Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C20 Solo
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C20 Solo
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C20 Solo

In the elder sister's view, Zhou Pu was the stereotypical abusive brute, and Lin Yun'er was the pitiable, delicate wife. She believed that spousal arguments were commonplace, and that a man hitting his wife wasn't out of the ordinary as long as it wasn't lethal. The elder sister intended to mediate their dispute, but her efforts seemed futile as both parties remained stubbornly quiet.

The meals prepared by the elder sister lacked the refinement and flavor of restaurant dishes. The unappealing presentation left Yun'er with little appetite, and she only managed to eat a few bites of bamboo shoots due to sheer hunger.

Zhou Pu wasn't fussy about food; being full was his only concern. The fresh wild game from the mountains was a welcome meal after a long night's work. He expressed his gratitude and dug in heartily.

Post-meal, a middle-aged man stepped outside to split wood and bamboo. Having just enjoyed their hospitality, Zhou Pu felt compelled to offer his assistance as a form of repayment. His help reduced the man's initial hostility. It was only later that Zhou Pu realized the man was mute, which explained his silence. He also noticed the middle-aged woman's mobility issues. Despite their lack of education, they were genuine, kind-hearted, and shared a loving bond.

Yun'er, seeing the elder sister clearing the table, felt inclined to assist, but her inexperience and clumsiness, compounded by a wrist injury and the loss of one of her high heels, made her efforts more chaotic than helpful.

The elder sister didn't expect Yun'er to help, recognizing her as someone unaccustomed to such labor. Yet, her warmth towards the couple only grew.

"Listen, dear," the elder sister advised Yun'er while tidying up, "I've been around the block. Your man isn't all that bad; he's diligent and willing to work. Don't let pride get in the way. Men have their pride, and sometimes, as a woman, it's wise to be the one who yields. Then, all will be well."

"I... Ugh," Yun'er muttered, at a loss for words. She quickly diverted the conversation. "Sister, where are we? Is there a phone I could use? How far is Ylauginia from here?"

"We're in Yan Huishan. There's no electricity in these deep mountains, let alone a phone. I've heard of Ylauginia, but I'm not sure how far it is. You must be from the city, it's quite obvious. Don't worry, though. Tomorrow, our man is heading to town to sell some goods, and he can take you folks along."

"Hey, can I borrow your phone?" Yun'er called out to Zhou Pu, who was outside the house covered in bamboo. She sighed internally, frustrated at his carefree attitude. It was as if he didn't realize they were stranded, not visiting.

"Sorry, my phone's dead," Zhou Pu called back. It was a shame there was no power here, but even if there were, he hadn't brought his charger.

"Why didn't you bring a portable charger?"

Zhou Pu was silent. His phone's battery usually lasted a day, and he wasn't a heavy user, so he never felt the need to buy one. Now, he regretted not having one.

Cut off from communication and unsure of their location, Lin Yun'er reluctantly accepted the elder sister's offer.

That night, they were ushered into a tiny room, barely a few square meters. Zhou Pu and Jing Yun were practically herded inside by the sister's eager hospitality. The floor was covered with hastily laid mats and a folded quilt that boasted a vintage red floral pattern, likely a wedding quilt from years past, now patched in places.

Yun'er eyed the setup with distaste. She was supposed to sleep in this oddly scented room under this peculiar quilt? She longed for her own pajamas and Pikachu blanket.

Zhou Pu, thinking she might be having trouble moving, made up the bed for her. Just as he was about to suggest she lie down, a wary voice stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

"Making the bed."

"Why are you making the bed?"

"To sleep."

"Pervert, don't even think about it. Keep your distance."

"I wasn't thinking anything!"

"Did you set this up with the elder sister? Why else would we be pushed into the same room?"

"Shh, keep it down. It wouldn't be good if others heard us."

"Feeling guilty, aren't you? Just because I'm injured doesn't mean you can do whatever you please."

"No, this is the only room in my sister's house. We should be grateful they've let us stay here."

"Fine, but you stay on your side. Don't even think about coming over here."

"Understood." Zhou Pu didn't care to elaborate. Yun'er seemed a bit too full of herself. Sure, she had a nice figure, but he was far from desperate, and he certainly had no intention of exploiting her vulnerability.

Zhou Pu wasn't picky about where he slept. Exhausted, he grabbed a blanket and lay down in the corner, facing away from her.

Silence enveloped the room. Without the distractions of a cell phone or TV, and with the bed feeling unfamiliar, Yun'er couldn't sleep and was restless.

"Hey, why are you even here?" When Zhou Pu remained silent, Yun'er, feeling a bit silly for asking, calmly voiced the question that had been on her mind.

"I... I really don't know," Zhou Pu replied, unsure of how to explain. Should he tell her that the red rope had led him to her, and that he had used a special space provided by the system to escape a villain's pursuit? That would be unbelievable, and it would also reveal the system's existence, something Zhou Pu was not willing to risk.

Yun'er eyed him with suspicion, about to press further, when a peculiar noise from the neighboring room caught their attention. They both listened intently as a creaking sound emerged, accompanied by a man's heavy breathing. Exchanging glances, they both recognized the intimate nature of the sounds and blushed. The night was quiet, and the rhythmic creaking of a bed was the only sound that persisted.

Yun'er's heart raced, surprised to be so close to such an encounter, separated only by a wall, and to be experiencing it alongside Zhou Pu. She stole a glance at him, wondering if he might suddenly act on impulse and come at her. With her injury, she felt powerless and feared she wouldn't be able to fend him off if he did.

Zhou Pu felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he realized his brother and sister-in-law were quite the amorous couple. But he recognized that such passion was perfectly natural. In fact, it was he and his partner who were the unconventional pair. The image of the pristine spring scenery he had previously glimpsed involuntarily flashed through his mind, causing his body to warm. He fought the urge to let his thoughts wander and, despite himself, his eyes covertly glanced her way. Their eyes met, and they both quickly looked away in a shared moment of flustered panic.

The night passed in silence.

Upon waking in the morning, Zhou Pu caught the scent of a delicate fragrance. Glancing down, he discovered Lin Yun'er nestled in his embrace like a kitten. Her long hair tickled his nose as she continued to sleep peacefully, her makeup-free face as delicate as a porcelain doll, exuding an added sense of intimacy and tenderness. Her back pressed against his chest as if to draw warmth from him. Her soft form lay in his arms like a cushion, with his hand resting on her thigh. It seemed the chill of the night and the smallness of the room had led Lin Yun'er to instinctively seek refuge in the warmth of his embrace.

Startled, Zhou Pu's heart raced with the desire to pull away, yet he found himself savoring the closeness. He knew he should move before she awoke and possibly took offense, but as he attempted to slip away quietly, he realized he was trapped in the corner with no room to retreat. It wasn't his fault; she had moved towards him.

Her eyelids began to flutter, signaling she was about to awaken. In a moment of desperation, Zhou Pu shut his eyes, feigning sleep in the hopes of avoiding detection.

Without warning, he felt a sharp pain in his chest as Yun'er, acting on impulse, delivered an elbow strike. Zhou Pu bit back any reaction, staying silent. Perhaps realizing she had been the one to move closer, she made no further movements, leaving only the sound of her soft footsteps as she walked away.

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