Golden Finger Simulation System/C15 The Expert
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C15 The Expert
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C15 The Expert

As the claw descended, a collective smirk spread among the onlookers, with even Zhang Ziruo unable to contain his laughter, seemingly certain of Faang Yu's imminent defeat.

"Faang Yu, let's see how you handle this one," he taunted.

Lee Sigui, too, wore a smug grin, convinced that his impending strike would shatter Faang Yu's bones. But the moment his hand touched Faang Yu's shoulder, the tables turned. Faang Yu's grip latched onto his wrist, and suddenly, Lee Sigui was spinning through the air, completing a full 360-degree turn. He glimpsed the sky, then the ground, and finally Faang Yu's nonchalant yawn. With a thunderous crash, he hit the earth, agony coursing through him as if his bones were splintered.

He hadn't anticipated Faang Yu's swift response, a simple shoulder throw flooring him with ease.

The spectacle left the onlooking students speechless, their expectations shattered. They had braced for Faang Yu's cries of pain, not for Lee Sigui to be the one sent sprawling by a deft maneuver.

They realized then just how formidable Faang Yu truly was, his strength seemingly on par with Lee Sigui's.

Zhang Ziruo was equally taken aback. He had counted on the prowess of his Taekwondo Club president to incapacitate Faang Yu, yet it was Faang Yu who had emerged victorious.

Surprise, helplessness, and a twinge of fear washed over Zhang Ziruo as he recognized that Faang Yu's capabilities were beyond anything he had imagined, far beyond what he could dare to challenge.

Regaining his composure, Lee Sigui glowered at Faang Yu and seethed, "Faang Yu, I'll make your life a living hell!"

With a slap to the ground, Lee Sigui pushed himself up, his muscles swelling against the fabric of his clothes, his face flushed and twisted with rage. His hands balled into massive fists, the muscles rippling with raw power, as if on the brink of an explosive release.

With a fierce wave of his fists, he launched a powerful blow toward Faang Yu, stirring the air into a gust that whipped the ground's debris into a frenzy. The onlookers were seized by shock and fear as Lee Sigui unleashed his full might; the punch was so swift and brutal, it could have killed a tiger.

Could Faang Yu possibly withstand such a blow? The answer seemed an unequivocal no.

Even Zhang Ziruo, who had lost all hope, watched with dread, convinced that Faang Yu was bound for injury, unable to evade the inevitable punch that would surely land him in the hospital.

But Faang Yu, seemingly without a thought of fighting back, let his body react instinctively. His right hand shot out, clenched into a fist, moving with a speed and ferocity that outmatched his opponent. To everyone's astonishment, Faang Yu appeared transformed, his lightning-fast reflexes almost beyond belief.

Caught off guard, Lee Sigui could only register the threat of Faang Yu's rapid and powerful strike when it was too late. Faang Yu's strength surpassed his own. If it came down to a real fight, he would be the one defeated. He realized, despite Faang Yu's unassuming appearance, his actual strength was formidable.

But realization came too late, and his fist was beyond recall.

He could only watch helplessly as Faang Yu's fist collided with his own, sending a jolt of excruciating pain through him, his bones feeling as if they had shattered. Propelled backward, he flew five or six meters before crashing heavily to the ground.

Writhing in agony, Lee Sigui clutched his right arm, the pain in his fingers and arm piercing deep into the bone. His hand and arm bones were undoubtedly broken.

The crowd recoiled in horror at the sight, the sheer terror of seeing someone sent flying and screaming in pain was enough to instill fear in the bravest of hearts.

Zhang Ziruo's legs shook with terror. Faang Yu's prowess was undeniable; not even the Taekwondo Club president could stand against him. He was in a league of his own.

The onlookers couldn't help but take note of Faang Yu, etching this day into their memories.

Despite his seemingly lazy demeanor, Faang Yu's strength was formidable. How else could he have bested the Taekwondo Club president? Everyone was well aware of the president's prowess.

Yet, he was swiftly defeated in under a minute. Such strength was truly remarkable.

What caught them off guard was the realization that Faang Yu, who seemed just like any other student, was in fact a master in his own right. This drove home the lesson that one should never estimate someone's strength by their appearance alone, or else they might end up embarrassed, just like today.

Faang Yu, for his part, didn't spare his opponent a glance. He simply continued on his way, his mind set on one thing: getting back to his apartment for some much-needed sleep.

His earlier resistance, the effortless defeat of Lee Sigui's punch, was nothing more than an instinctive response, a testament to Faang Yu's innate defensive capabilities!

Even a world martial arts champion might struggle against the Soldier King's automatic defense ability, much less the head of a Taekwondo Club.

So, to everyone watching, Faang Yu walked away without looking back, his movements unchanged, his departure as enigmatic as before, heading out beyond the school gates.

In their eyes, he was the epitome of a true master, a figure of deep solitude and mastery.

It was like a scene straight out of a martial arts drama, where the master leaves behind a profound and solitary silhouette.

As the adage goes, "The life of a master is a lonely one, for solitude accompanies those who stand above the rest."

Watching Faang Yu's retreating figure, a male classmate was struck with a surge of admiration and longing. Wasn't Faang Yu the embodiment of the martial arts hero they had all dreamed of as children?

Little did Faang Yu know of his classmates' musings. His only concern was to rush back and dive into a restful slumber, putting the day's events behind him.

Once he reached the bus stop and boarded the homeward bus, Faang Yu settled into his seat and drifted off to sleep.

But then, he felt someone drawing near. Instinct kicked in once more, and he swiftly pinned the intruder beneath him. Amidst a yelp of pain, Faang Yu's eyes snapped open to see the person he had just effortlessly subdued.

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