Golden Finger Simulation System/C1 The System Descended
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C1 The System Descended
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C1 The System Descended

"Is this guy out of his mind? Who wears shorts and a T-shirt in the dead of winter? Is he having some kind of episode?"

"I bet something set him off. We better keep our distance. Nowadays, mentally unstable folks don't have to answer for their actions, even if it leads to violence."

The biting cold wind whipped around as onlookers pointed and stared at Faang Yu. Some were there for the spectacle, eagerly whipping out their phones to capture the moment, while others, more concerned, were already dialing emergency numbers for hospitals and mental health services.

Faang Yu, the center of attention, felt a mix of rage and despair, as if he were being trampled by a stampede of alpacas.

"Can you just leave me alone? Do I have to turn into Superman to get some peace? If this ends up on social media, how can I ever show my face again?"

"The host's constitution is inherently cold, associated with the water element. To cleanse the meridians and accept the system's power, one must harness the frigid Qi of the natural world. Please endure this for the time being." The detached, neutral voice echoed in Faang Yu's mind, tearing apart his already frayed nerves.

"Damn it all!"

"Given the host's extreme emotional turmoil, the system will now assume control of the host's body."

Faang Yu came to with a start, his vision slowly focusing on the face before him. He bolted upright in bed.

"He's awake! Doctor, he's come to!"

Faang Yu vowed never to return to that hospital, even on pain of death. The nurse's peculiar glances were nearly enough to send him over the edge.

Room 201, Building 21, Qingshui Apartments.

"You little punk! If I hadn't seen the news, I'd have no clue you were holed up here. It's bad enough you're shirking your responsibilities, but to pull a stunt like that in public? Are you trying to completely disgrace me?" The angry tirade of a middle-aged man blared from the phone.

Faang Yu hung up without a word. What could he say to a father more concerned with his own reputation than his son's well-being?

Faang Yu, a 19-year-old sophomore at the University of Paton, had a certain charm but no notable achievements in academics, sports, or extracurriculars. Some said that aside from his looks, there was nothing memorable about him. A solitary figure, Faang Yu chose not to stay in the dorms, instead renting an apartment and keeping to himself. He was sporadic in his class attendance, yet somehow managed to scrape by on finals, much to the chagrin of his advisor who, after several attempts to intervene, resigned to letting Faang Yu be.

Thankfully, due to that irresponsible father's concern for his own reputation, he exerted a bit of influence. And, there was a certain unscrupulous system that showed a glimmer of humanity. Despite the viral story of a man streaking through the mall, the lack of clear photos meant Faang Yu's dignity remained intact—except in the eyes of that one hospital nurse.

Back at his apartment, Faang Yu collapsed onto his bed, burying his face in the blanket, his thoughts a whirlwind. His father was a high-ranking official in the capital, a man of good standing, and his mother hailed from a distinguished family. But after a scandal on her side of the family, his father divorced her to protect his own interests, a move that not only led to his mother's demise but also shattered Faang Yu's faith in the world of political elites.

He had carelessly filled out his college application, abandoning the lifestyle of a wealthy capital city heir. With the savings left by his mother, he became just another student.

He had hoped for a quiet life, but fate had other plans. Last night, a meteor had struck him right between the eyes, setting off the day's bizarre events.

"After successfully purifying your meridians, the Omnipotent Gold Finger System is now activated. The monthly draw event is ready. Please proceed with the lottery, host."

The sudden voice in his mind snapped Faang Yu out of his daze.

"Why settle for mediocrity? I'll reclaim what I've lost. Time for the lottery!"

"The Gold Finger Lottery System is now online. Ding Dong. Congratulations, host, you've acquired the Gold Finger. The Soldier King has arrived in the city. You've gained the super Soldier King abilities. Be advised, the Soldier King's Gold Finger may have adverse effects. Please exercise caution, host."

Faang Yu was astounded to find his mind flooded with new knowledge, as if it had always been a part of him. Hand-to-hand combat, firearms expertise, tank driving, jungle warfare—these skills and memories felt innate, and he could sense his physical strength had skyrocketed to more than ten times its previous capacity.

"System, what did you mean by negative effects?" Faang Yu had adjusted to his body's new changes. When he came to and was ready to question the system, it had already gone silent, seemingly vanished into thin air.

He took it in stride, like a general ready to block an advancing army or earth ready to soak up the floodwaters. Faang Yu wasn't overly concerned.

"Let's have three meat dishes, two veggies, and another bowl of soup. And could you bring a large bowl of rice?" With his enhanced physical condition came an increased appetite, and Faang Yu unapologetically ordered enough for three.

The young waitress, with a smile, mistook his order for a group. "Sir, how many are in your party? Shall I bring out the dishes now?"

Faang Yu, distracted by his phone, glanced up at her. He recognized her—a pure-looking girl, probably in her freshman or sophomore year, whom he'd seen in the University of Paton's library. Likely working part-time, he thought. Without any intention of making small talk, he replied curtly, "Just me. You can go ahead and serve the food."

Shen Mengyao paused, taken aback. She had been about to suggest that the portions were quite large for one person, but seeing the boy's impatient demeanor, she felt a twinge of annoyance. Maintaining her composure, she politely responded, "One moment, please," and decided not to concern herself with whether he wasted food or not.

"Good thing I've got some cash on me, or this foodie would eat himself into bankruptcy," Faang Yu mused, looking over the feast before him. As he was about to settle the bill and leave, he noticed that Shen Mengyao, his classmate, seemed to be in a bit of a bind.

"Who do we have here? If it isn't the lovely Shen Mengyao. What's the matter? Did you snag a rich boyfriend and still choose to work here?" The voice wasn't spiteful, but the words were cutting. Shen Mengyao's face flushed a mix of red and white, her hand trembling as she clutched the menu.

Shen Mengyao caught her breath, biting her lip as tears welled in her eyes. She stared at the woman speaking to her and challenged, "Wang Huanjun, what gives you the right to spout such nonsense?"

Wang Huanjun was far from the typical student look, with her fiery red lips, thick makeup, and conspicuously applied false eyelashes, all in the latest Korean fashion. Faang Yu had encountered her before; she seemed to be a department head in the student union. At the start of the semester, she had approached Faang Yu with enthusiasm, only to be met with his cold rebuff. Since Faang Yu seldom returned to school afterward, their paths rarely crossed.

"Oh, you think I'm talking nonsense? Why don't you ask around the entire department of literature? Everyone knows you stole Soong Chenxin's boyfriend," Wang Huanjun scoffed, her tone turning hostile. The others at her table, who seemed to know Shen Mengyao, watched the confrontation in silence. Some aligned with Wang Huanjun, casting disdainful glances at Shen Mengyao.

Shen Mengyao was at a loss for words against their accusations. Tears threatened to spill as the noise around her grew, drawing the attention of onlookers who cast judgmental looks that labeled her a homewrecker, deepening her sense of injustice.

"Excuse me, can I get some service here? Waiter, I need the check!" a brusque voice called out, piercing through the awkward tension and drawing all eyes in the room.

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