Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C23 Lover's Knot
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C23 Lover's Knot
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C23 Lover's Knot

Yun'er felt a twinge of discomfort when Zhou Pu called her by her name. It wasn't that he had gotten it wrong, but it sounded too familiar, almost too affectionate, and it struck her as odd. Her parents and grandfather used her name all the time without it feeling out of place, but hearing it from Zhou Pu's lips carried an unexpected intimacy. Initially, she had intended to hire a female bodyguard, but something about Zhou Pu's demeanor, almost as if he were piqued, made her impulsively choose a male bodyguard instead.

She was curious to see if Zhou Pu's expression would change. True to her expectations, he suddenly seemed to remember something and dashed off to his room, looking anxious. Was he hiding in the bathroom to cry out of jealousy? The thought of this timid man seeking refuge in the bathroom to weep excited Yun'er. After all, he had had the audacity to kiss her in front of so many people. Where did he get the nerve? She couldn't just let that slide; she needed to reclaim some of her dignity.

But Zhou Pu wasn't off to shed tears. Despite feeling unsettled, his current state of panic stemmed from the realization that he hadn't yet completed his task involving the Godleaf. The mere three seeds he had were proof enough of the plant's difficulty to cultivate. Since planting them, there had been no sign of germination, and then his phone battery had died. He recalled that the system had a countdown for the task, and if time ran out, he would lose the chance to obtain this miraculous medicine capable of reviving the dead. The mere thought of such a loss was enough to cause him distress.

Once he had charged his phone to 10%, a flood of missed calls and text messages appeared. Zhou Pu, too anxious to be bothered with them, hurried into the bathroom and entered the Secret Garden. The garden appeared unchanged at first glance. The bush lily on the rack had grown noticeably, sprouting four soft leaves. However, the pot for the Godleaf was not on the rack where he had left it, right next to the bush lily.

The Secret Garden wasn't vast, so it didn't take long for him to spot the pot tucked away in a corner by the rack. Inside the pot was a thumb-sized green sprout that looked utterly unremarkable, resembling nothing more than a common weed. Could it be that a seed from a wild grass had germinated in the soil? He quickly unlocked his phone to check the system notification for answers.

"Congratulations, fortunate challenger, on completing the advanced planting task: the Godleaf Sprouting Mission."

"This mission was quite challenging, and you are presented with a choice of four rewards."

"Reward 1: A rare item — the Mountain God's Whistle. With the roar of a tiger, the song of birds, and the cry of apes, have you ever wished to understand the language of animals? The Mountain God's gift can aid you. Simply hold the whistle in your mouth to comprehend the speech of common animals, but be careful not to swallow it."

"Reward 2: An innate ability — Bubble Breather. The ocean covers seventy percent of Earth's surface, and there's plenty of oxygen in its rivers and lakes. Yet humans and other terrestrial creatures have long forgotten how to breathe underwater, absurdly drowning in their very cradle of life. Awaken your ancient bloodline and gain the ability to breathe beneath the waves."

"Reward 3: An innate ability — Cold-blooded Killer. The high body temperatures of humans and other animals grant them enduring stamina and stable metabolism but also make them glaring targets, like a beacon in the night. With this ability, you'll gain thermal sensing to detect nearby objects with significantly higher temperatures."

"Reward 4: A rare item — the Lover's Knot. This amber is formed from the tears of two lovers. When worn by your beloved, as long as there's mutual concern, you'll be able to sense each other's presence and possibly foresee impending dangers to one another, offering a timely warning."

No sooner had Zhou Pu finished reading than the system began its merciless ten-second countdown. He felt like he was on the verge of a breakdown. As someone who struggles with decisions, the system's previous offer of three choices was already overwhelming. Now, faced with an even more daunting four options, he wondered how this could be considered a reward—it felt more like torture.

The system seemed to enjoy its little games, alternating between talents and tools. Yet, there's a distinct difference between the two. A tool can be used by oneself or given to others, carrying the risk of theft. A talent, on the other hand, is exclusive to the user, theft-proof, and always with you, sparing you the awkwardness of needing it and not having it on hand. Each has its own set of pros and cons.

Zhou Pu had already ruled out the fourth reward. The Lover's Knot was meant for lovers, and although he might harbor some affection for Lin Yun'er, her disdain for him was palpable. Even if he had chosen it, he wouldn't have been able to use it.

The two talents appeared formidable, yet modern technology was nearly on par with such gifts. Humans could explore underwater with the aid of oxygen tanks, and soldiers, equipped with night vision goggles, could detect enemies using infrared technology.

However, the first item, which granted the ability to understand animal speech, was something beyond the reach of current technology. This, arguably, made it the most valuable of the rewards.

This was, of course, a theoretical analysis. For Zhou Pu, who had never actually seen a diving apparatus or night vision goggles, these items were as rare as unicorns.

He was just about to select the first option when the system's impersonal notification chimed in.

"The challenger has not made a choice within the time limit. The system will now randomly award the fourth item: Rare Item — Lover's Knot."

"Damn it," Zhou Pu swore under his breath. Why were there four options to complicate matters? Why did the countdown go by so quickly? And why award me the most useless item?"

He pulled out a pair of pendants from his pocket, each shaped like a Tai-Chi Pattern and resembling two necklaces. The two semi-transparent little fish were intricately carved, down to the scales, and looked almost lifelike. They were nearly identical, save for a green spot on one fin and a red spot on the other. A gleaming golden cord threaded through the fish's mouths, allowing them to be worn as necklaces. At first glance, they might seem like cheap street market finds, but upon closer inspection, their exquisite craftsmanship was undeniable, worthy of being considered national treasures.

Zhou Pu, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation, tucked the pendants back into his pocket. They seemed as useless as a fifth wheel. He considered selling them; their fine workmanship could fetch a handsome price, perhaps enough to secure his financial future. Yet, the thought of their unique, magical ability gave him pause. Who knew? Perhaps one day, when he met someone he truly cared for, the Lover's Knot might prove invaluable.

Zhou Pu recalled how lucky he was to have had the red rope as a reminder, which led him to find Lin Yun'er. Unfortunately, the red rope's effect only lasted a month. He mused that if he had the Lover's Knot, perhaps he could have foreseen the danger and prevented the kidnapping altogether. But Zhou Pu knew it was just wishful thinking. There was no guarantee that Lin Yun'er would be in tune with his feelings, and the Lover's Knot wasn't a surefire solution—it was far from foolproof. In the end, it seemed rather useless.

Checking his missed calls, Zhou Pu saw that half were from his grandfather, which warmed his heart a bit. The rest were from a colleague at the hotel, who, despite his stern exterior, seemed to genuinely care about him in times of need. Returning the call, Zhou Pu was about to express his gratitude when he was met with a tirade of insults that left him stunned. Eventually, after enduring the rant, he was given an ultimatum: either be fired or lose three days' wages, with no second chances.

Zhou Pu sighed, resigned to the harshness of reality. He apologized and agreed to return to work the next day, but the loss of three days' pay weighed heavily on him.

"Did you fall into the toilet or something?" Lin Yun'er's impatient voice called from outside.

With no time to waste, Zhou Pu hurried out, only to be stopped by Yun'er. "Keep quiet about this," she instructed. "If anyone asks, just say the police saved us."

Zhou Pu was still smarting from his financial hit, the deduction from his salary, and the considerable sum he'd spent on cab fares. That taxi ride had felt like daylight robbery. He regretted splurging on cotton slippers for her—she had worn them only once before discarding them disdainfully. In his village, a girl like her would be labeled a spendthrift, a bad omen for whoever married her. And to think, he had finally received a reward, only for it to be the least useful one. If he had known better, he would have chosen anything else.

As he listened to her imperious commands, Zhou Pu's mood soured further. He simply nodded, barely acknowledging her.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Are you listening?" Yun'er snapped, irritated by his apparent disregard as he walked past her as if she were invisible. She grabbed at his clothes, and a golden thread peeked out from his pocket.

Zhou Pu hadn't noticed when Yun'er snatched the golden thread. By the time he realized and tried to snatch it back, the tug-of-war between them caused the taiji fish to split in two, each half landing in their hands.

Initially, Lin Yun'er feared she had damaged the fish, but upon closer inspection, she discovered it was designed to separate. Admiring the delicate craftsmanship and charming design, she instantly took a liking to it. But then she quickly confronted Zhou Pu, "Where did this come from?"

"It wasn't meant for you."

"Hmph, did you find it or steal it? Don't tell me you bought it at some dollar store," Yun'er retorted, growing even more irritated by his cheeky responses.

"It's none of your business."

"You won't tell me, huh? Fine, I'll hold on to this half until you're ready to talk," Yun'er said, her face contorting with disdain. She then scoffed and shoved the item into her pocket.

"Wait, I told you, a friend gave it to me," Zhou Pu said, watching the item being forcibly taken from him, his frustration boiling over. She had already stolen the red rope from him, and now she was after the Lover's Knot. She was acting like a bandit. The knot was attractive and could fetch a good price; he couldn't just let her have it.

"A friend gave it to you? Who would give you such a vintage piece? Stop lying."

"It's not yours, give it back."

"You want to get physical? Don't think I won't hit you," Yun'er said, her anger turning to laughter when Zhou Pu made a move to reclaim it. A flash of fear crossed her mind as she remembered the bite mark he had left on her neck. This guy was unpredictable, and if he lost his temper, he might bite. Not wanting to be on the losing end of a scuffle, she quickly hung the knot around her neck, stood tall with pride, and challenged him, "Try to take it again, and I'll scream harassment. My parents are right outside, and the cops are at the door. Let's see how you handle that!"

"You... you... you're ruthless," Zhou Pu fumed, stomping his feet as he retreated to his room.

Yun'er, observing Zhou Pu's flustered demeanor, was in high spirits. She hummed a little tune triumphantly and began to touch up her makeup in the mirror.

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