Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C8 Pure
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Godsend System: Destiny Reshaped/C8 Pure
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C8 Pure

"I really didn't steal anything," Zhou Pu could only repeat in frustration.

"You're still playing tough, huh? Today, I'll make sure you're clearly seen for what you are," Lin Dong said as he went straight for Zhou Pu's suitcase, dragging it out. He unzipped it and began tossing out the clothes one by one. They were all street-bought change of clothes, and one even had a torn sleeve. Lin Dong sneered with disdain. Nowadays, who still wears such clothes? Even beggars dressed better. If it weren't for his intent to take Zhou Pu down, he wouldn't even want to touch these cheap, filthy garments. But as he continued, his smile faded, replaced by a look of growing panic. After emptying the suitcase, the box he was searching for was still missing. He frantically searched through the scattered clothes, almost wishing he could cut them open inch by inch for a closer inspection.

"Have you hidden it on you? Take off your clothes; I need to check," Lin Dong demanded, his earlier arrogance gone as he started to feel desperate.

"I haven't. Look, I'll turn my pockets inside out for you," Zhou Pu said, showing the contents of his pockets in an attempt to prove his innocence.

"What about your underwear? Did you hide it there? I need to check," Lin Dong yelled, grabbing Zhou Pu by the collar, trying to strip him of his clothes.

Zhou Pu, naturally reluctant to undress in public, resisted, clutching at his collar. The onlookers' jeers added to the commotion.

"Enough. What kind of behavior is this?" Lin Yijing barked, suddenly breaking into a violent cough, partly due to bronchitis and partly due to his frustration.

The crowd fell silent and rushed to assist the elderly man.

"No need. I'm not dying yet. Aren't you embarrassed by this ruckus?" Lin Yijing gasped for air, then pulled out two walnuts from his pocket. "The walnuts are with me; Zhou Pu gave them to me. I want to know who the thief is. Admit it now, apologize, and I can let it go as if it never happened."

The old man scanned the crowd, his gaze finally resting on Lin Dong.

"Grandpa, this Zhou character is pretending to be a good guy. He stole something and then gave it back to you to set me up. He's causing trouble and has ill intentions. You mustn't be deceived by him."

"Yes, Dad, I've always noticed his shifty eyes and his knack for stirring up trouble. The household hasn't been the same since he arrived. He's definitely behind this."

"Indeed, Father-in-law, don't be deceived by his meek appearance. People like him are up to no good. I've heard his parents passed away long ago. A person raised without guidance lacks conscience. You mustn't let him trick you."

Zhou Pu could endure others speaking ill of him, but he couldn't stand by when they slandered his family. "Accusations should be based on evidence. Don't make baseless claims."

"Oh, what's with that attitude? How do you dare speak to your elders in such a manner? Look at this, where have I spoken wrongly? He's clearly an untaught, worthless fellow."

"Evidence? What need is there for evidence? Our home has always been harmonious, never missing a single item. But ever since you arrived, things have started disappearing. Isn't that evidence enough?"

"These carved walnuts might look trivial to the untrained eye, but they're actually quite valuable. Someone couldn't resist taking them, only to return them upon realizing their mistake. If they knew their true value, they'd probably be long gone by now. Grandfather, you're lucky the thief didn't recognize their worth." The mother-in-law insinuated, her gaze fixed on Zhou Pu, clearly suspecting him of theft and returning the item upon realizing it wasn't as valuable as he thought.

The crowd chimed in, each looking at Zhou Pu through their own biased lens, their arguments seemingly reasonable, causing even the patriarch to waver.

"Is this who you are, Zhou Pu? Tell me the truth, and if you do, I'm willing to forgive and forget," Lin Yijing pressed, his gaze piercing.

The one elder who had once believed in him was now questioning him, a heavy blow to Zhou Pu's spirit. Suddenly, he felt utterly superfluous in this home. What was the point in staying? He had considered confessing just to leave this place of conflict, but to do so would mean bearing the stigma of a thief, not just for himself, but it would also tarnish his parents' and grandfather's reputations.

"Speechless, are you? That's as good as a confession. Living with a thief among us, how can we carry on? I might as well move out," Lin Dong declared, seeing Zhou Pu's silence as an admission, and gleefully kicked him while he was down.

Watching Lin Dong's smug look, Zhou Pu couldn't contain himself any longer. "Lin Dong is the thief."

"You... you... you're spouting nonsense, trying to set me up!" Lin Dong, his voice faltering, shouted in protest.

The video of Lin Dong furtively slipping the box into Zhou Pu's suitcase was played for all to see. The room fell silent, punctuated only by Lin Dong's labored breathing.

"Why? Why would you do such a thing?" Lin Yijing asked, coughing and leaning on his cane.

"Grandfather... Grandfather... I... I was confused..." Lin Dong collapsed to the floor.

"He was nearly wronged, nearly driven out, nearly sent to jail," Lin Yijing sighed deeply, disappointment creeping into his eyes.

"Grandfather, I did it for the good of the family. Everyone dislikes him; he's just a freeloader, not deserving of living with us..." Lin Dong, tears and snot streaming down his face, began to panic.

"You've let me down. Your parents have spoiled you rotten, to the point where you'd stoop to framing someone. I fear you might even dare to commit crimes in the future. Freeze his credit card. We're short-staffed at Donghai Fish Village, aren't we? Send him there to work, and pay him as a temp. No special treatment," Lin Yijing decreed.

Rui Qianyu tried to interject, but the elder dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Like a deflated balloon, Lin Dong was escorted out by the butler, and no one else dared to defend him. The blame was clearly his own.

"Zhou Pu, why didn't you present the video sooner?" the old man asked, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"He's definitely sincere, wants to see a good show, wants to set me up, the schemer!" Zhou Tong cried out, her voice laced with tears.

Zhou Pu remained silent, weary of the manipulative games.

"I see it now. Zhou Pu, you're a good kid," the old man said, a twinge of remorse in his eyes. "He knew who framed him but didn't speak up, claiming he just found the evidence. I can't stand deceit. I wanted to see who would jump first... He harbors no ill will, yet someone couldn't leave him be, bringing harm to themselves and others. No need to try to convince me further; Ah Dong has done wrong and must be punished. It's better to address this now than to let it spiral out of control later."

"Zhou Pu, I wronged you and caused you distress. Please don't take it to heart. Here's a little something from me." Lin Yijing reached into his pocket, pulled out a gold card, and handed it to Zhou Pu, drawing envious glances from onlookers.

"It's okay, it was just a misunderstanding. Once we clear it up, everything will be fine. I can't accept this card; it's far too generous." Zhou Pu's eyes reddened as he listened to the old man. The figure before him seemed to merge with the image of his own grandfather, and he fought back tears as he pushed the gold card away.

Despite his resistance, Lin Yijing insisted and firmly placed the gold card into Zhou Pu's embrace. Left with no choice, Zhou Pu scratched his head in resignation while the sound of begrudging complaints filled his ears once more.

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