Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C18 Reward
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C18 Reward
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C18 Reward

Zhou Pu jolted awake and sat up. Noticing Lin Yun'er still motionless beside him, he hurried to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. As his lips met hers, he felt a soft warmth. She was warm; her body temperature had normalized, a stark contrast to the icy coldness it had before. Overjoyed, Zhou Pu pressed his ear to her chest and was greeted by the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat and faint breathing. She was alive. As he relaxed, he realized he was lying on her black lace bra, the full curves of her body just inches from his eyes. He quickly moved away, relieved to see her eyes still closed, sparing him from embarrassment. He felt a twinge of fear at his own frivolity—if she knew, she might kill him.

Zhou Pu swiftly adjusted the high-collared sweater that had been pulled up to his neck, redressing properly. Still, it did little to conceal her perfect curves. He swallowed hard, forcing his gaze away.

As his anxiety subsided, the pain in his leg demanded his attention once more. The wound on his thigh had scabbed over and appeared smaller. It seemed to be healing, but the pain was still sharp. He then remembered the bullet lodged inside. What to do? Call an ambulance? But how would he explain the wound, the bullet?

Just then, a notification pinged from his phone. Checking it, he found several messages waiting.

"Congratulations to the fortunate participant. You have successfully completed the hidden mission—'She Cannot Die.' The red rope's duration is now 25 days."

Zhou Pu felt a wave of relief wash over him. The system confirmed she was saved; there was no need for her to die. He read on.

[Hidden mission reward: 1. An everlasting bond. The red rope will endure until death parts you. A lifelong connection, destined to bring you together regardless of the distance.]

[Reward 2: Money isn't everything, but without it, you're nothing. Reward: 1 million in cash.]

[Reward 3: Health is the capital of the revolution. The resilience of grass pushing through brick and bean sprouts breaking soil is the very foundation of their existence.]

Zhou Pu found himself captivated by the latest rewards. These seemed much more straightforward than the previous quirky, time-limited offerings. He was puzzled about how the red rope came into Lin Yun'er's possession, but its benefits were undeniable. Take, for instance, that night of drinking; despite his lack of experience with alcohol and unfamiliarity with the drinking games, he had won. It was clear now that the red rope had secretly tipped the scales in his favor. Moreover, it had played a crucial role in helping him find her from miles away. It explained the recent, inexplicable increase in their interactions—the red rope was at work.

To Zhou Pu, a million yuan was an astronomical sum, something he never imagined he'd earn in his lifetime. In a world ruled by money, wealth was the key to respect, freedom, and the lifestyle one desired. Often, the gap between the rich and the poor hinged on that first pot of gold. While some toiled a lifetime without filling it, others achieved financial independence early on. With this initial million, Zhou Pu's future could look vastly different.

Life is about survival, and hope exists only for the living. Maintaining good health is humanity's perpetual pursuit. Yet, Zhou Pu was unsure what the third reward entailed. Would it grant him a robust constitution impervious to all ailments, or perhaps eternal youth and everlasting beauty?

As the familiar countdown resumed, Zhou Pu's indecision returned. He couldn't leave his fate to the system's random selection again. He needed to take charge of his destiny. Although the red rope had its advantages, offering him a supreme grade wife on a silver platter, Zhou Pu's traditional views on marriage and love required mutual affection. He instinctively rejected the idea of coercing someone's affection with an artifact. He even forwent the million yuan; after all, the first option seemed far superior. Marrying Lin Yun'er would effectively mean sharing her substantial wealth, far exceeding the allure of a mere million. As the timer ticked towards zero, Zhou Pu decisively chose the third option.

"Reward 3 selected by the Trial Challenger: The body is the capital of the revolution. Reward: Innate Ability: Vitality (Beginner)."

Zhou Pu had finally made his choice. He was thrilled that this ability came without a time limit. However, he was slightly disappointed to see the word "beginner" tagged onto the end of the ability's description. Did this mean there were intermediate and advanced levels as well? Despite this, he was content. It was the first time he had received a permanent ability from the system, even though he was still unsure of its practical applications.

"The high-level cultivation mission for Aetherleaf has commenced. Trial Challenger, please begin cultivation. Failure will result in the permanent removal of Aetherleaf from the selection options. Countdown: 15 hours, 20 minutes, 13 seconds." Zhou Pu was about to leave the interface when he noticed a previously overlooked notification. He recalled choosing the Aetherleaf to save someone, not expecting that there would be three seeds. Two had been consumed, leaving a solitary seed in the wooden box. Perhaps the Aetherleaf's low survival rate was the reason the system provided extra seeds. Now, with only one remaining, Zhou Pu's concern grew.

The Aetherleaf truly lived up to its name. Initially skeptical, he was amazed when the lifeless body was revived and his own leg wounds healed rapidly. All thanks to the Aetherleaf seed—a veritable elixir capable of reversing death. If he could successfully cultivate it, he envisioned creating a field of Aetherleaf, watching it sway in the breeze, which made Zhou Pu's heart race with excitement.

The future of mass-producing this miraculous elixir hinged on this sole seed. With reverence, Zhou Pu planted the golden, diamond-shaped seed in the earth. He moistened his finger with water from the bucket he had brought and flicked droplets onto the thin layer of soil covering the seed. After a silent wait, there was no change. He checked the high-level cultivation mission's countdown, which was still ticking away. It appeared that germination wouldn't happen quickly.

A muffled groan came from behind him. Zhou Pu turned to see Lin Yun'er's eyelids trembling, as though she was struggling to wake up. Just as he was about to rouse her, a terrifying thought made his heart lurch, draining the color from his face.

He remembered the system's warning: he must not reveal its existence to anyone, or he would face punishment. Though he didn't know the exact nature of the punishment, his experiences with the system had taught him to fear its power. An entity capable of providing Godleaf could inflict unimaginable penalties. Would he simply vanish without a trace? Be utterly destroyed, body and soul? Or be trapped in a state between life and death? The thought alone was enough to drench Zhou Pu in cold sweat. In a panic, he lunged forward, covering her eyes to prevent her from seeing anything. Fearing she might overhear something, he pulled her head into his embrace. Luckily, her hands and feet were still bound; in his haste to save her earlier, he hadn't untied her, which now prevented her from struggling.

Lin Yun'er felt as if she had been trapped in an endless dream, becoming lighter and lighter until she floated away. It took what seemed like an eternity before she touched down again. But all around her was darkness, devoid of any light, silent as if the world had cast her aside. It was cold, suffocating, and painful.

Earlier that evening, she had taken her sports car out for a drive, only to notice another vehicle tailing her. She had tried to shake them off with her driving skills, but to her horror, they were armed. Her tire was shot out, sending her car careening through the guardrail. As her world turned a bloody red, she lost consciousness. Upon awakening, she found herself trapped in a bag, her limbs bound, with the roar of an engine and the stench of blood and gasoline assaulting her senses. Pain wracked her body, and she could feel blood seeping from her wounds. Unable to move, her strength ebbed away with time. She had been kidnapped. Would they kill her? Would they violate her? Consumed by terror, her usually strong demeanor crumbled, leaving her feeling as vulnerable as any frightened child. She longed for her grandfather, her father, her mother—anyone to save her. Even the image of that cowardly man flashed through her mind, a testament to her desperation. Breathing became a struggle, and she thought perhaps it would be a mercy to die rather than suffer further indignities. Overwhelmed by exhaustion, she longed for rest.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Lin Yun'er began to feel warmth enveloping her, and the pain that had racked her body started to fade. She wasn't dead after all, was she? She sensed someone touching her, even her lips. Overwhelmed by shame, anger, resentment, and humiliation, she yearned to fight back, but her body wouldn't respond. Even the simple act of opening her eyes was a monumental struggle. She needed to wake up quickly, determined to bite and tear away flesh from those brutes if necessary. But just as she was on the verge of opening her eyes, hands suddenly covered them, and her entire head was enveloped. A distinctly masculine scent filled her nostrils, and in that moment, she found herself oddly at peace. The scent was strangely familiar. Was this what all men smelled like? Lin Yun'er felt bewildered.

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