Golden Finger Simulation System/C10 The Phone Call
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C10 The Phone Call
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C10 The Phone Call

Wang Huanjun couldn't help but feel anxious. After all, Zhang Ziruo's connections were right there in the school.

Yet, Faang Yu was fearless. With the Soldier King Gold Finger at his disposal and his current status, not even the principal would dare cross him, let alone a vice principal.

"What's all this commotion?" A robust voice boomed, drawing everyone's attention. The man was of average height with a prominent belly and thinning hair. His eyes squinted as he surveyed the crowd. This was the school's vice principal, Zhang Ziruo's uncle, Ma Chaoqun.

Ma Chaoqun had a history of abusing his power, preying on countless female students who, for the most part, kept silent out of fear. This only emboldened him, fueling his arrogance. Even now, his gaze roamed over the female students, hunting for his next target.

Feeling disgusted and frightened, many of the girls quickly moved away.

Upon spotting his uncle, Zhang Ziruo rushed to his side and exclaimed, "Principal, I was just eating when Zhang Ziruo dragged me away, claiming I deserved a beating, and then he hit me..."

It was a classic case of the aggressor playing the victim, a tactic transparent to all. Yet, with the vice principal's authority at stake, the majority, being just ordinary students, felt powerless to challenge him.

"So, you've been skipping classes with no repercussions, and now you're assaulting others? Come with me," the vice principal demanded.

"It was Zhang Ziruo who threw the first punch, not Faang Yu," Wang Huanjun interjected at that moment.

The vice principal turned at the sound of her voice, his gaze landing on a stunning beauty. Her appearance stirred his interest.

"Oh, really? It sounds to me like you're in this together. Both of you, to my office," he ordered.

Unconcerned, Faang Yu followed, curious to see what the vice principal had up his sleeve.

Wang Huanjun, seeing Faang Yu head off, stuck close behind. She was worried about what might happen to him.

Zhang Ziruo strode forward, a smug grin spreading across his face as he watched Faang Yu and Wang Huanjun. His uncle was involved, after all, and if his uncle wouldn't back him, who would?

He then cast a leering smile at Wang Huanjun. His uncle had his ways with female students, and he had learned a thing or two himself. With his uncle stepping in this time, Wang Huanjun was nothing more than prey for the both of them.

The other students could see the writing on the wall for Faang Yu. A reputation as a brawler would mean a deduction of points, followed by expulsion.

Later, Faang Yu and company reached the office of Ma Chaoqun.

Ma Chaoqun's face twisted into a snarl as he addressed Faang Yu, "You've got some nerve, hitting someone. You're aware of the school's regulations. Now, you have two options: kneel and apologize to Zhang, and cough up a hefty sum—let's say a million yuan—or face expulsion."

Faang Yu scoffed, clearly recognizing a shakedown.

"You can't do this, Principal. Zhang Ziruo was the one who started it!" protested Wang Huanjun.

"Ah, the little beauty speaks. I haven't even dealt with you yet. You're also guilty of assaulting a classmate, which is grounds for immediate expulsion. But if you're willing to spend a little time with me in the restroom, I might just forget all about your involvement," the vice principal leered at Wang Huanjun, his gaze almost piercing through her. She understood all too well what he was insinuating.

"You! You!" Wang Huanjun pointed at the vice principal, who only responded with a sleazy chuckle. Zhang Ziruo joined in, both men fixing their lecherous gazes on her, slowly advancing with clear intentions to corner her.

Wang Huanjun felt a surge of fear as she looked at them, as if facing a pack of predators. She continued to back away, fully aware of their vile intentions.

"This is a school!" she cried out in protest.

"What does it matter that it's a school? It's exactly what I want," they replied, moving in closer.

Wang Huanjun retreated until she bumped into the office desk, the two men now looming right in front of her.

"Let's see what you're going to do now! What can you do?" Zhang Ziruo burst into raucous laughter.

Suddenly, the two assailants lunged at Wang Huanjun, who let out a terrified scream. Just as they were about to tackle her to the ground, Faang Yu sprang into action. In the blink of an eye, he delivered a slap that sent them flying through the air, spinning ninety degrees, mouths agape, teeth trailing blood.

They crashed against the door with a series of thuds, then crumpled to the ground, clutching their swollen right cheeks, searing with pain and heat, their mouths now devoid of teeth.

Fear was etched on their faces as they looked up at Faang Yu. His speed was astonishing; he had appeared before them in a mere instant and with a single sweep of his hand, he had flung them away. His strength was truly fearsome.

Wang Huanjun, witnessing Faang Yu's intervention, felt a sense of profound safety, as if her own father stood protectively before her.

"Faang Yu, you dare to strike the principal? Let me tell you, you're going to be expelled, whether you like it or not!" Ma Chaoqun, pointing at Faang Yu, was livid with rage. As vice principal for over two decades, he had never been challenged like this. Faang Yu's defiance had ignited his fury.

"Leave! I'm telling you to leave! But I doubt it's as simple as just wanting to," Faang Yu retorted, standing before the trembling vice principal, who feared another blow.

"I'm warning you, assault is a crime..." Ma Chaoqun began, but was cut off by his ringing phone. Seeing it was the principal calling, he turned to Faang Yu with a triumphant sneer. "This is it for you. I'm going to have the principal expel you personally!"

"Hello, Principal..." Ma Chaoqun barely got his words out before the principal interrupted him.

"I want to know! Where is Faang Yu?" the principal's voice thundered through the phone.

"Principal, Faang Yu is right here with me," Ma Chaoqun replied.

"I'm ordering you to release him and apologize to me! If you refuse, then pack your bags and leave."

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