Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C5 Abuse
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C5 Abuse
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C5 Abuse

Today, our family welcomed a new member, Zhou Pu. He's my father's grandson, a familiar face to all. From now on, we're all family and should strive to live in harmony. Lin Yijing, as a respected elder, introduced Zhou Pu to everyone. Heads nodded and smiles spread around the room, painting a picture of unity and joy.

"Who is this illegitimate child? I can't fathom what's gotten into the old man's head, bringing home some ambiguous beggar and having Yun'er marry him. He's lost his mind, must have been bewitched."

"A toad lusting after swan meat, he should look in the mirror and see what he really is. How could he ever match up to Yun'er? The nerve of him, showing up here expecting a free meal, his skin must be thick."

"A beggar waltzing into the Lin family to claim a share of the inheritance, he's certainly playing a clever game. We can't let him succeed."

"Short and unattractive, a real shame for Yun'er. The old man usually adores her, so why is he pushing her into this disaster?"

"Had I not intervened, the old man would have gone all out with the wedding, oblivious to the impact on the company's stock. How would the other shareholders view us? It would be disastrous for our future prospects. The old man has become senile."

"Alas, the Eastern Sea Group, ranked third in Ylauginia, with its young and accomplished second son, Qi Changfeng, a Harvard graduate who recently returned to take up the family business. I heard he's taken a liking to our Yun'er. I had hopes of bringing them together, which would have elevated the company even further. But then this pauper showed up out of nowhere."

"Put pressure on him, force him into a divorce. If he initiates it, Grandfather won't be able to object."

Whispers swirled around Zhou Pu, sending shivers down his spine. He looked up to see their friendly faces, yet the voices continued unabated.

"What's with this kid staring at me? He has no home training."

"Is he looking at me? Is there something wrong with my makeup?"

Zhou Pu felt a chill crawl up his scalp when he realized he could hear voices without seeing lips move. It was as if he had the ability to peer into people's hearts and read their thoughts.

Did he somehow acquire a special power?

The thought of the Claws' Eye app flashed through his mind. Could all of this be real? Was it not just a phone virus or an April Fool's Day prank?

"Zhou? What's the matter? Are you not feeling well?" Lin Yijing noticed Zhou Pu's astonished look and asked with concern. He then turned to the nanny at the door and called out, "Mom, have Dr. Qian come later to check on Zhou."

"I'm okay, really, just a bit nervous," Zhou Pu replied, seeing Lin Yijing's lips move this time, confirming he was indeed speaking. He hurriedly explained, knowing it wasn't wise to share his bizarre experience with supernatural powers, especially since Lin Yijing seemed to be the only one in the Lin family who was truly on his side—the others couldn't wait to see him gone.

"Zhou, consider the Lin family your own home. Your grandfather and I were like brothers, so I'm as good as your own grandfather," Lin Yijing said, addressing Zhou Pu but also sending a clear message to everyone else. "Zhou, you look tired. Did you not sleep well last night? Has Yun'er been giving you a hard time?"

"Uh, no, not at all. It's just... getting used to a new bed takes time, but I'll adjust," Zhou Pu replied, hiding his exhaustion. He had been up all night and was feeling the effects, but he didn't want to tattle to his grandfather like a child.

"Smart boy, but it looks like I'll have to be even tougher on him in the future," Zhou Pu heard and turned to see Yun'er rolling her eyes at him. It seemed he had caught her inner thoughts, and she was ungrateful, repaying kindness with resentment.

"Grandfather!" Yun'er protested with a whine, clearly displeased.

"I know you all too well. You've been spoiled since you were little, willful and stubborn. You'll need to curb that temper once you're married," Lin Yijing chided her gently.

Zhou Pu remained silent, absorbing the conversations around him. With his newfound ability, he heard more than the others and began to regret possessing such a Metapower. The darkness of human nature chilled him to the bone. People who appeared friendly were cursing him in their hearts, wishing him harm. The harshness of their silent words felt like it could make his head explode.

Suddenly, a voice jolted him.

"Humph, kid, enjoy your moment, because you're in for a rude awakening. If Grandpa discovers you're a thief, even he won't be able to shield you."

Zhou Pu was baffled. How had he become a thief? He glanced sideways and saw his "cousin brother" Lin Dong smiling at him. Little did anyone know that this sunny, strapping young man was plotting against others.

Lin Dong, the eldest son of Lin Yijing, was the senior grandson in the Lin family. Above him was only his cousin, Lin Yun'er, but as a woman, her claim to the family wealth was different. He presumed that as the rightful eldest grandson, he'd inherit the lion's share of the estate.

But then Zhou Pu appeared out of the blue, a thorn in his side. How much of the inheritance would he lose because of this interloper? Lin Dong's envy was palpable; his grandfather's affection for Zhou Pu seemed to surpass even that for Lin Yun'er and himself. He even harbored suspicions that Zhou Pu might be an illegitimate child his grandfather had sired.

From Lin Dong, Zhou Pu heard the most disturbing thoughts—negative energy brimming with venomous curses. He couldn't fathom what he'd done to deserve such animosity. To the uninformed, it might seem as though he had stolen Lin Dong's bride.

"Grandpa's most treasured possessions: his military medallion, tetrahedral walnuts, and ivory chess set. Imagine his disappointment if he knew this kid had stolen them. Inviting a wolf into the fold... If he doesn't end up at the police station, he'll certainly be thrown out of the house, hahaha!"

Lin Dong's maniacal laughter sent shivers down Zhou Pu's spine, and he was perplexed. Why was he accused of stealing? He knew nothing of his grandfather's possessions, let alone had any intention to steal. It was a blatant frame-up, a baseless accusation. But then it hit him—framing! That insidious smile on Lin Dong's face made Zhou Pu break out in a cold sweat. If Lin Dong planted something on him, he'd be utterly defenseless.

He frantically checked his pockets, relieved to find nothing but his wallet and phone. His wallet was so thin it barely held any money, let alone anything else. It seemed he hadn't started framing him yet, but he had to stay vigilant. If he fell for that insincere smile, he would end up dead without knowing why. Despite the harsh words still ringing in his ears, he no longer resented his metapower. At the very least, it helped him discern who was good and who was evil.

Over the course of the meal, he came to understand the dynamics at play. His grandfather, Lin Yijing, was the only one who truly wanted him to stay. Whether motivated by sympathy or a sense of loyalty to a fellow comrade, his intentions were genuine.

Yun'er, along with his parents and several aunts and uncles, wanted him gone. Yun'er simply disliked him, his in-laws looked down on him, and his aunts and uncles feared he would cause a rift in the family.

Ultimately, it was his cousin who harbored the deepest animosity. He not only wanted to drive him away but also to destroy him completely, ensuring he could never recover.

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