Golden Finger Simulation System/C13 So Powerful!
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C13 So Powerful!
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C13 So Powerful!

Faang Yu trailed behind Qin Yumo, unable to deny that she was the epitome of femininity—a siren men yearned for. Her legs were long and lean without a hint of gauntness, her buttocks round and firm, exuding elasticity. With each step, her hips swayed, her ample flesh quivering subtly. Most striking was her slender waist, defying belief as it supported what could only be described as two coconut-sized E cups. One couldn't help but want to wrap their arms around her, if only to alleviate some of her burden.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. A perfect hourglass figure, whether viewed from the side or by Faang Yu himself, she was the epitome of a sexy woman.

Yet, Faang Yu wasn't as captivated as one might expect. Having been exposed to the myriad beauties of the capital, where he'd encountered the truly elite, Qin Yumo's allure paled in comparison. For a man who had tasted the vastness of the ocean, a mere river could hardly stir his interest.

As Qin Yumo walked, she felt an uncomfortable heat on her back, as though invisible hands were caressing her. Little did she know, it was the intensity of Faang Yu's gaze.

Walking along, Faang Yu pondered the absurdity of following her into the office. It would be too shameful, and frequenting such a renowned place wasn't good for his reputation. After all, at eighteen or nineteen, pride was still at stake.

"Teacher, I see no reason to proceed. It was a natural reaction, not a conscious thought," Faang Yu remarked.

Qin Yumo's voice was firm, "No, you can't just brush off the fact that you attacked me."

"Teacher, how about this? I'll make amends. I can see you're not feeling well, so let me treat you. Once you're better, we'll be even," Faang Yu suggested, noticing the subtle signs of discomfort that plagued Qin Yumo—a common ailment among women.

How did Faang Yu discern this? Thanks to the Soldier King's exceptional abilities. As a Soldier King, he was versed in martial arts, literature, and medicine. Without these skills, who would tend to his wounds during missions if not himself?

And so, Faang Yu had instantly diagnosed the health issues troubling Qin Yumo.

"How do you know that?" Qin Yumo stopped in her tracks and turned to face Faang Yu. She did have a minor health issue, but she had never mentioned it to Faang Yu. Besides, this problem had persisted for over a decade, and despite consulting numerous doctors, none could provide a cure. How could Faang Yu possibly have a solution?

"Don't question how I know; I just do. You've been suffering from persistent pain in your lower abdomen and uterus. You've sought treatment, but the root cause remains, leaving you dependent on painkillers for relief. Today, however, the pain seems unusually severe."

"You!" Qin Yumo pointed at Faang Yu, her face a mix of embarrassment, anger, and astonishment. Faang Yu was spot on; she did suffer from uterine pain, and no doctor had been able to eradicate it, forcing her to rely on pain medication. His description was so accurate it was as if he had witnessed her life firsthand. Yet, they had only met that day, and they were hardly acquaintances. Even someone close to her couldn't have known the details so precisely.

"Looks like I'm right. And since I am, I know how to treat your condition and relieve your pain. Consider it making amends for earlier," Faang Yu offered.

Qin Yumo scoffed, her expression one of skepticism and disbelief. "So what if you're right? If doctors are at a loss, what could you possibly do? Stop playing games with me and let's head to the disciplinary office."

With that, she turned to leave. But suddenly, a stabbing pain seized her uterus, a pain like she had never felt before, sharp as a knife's cut, and so sudden that she doubled over, dropping to the ground. The book she was holding tumbled down, and her beautiful face whitened with pain, a sheen of cold sweat coating her forehead.

"Painkillers," she gasped, fumbling for the medication in her pocket. She managed to pop a pill out, but before she could swallow it, the pain overwhelmed her, causing the pill to drop from her lips and roll towards Faang Yu's feet. Now, without any more pills in hand and the only one she had at Faang Yu's feet, she reached out desperately. But the pain was too much; she couldn't even stand, and it was getting worse. She was about to collapse on the ground when suddenly, a figure swooped in, strong arms enveloping her. She looked up to see Faang Yu's face—it was he who had caught her.

Cradled in Faang Yu's embrace, Qin Yumo murmured, "Medicine...medicine..."

Faang Yu understood she was asking for painkillers.

"Painkillers can only alleviate pain, they can't cure the underlying issue. Let me treat you instead," Faang Yu said as he extended his right hand to gently touch Qin Yumo's stomach, which was soft and slightly warm.

"" Qin Yumo, a virgin, had never been touched by a man before, especially not by someone like Faang Yu, whom she had met less than a day ago.

"Try not to struggle. I'm treating you, so stay still," Faang Yu instructed, pressing down gently and starting to massage.

His technique was an ancient one, known for its effectiveness in treating ailments.

With Faang Yu's skilled hands, Qin Yumo gradually felt the pain recede until it vanished completely. It was then she realized that his treatment was truly working—something even the hospital doctors hadn't achieved. Just a massage from Faang Yu, and in about five or six minutes, she was pain-free. Faang Yu, seeing the improvement in her complexion, inquired, "How do you feel now?"

Qin Yumo glanced at Faang Yu, then bashfully looked down and replied, "The pain has lessened significantly. It seems to have healed."

"That's good to hear. Your condition will require at least a month of treatment, including acupuncture and medication, to fully recover," Faang Yu explained as he helped her to sit up.

Her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment from the intimate touch and the surprise at Faang Yu's ability to heal her so swiftly, defying what the doctors had been unable to accomplish. His seemingly simple massage had worked wonders.

Regardless, Faang Yu had healed her, and she gratefully said, "Thank you so much. I really owe you one. Without your help, I would have been at a loss."

"There's no need for thanks. We're even now, so you don't need to seek me out again. However, if the pain returns, feel free to come to me for treatment. But just so you know, I'll have to charge you. I can't offer my services for free indefinitely."


Qin Yumo gave a timid nod, acknowledging that Faang Yu did have a point.

Yet, the thought of having to touch her belly for the treatment made her cheeks flush with heat.

At that moment, with her face tinted with a bashful crimson and her flawless figure, Qin Yumo was an irresistible allure to any man.

But Faang Yu, the Soldier King, was no stranger to such charms and found them uninteresting. He turned on his heel and walked away without a second glance.

Qin Yumo touched her warm cheeks, then stooped to retrieve the book from the ground, muttering to herself, "A grown man blushing... I'm the teacher, and he's the student..."

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