Golden Finger Simulation System/C14 The Taekwondo President
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C14 The Taekwondo President
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C14 The Taekwondo President

At that moment, Faang Yu truly realized the system's brilliance. It had bestowed upon him the Soldier King Gold Finger, and with it, he could bring peace to the world, dominate the battlefield, and heal the masses. These abilities were not learned; they were inherent. He also sensed that the Soldier King Gold Finger had yet to unleash its full potential, having only revealed a fraction of its capabilities so far.

What would it be like if he were to unleash it completely? Faang Yu was itching to find out, eagerly anticipating the day he could.

The other students were puzzled to see Faang Yu return so swiftly. Usually, someone taken away for interrogation would at least be reprimanded or, in serious cases, have points deducted. Yet, Faang Yu seemed to have emerged unscathed, without a hint of reproach, which left them bewildered, though they refrained from asking questions.

The class that followed was dreadfully dull. Sleeping there seemed pointless when he could be at home in bed. Finally, when school was over, Faang Yu was exhausted. He quickly gathered his belongings and headed out. No sooner had he stepped out of the classroom than someone called his name.

"Faang Yu..."

He turned to see a burly man calling him, staring intently at him. Beside the man stood someone Faang Yu recognized all too well—Zhang Ziruo.

Faang Yu yawned, uninterested in engaging with them. He had no desire to squander his time on such nuisances; all he wanted was to go home and sleep. So, he continued to walk away, step by step.

The man's anger flared at Faang Yu's indifference, incensed by the lack of respect.

Lee Sigui spoke with a menacing tone, "So, you think you're something special now, huh? You think you can stand against me?"

Lee Sigui strode toward Faang Yu with Zhang Ziruo close on his heels.

This confrontation was entirely instigated by Zhang Ziruo. Not only were he and Lee Sigui close, but despite Zhang's formidable strength, Faang Yu had swiftly defeated him. This piqued Zhang's curiosity—he was eager to discover the true extent of Faang Yu's power.

Faang Yu had been sought out for a fight, but to his surprise, Faang Yu didn't give him the time of day, completely snubbing him. This infuriated him. After all, he was the president of the Taekwondo Club, a black belt holder whose presence commanded respect from everyone, even teachers who would greet him with a beaming smile.

Fuming, he was determined to put Faang Yu in his place and show him who the real 'big brother' was. He bellowed, "Faang Yu, if you've got any guts, stand your ground! Today, I, Lee Sigui, am throwing down the gauntlet. Do you have the courage to take up my challenge?"

The other students turned their attention to the commotion. Lee Sigui wasn't just any president of the Taekwondo Club; he was a black belt of the highest caliber. What did this signify? It meant he was a master, a force to be reckoned with, someone who could take on a hundred opponents single-handedly!

Moreover, Lee Sigui was renowned for his extraordinary skills and techniques. It was common knowledge that his punch could shatter a ten-centimeter-thick iron plate and his hands could twist steel bars. His explosive power alone was estimated at five to six hundred kilograms, far surpassing the average person's strength.

At that moment, the students noticed Zhang Ziruo at Lee Sigui's side and realized why Lee Sigui was after Faang Yu. They had heard rumors that Faang Yu had single-handedly overpowered Zhang Ziruo. Initially dismissed as mere hearsay, the truth now seemed apparent; Lee Sigui wouldn't have shown up so promptly otherwise.

Meanwhile, the murmurs among the crowd grew louder.

"Looks like Faang Yu's done for. Lee Sigui is a Taekwondo black belt master. Who could possibly stand against him?"

"Quiet down and watch the drama unfold..."

"What's there to see? We better skedaddle before we get dragged into this mess..."

Yet Faang Yu remained indifferent to Lee Sigui's challenge. To stop on command would be to lose face, and why should he bother fighting someone he barely knew? He had sleep to catch up on. With a nonchalant yawn, Faang Yu continued on his way, utterly disregarding Lee Sigui.

Seeing his challenge ignored only fueled Lee Sigui's rage. This was outright disrespect, a blatant dismissal that stung his pride. His anger reached a boiling point, and with a burst of speed, he charged toward Faang Yu.

Onlookers could hardly believe their eyes as Faang Yu completely disregarded Lee Sigui. It wasn't just a snub—it was a blatant provocation. And yet, there was Faang Yu, strolling along without a care in the world. Was he not just asking for a beating?

The notion of someone deliberately seeking out a thrashing seemed like a plot straight out of a TV drama, but here it was unfolding in real life.

Lee Sigui's prowess was well-known throughout the school.

Faang Yu, on the other hand, was more of a mystery to most. But the prevailing belief was clear: once Lee Sigui made his move, Faang Yu wouldn't stand a chance. He'd end up battered, bruised, and bound for the hospital.

That's what everyone assumed, including Zhang Ziruo. Given that Lee Sigui was a black belt master and they both hailed from the same Taekwondo Club, Zhang Ziruo was well aware of Lee Sigui's formidable capabilities.

So, when Lee Sigui charged at Faang Yu, Zhang Ziruo couldn't contain his glee.

The rest of the crowd watched intently as the gap between the two narrowed, anticipation building. They knew a fight was imminent, and excitement rippled through the onlookers who remained. After all, who doesn't love watching a clash of titans?

But Faang Yu was unfazed. His mind was singularly focused on one thing: getting back home to sleep.

"Hey, kid, freeze!" Lee Sigui was now just a foot away from Faang Yu. Deeming the distance close enough, he swiftly reached out, his hand morphing into a claw aimed at Faang Yu's shoulder.

Lee Sigui's confidence was unshakable. He was certain his claw would shatter Faang Yu's shoulder blade, just as it had done to someone else's in the past. His strength and self-assurance were rooted in that very experience.

The crowd saw the ferocity in Lee Sigui's claw and some gasped in anticipation. They knew the devastation it could wreak.

"I saw it last time," someone murmured, "Lee Sigui's claw snapped a guy's shoulder like a twig."

"Poor Faang Yu," another spectator muttered, "he's in for a world of pain."

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