Golden Finger Simulation System/C11 The Problem
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C11 The Problem
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C11 The Problem

The vice principal was in disbelief that the principal would actually demand he release the student and issue an apology, or else face termination.

"Principal, but he assaulted someone..." Ma Chaoqun protested.

"Even if he had assaulted me, you'd still need to let him go. If not, you can pack your bags!" the principal retorted furiously.

It was the first time the vice principal had ever seen the principal this livid. He glanced at Faang Yu, fearfully swallowing, pondering what sort of influential background Faang Yu must have to instill such fear in the principal.

In that moment, the vice principal realized that Faang Yu must be someone with significant clout, though he himself was unaware. It dawned on him that he had erred, and if he didn't manage the situation correctly, his job was on the line.

With this in mind, Ma Chaoqun turned to Faang Yu and said, "Big brother, I was wrong. I misjudged you, failed to recognize who you really are. Please overlook my ignorance; I assure you it was unintentional..."

Zhang Ziruo was stunned by the sudden turn of events, unable to comprehend why the previously self-assured Ma Chaoqun was now groveling before Faang Yu. Wasn't he in a position to fire him? How had the tables turned so drastically?

"Principal, why are you apologizing to a student like Faang Yu?" Zhang Ziruo inquired.

Ma Chaoqun, seething with rage and directing it at Zhang Ziruo, blamed him for nearly costing him his livelihood.

"You worthless cur, apologize to Uncle Faang Yu this instant!" Ma Chaoqun demanded, punctuating his command with a punch, forcing Zhang Ziruo to offer his apologies to Faang Yu.

Zhang Ziruo collapsed to the ground, bewildered by his uncle's sudden aggression.

"I'm sorry, so sorry!" Ma Chaoqun continued to apologize to Faang Yu and the others.

Wang Huanjun watched the scene unfold in amazement. The entire reversal was triggered by a phone call from the principal. After the call, Ma Chaoqun was visibly shaken, rushing to apologize to Faang Yu as if he feared losing everything.

She too came to the realization that Faang Yu must possess a formidable background. Otherwise, the principal wouldn't have intervened, and Ma Chaoqun wouldn't be so visibly shaken. Now, as she observed Faang Yu, she wondered about his identity, his martial arts skills, and what exactly had made the principal so concerned.

Faang Yu's mysterious and formidable presence captivated her deeply.

"You think you can fool me, a bunch of trash? Take a good look at yourselves!" Faang Yu taunted them.

"I'm so sorry, please, I didn't mean any harm... Don't be upset..." The vice principal said to Faang Yu with a sycophantic grin.

"Just remember your place."

With a scoff, Faang Yu turned on his heel and walked away, with Wang Huanjun trailing closely behind him.

"Miss, I apologize. Please, don't be upset," the vice principal pleaded with Wang Huanjun.

In her mind, Wang Huanjun was undoubtedly Faang Yu's woman.

"Why are you apologizing to them, Uncle? They're just regular folks..." Zhang Ziruo chimed in at that moment.

Ma Chaoqun, fuming with anger, retorted, "Regular folks? You're the regular one here. Can a regular person get the principal to call them, make the principal shake with fear? Listen up, stop causing me trouble. From now on, behave yourself or I'll kick you out of this school in an instant. Damn it, you nearly got me in serious trouble this time." His rage was palpable; his nephew had nearly been his undoing.

Zhang Ziruo, hearing this, was filled with fear. He hadn't expected the seemingly average Faang Yu to have such a powerful background. Was he not the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing?

He felt both intimidated and defiant, yet he was at a loss for what to do next.

Faang Yu emerged unharmed, leaving the students in utter disbelief. They had assumed an incident of this magnitude would surely result in expulsion, but there was Faang Yu, attending classes as if nothing had happened. Everyone was baffled. What on earth had transpired to lead to this outcome?

Faang Yu now seemed even more enigmatic than before.

Class was about to begin.

Today, they were greeted by a newly appointed teacher, a stunning beauty in her twenties, with a figure to die for and an air of undeniable allure. Her face, no larger than the size of a palm, was strikingly gorgeous, featuring big eyes, a high nose bridge, and a small mouth. In the vernacular, she was the epitome of fair-skinned, beautiful, and leggy—a true paragon of beauty.

As the teacher entered the room clad in professional black-and-white attire, clutching a stack of books, she instantly captivated every male student's gaze. They marveled at her stunning beauty and allure, her uniform appearing as if it were moments from bursting at the seams. The sight had all the young men swallowing hard in admiration.

Faang Yu observed her and mentally scored her a modest five or six out of ten. To him, she was just an average woman, hardly a standout. He had been a big shot in the capital, where he had encountered beauties of the highest caliber.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Qin Yumo, and I'm your new history teacher," Qin Yumo announced in a melodious voice that sent the classroom buzzing with excitement. "I look forward to a pleasant time together."

Voices immediately echoed her greeting.

"Teacher, teacher, teacher!"

"You're so beautiful, Teacher..."

"We're sure to get along just fine, Teacher Qin..." The boys' enthusiasm was palpable, their excitement understandable in the presence of such a fair-skinned, leggy beauty with a voice as gentle as it was sweet.

Yet Faang Yu remained disinterested; she was, in his view, merely an ordinary girl.

Qin Yumo felt the warmth of the students' rapturous welcome and knew they all adored her, which filled her with joy.

With a smile, she instructed, "Let's turn to the Three Kingdoms in your textbooks today..."

The boys eagerly complied, pulling out their textbooks and notebooks, their usual lackluster demeanor replaced by a rare earnestness—even the habitual slackers were on their best scholarly behavior.

Faang Yu, however, found the whole affair dull. History held no fascination for him, and he naturally succumbed to slumber, his head resting on the desk. His attendance at school was more for formality than for education.

Qin Yumo spoke with unbridled enthusiasm, her captive audience hanging on her every word, their faces a picture of rapture. She reveled in the attention, feeling a sense of pride at the focused engagement of her students on her very first day.

But mid-lecture, she was taken aback to find someone asleep, oblivious to her lesson, snoring softly with his head down on the desk.

Witnessing the scene before her, she couldn't help but feel a surge of anger. Everyone else was attentively engaged in the lesson, yet there you were, fast asleep. With this thought in mind, she strode over to Faang Yu and gently tapped him, urging, "Wake up, wake up, wake up..."

Just then, Faang Yu's eyes snapped open. In a swift motion, he seized her hand and flipped her over, pinning her down on the table.

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