Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C2 Marriage
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C2 Marriage
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C2 Marriage

The bedroom was a vision of luxury and space, adorned in red. A sea of rose petals, arranged in the shape of a heart, lay scattered across the expansive double bed, their scent a delicate whisper in the air. The headboard and door were graced with large "double happiness" symbols. Above, a grand crystal chandelier dripped with tiny, intricate red lanterns, each one bearing the character for "happiness." Matching "happiness" blankets and pillows adorned the bed, while a vast wardrobe dominated the room's end, its center showcasing an impressive LCD TV.

Beside the bed, a row of pristine white sofas stood, and there sat Zhou Pu, his demeanor akin to that of a nervous bride on her wedding day.

Today marked Zhou Pu's entry into the Lin family as a son-in-law, a role not unlike that of a bride.

His mind wandered back to the previous two months, when he had managed his grandfather's funeral rites. In the countryside, there was a tradition of honoring the deceased seven days after their passing. With little money and no relatives to mourn with, Zhou Pu had simply lit candles and prepared some vegetarian dishes, keeping vigil by his grandfather's photograph in silent contemplation, reminiscing about their time together. Tears swirled in his eyes but never quite escaped.

Every seven days, the old man would come to pay his respects, and over time, they grew to know each other. Zhou Pu learned that the man's last name was Lin and that his family, which owned a company, was quite wealthy. The elder Lin spoke of how Zhou Pu's grandfather had saved his life multiple times in their youth, even taking bullets for him. This debt of gratitude was etched deeply in his heart, a debt he longed to repay but never had the chance. Zhou Pu's grandfather had never spoken of these acts of heroism, only of the bonds forged in revolution and camaraderie, of the brotherhood shared among those who had borne arms together. Zhou Pu relayed these humble recollections to the old man, who responded with a heavy sigh and a long, contemplative gaze at the photograph.

Zhou Pu had assumed that after the fifty-day mourning period for his grandfather, his interactions with the old man would cease. Yet, unexpectedly, he found himself at the Lin Residence shortly thereafter. In the presence of the entire Lin family, the elder Lin asked Zhou Pu to address him as "Grandfather," a request that seemed fitting given their grandfathers' comradery. But as soon as Zhou Pu uttered the word, the old man burst into laughter and, with a decisive stroke, arranged Zhou Pu's marriage.

Lin Yijing was a man whose word was law at home, and his domineering gaze silenced several people who hesitated to speak. It took Zhou Pu quite some time to realize that he was being rushed into becoming a son-in-law. Wasn't this too impulsive? Shouldn't they inquire about his family background, education, height, or whether he owned a house or car? It felt like a pie had fallen from the sky, landing squarely on his head. Was it his lucky day? Or was he walking into a marriage scam? But as a man with nothing to his name, what was there to scam from him? Surely they weren't after his kidney?

On second thought, Zhou Pu considered that the situation might not be as simple as it seemed. His luck couldn't be that good. Perhaps the granddaughter was older, unattractive, or even ill, unable to find a suitor, and that's why he was being pushed into this marriage. The people who had earlier bitten their tongues, perhaps out of a sense of conscience, didn't want to see him fall into a trap but were too intimidated by Lin Yijing's authority to speak up.

He knew he should reject this marriage proposal outright, but the words wouldn't come. Who was he to judge others? He should be grateful if they weren't judging him. Remembering his grandfather's dying wish and the family heirloom jade ring, he tacitly accepted the marriage.

The wedding was arranged hastily and kept simple. Zhou Pu had no complaints. He worried about what to prepare, but the wedding company staff had everything under control, providing attire, makeup, and personal service. His only job was to go along with their plans.

The ceremony was traditional Chinese. Zhou Pu donned a Tang suit and performed the wedding rites with the bride, who was cloaked in a red veil. Her face was hidden, but her tall, slender figure was evident. The attendees were all members of the Lin family, including Lin Yijing, his three sons, daughters-in-law, and several grandchildren.

During the ceremony, the officiant called out twice before the bride, standing stiffly, finally bent down at Lin Yijing's personal command. It was only during the formalities that Zhou Pu met his in-laws, who wore no smiles. As the old man glanced over, Zhou Pu managed a strained, awkward smile. Internally, he sighed, realizing they weren't impressed with him. This marriage... it felt like Lin Yijing was forcing a mismatched union. A forced melon is not sweet, Zhou Pu thought, wanting to speak up. But Lin Yijing's imposing presence not only intimidated the family but also made Zhou Pu's heart quiver, leaving him to feign ignorance and accept the situation.

The newlyweds were swiftly escorted to the bridal chamber, where Lin Yijing joined their hands together, his laughter booming as he repeatedly exclaimed his approval with a hearty "good." After imparting some final words of advice, he left the room with evident reluctance.

Once the door was shut, Zhou Pu and Lin Yun'er were left alone. Zhou Pu's heart pounded as he held a girl's hand for the first time; her skin was soft and smooth, stirring a nervous excitement within him and setting his thoughts adrift.

Abruptly, his hand was flung aside. Had he held on too long and angered her? Zhou Pu's anxiety deepened. He eyed her red bridal veil, knowing tradition dictated that the groom should lift it with a rod, not directly with his hands. Yet, seeing no rod in sight, he wondered if using his hand would suffice.

Before he could decide, Yun'er had already lifted the veil herself and tossed it onto the bed, revealing a face of breathtaking beauty. Zhou Pu, who had braced himself for any outcome, was momentarily spellbound by her celestial features. But the icy gaze from beneath her long lashes snapped him back to reality.

"Whether you've realized it or not, I must remind you that this marriage was Grandfather's wish, not mine," Yun'er stated, not waiting for Zhou Pu's agreement before continuing. "I consented to this union to avoid upsetting him in his old age. I'm indifferent to whatever sly tactics you employed to earn his trust. But if you think you can coast along, living off me, you're sorely mistaken. Our marriage is a sham. You are not to touch me, share my bed, or reveal to anyone that we are husband and wife. Have I made myself clear? I won't repeat myself."

"But... earlier, when we touched..." Zhou Pu began, recalling their brief contact.

"That didn't count," Yun'er interjected sharply.

"And what about in the future, with Grandfather?" Zhou Pu ventured.

"Be quiet," Yun'er snapped, punctuating her command with a punch to Zhou Pu's chest, silencing his ramblings. "In front of Grandfather, we'll play the part. But when he's not around, keep your hands to yourself."

Zhou Pu could do nothing but rub his chest in silence. The girl, Yun'er, was incredibly fierce, and she certainly didn't know her own strength. He feared that life ahead would be quite challenging.

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