let me escort you home. It's far too risky for a young lady to be out alone at night."

"Since the police have been alerted, I should stay until everything is resolved."

After several unsuccessful attempts to persuade her, Yue Qi left reluctantly, keen to avoid a trip to the police station for a less than pleasant 'tea'.

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