Golden Finger Simulation System/C12 The History
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C12 The History
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C12 The History

It all happened so suddenly, so quickly!

Qin Yumo could only perceive a blur, like a swift breeze, as Faang Yu pinned her to the desk and chair, leaving her immobilized.

"Faang Yu, what's the big idea? Release the teacher now!" The other students, now snapping to attention, began to yell at Faang Yu. Teacher Qin Yumo was, after all, their idol.

"Exactly, let Teacher Qin Yumo go! If you've got a problem, take it up with me. I'd do anything for our teacher!"

"Release her, now..."

It was only then that Faang Yu came to his senses and realized he had actually restrained Teacher Qin Yumo against the desk and chair. He was bewildered, clueless about what had just transpired.

An electronic voice echoed in his mind, explaining that as a Soldier King, his physical prowess had developed a defensive subconscious reflex. Anyone coming too close would automatically be subdued.

Faang Yu had an epiphany. This was just like Hu Yifei's ultimate ninja technique, Flash, from the sitcom! Even unconsciously, his body could instantly overpower anyone who approached. It was pure instinct.


That's when Faang Yu truly appreciated the might of his Soldier King ability.

The only downside was the awkward fact that he had overpowered his own teacher.

"Release me!" Qin Yumo's voice rang out, her proximity to a man this close was a first for her, and she could feel his warmth.

"...My apologies..." Faang Yu said with an embarrassed smile, releasing his grip.

Qin Yumo, now free, massaged her arm and glared at Faang Yu, her eyes seething with anger.

"You sleep through class, attack me, and now you can expect a deduction in your points," Qin Yumo fumed.

"Please, teacher, don't take it to heart. It wasn't intentional. Your lecture just didn't grab me, and when you came close, my body just reacted on instinct. I couldn't help it," Faang Yu explained.

Qin Yumo, pointing at Faang Yu, challenged him, "You think my lesson was dull? Are you suggesting you understand the material better than I do? Then answer this: why did Cao Cao lose the Battle of Red Cliffs in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Was it truly because of the chained boats?"

In that moment, an answer crystallized in Faang Yu's mind: "The iron chains linking the boats were merely a catalyst, just as the alliance between Liu Bei and Sun Quan was."

"That's ridiculous. Everyone knows that it was the union of Liu Bei and Sun Quan that defeated Cao Cao. That's the real reason, not some mere catalyst," a male classmate interjected, his knowledge of history surpassing that of his peers.

Faang Yu paid him no mind and pressed on, "Despite the fact that young heroes have long emerged from Jiangdong, its strength is derived from its strategic waterways. Why else would they remain isolated in their homeland? This indicates a weaker military. Liu Bei's forces, while formidable, were outnumbered. As the saying goes, 'Two fists can't defeat four hands.' No matter how strong, they can't overcome a multitude.

Their alliance may have seemed like a union of strength, but it was superficial at best.

When it comes to military might, Cao Cao had the upper hand with his powerful and well-led troops. By all accounts, his campaign should have been victorious. Yet, his downfall was his impatience."

"Cao Cao was impatient?" some students echoed, puzzled.

Qin Yumo, too, found Faang Yu's perspective intriguing and pondered his words.

"Cao Cao has always been known as a cunning and ambitious leader, the foremost of his time. How could he possibly have been impatient?" Qin Yumo questioned.

"Exactly. How could he be? Cao Cao is a legendary figure," another chimed in.

"Absolutely, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand..."

"Yes, exactly, exactly..."

The rest quickly voiced their agreement, rallying behind Qin Yumo's stance.

Qin Yumo was curious to see how Faang Yu would respond.

"He was indeed ambitious, but he was also human, with all the desires and ambitions that come with it. Why else would he vie for control of the realm? The alliance of Sun Quan and Liu Bei was a threat he wanted to extinguish swiftly, so he grew impatient. He saw it as an opportune moment—if successful, he could dominate the Central Plains. But his haste led him to a flawed strategy, resulting in his ultimate failure. Had he proceeded with caution, biding his time, cutting off the north bank's resources, within a year, Sun Quan and Liu Bei would have been doomed to defeat. There would have been no Battle of Red Cliffs, no iron chains linking boats. It all boils down to Cao Cao's flawed character. Even from the time he attempted to assassinate Dong Zhuo, it was evident he had the capacity for patience, yet his impulsiveness got the better of him."

Faang Yu spoke deliberately, his words leaving the crowd in a state of surprise. Qin Yumo herself pondered over his points, finding them quite logical.

Faang Yu's knowledge stemmed from his innate brainpower, which informed him of the skills required of a Soldier King. To be a true Soldier King, one must not only excel in combat but also possess a wealth of knowledge, particularly in matters of battle strategy. Only with such expertise could one truly earn the title of Soldier King.

"Alright, you've made a valid point. Take a seat. But, you're not off the hook for attacking the teacher. Meet me in my office after class," Qin Yumo said, eyeing Faang Yu with a mix of irritation and respect. She had to admit, his grasp of history was impressive, even more thorough than her own research.

Yet, his laid-back attitude and lack of discipline were disappointing. To squander his youth on sleep seemed such a waste. And she couldn't forget that he had effortlessly subdued her earlier, leaving her with a lingering ache. She was determined not to let Faang Yu get away with it so easily.

The other students watched Faang Yu with a mix of awe and envy. How had this habitual sleeper become so formidable? He could outshine them all in class discussions, effortlessly pinpointing insights they hadn't even considered. It was a clear testament to his intelligence.

Faang Yu settled back into his seat, casting a glance at Qin Yumo. He mused that she took her role a bit too seriously. Sleeping in class was commonplace in university; teachers typically didn't intervene. But here he was, singled out and summoned to the office. Why did everyone seem to have a fascination with the office?

As the class came to a close, Qin Yumo addressed Faang Yu in front of everyone, "Come along, my student."

With no choice but to comply, Faang Yu followed her out, leaving his male classmates enviously howling behind him.

"How lucky, how blissful, how I wish it were me..."

"Exactly, why couldn't it be me..."

"That guy snatched the chance to be alone with her..."

To them, this wasn't about reprimand or punishment. It was a coveted opportunity to be alone with the beautiful teacher—a rare chance not to be seen as discipline, but as a moment of sheer bliss and an emotional high.

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