Golden Finger Simulation System/C16 Hug Me
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C16 Hug Me
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C16 Hug Me

Faang Yu's eyes snapped open, and he was shocked to find that the person he had pinned beneath him was none other than Wang Huanjun. At that moment, all eyes on the bus were on them, drawn by Faang Yu's abrupt movements and Wang Huanjun's cries of pain. The passengers watched the scene unfold and began to murmur among themselves.

"Moral standards have declined; it's not like the old days. A young man beating up a woman in broad daylight..."

"Seems like men these days prefer to hit women instead of other men..."

"What's happening here?" The driver's voice cut through the chatter.

Faang Yu quickly stammered, "Nothing, nothing's wrong!" and released Wang Huanjun under the watchful gaze of the other passengers.

Rubbing her shoulders, Wang Huanjun glared at Faang Yu, her voice tinged with reproach, "What were you thinking? I was just trying to help you clean your face, and you hit me!"

As it turned out, Wang Huanjun had boarded the bus later and taken a seat next to Faang Yu. She had intended to say hello, but seeing him asleep, she chose not to disturb him. Noticing a small black spot on the corner of his mouth, she had reached for her handkerchief to gently wipe it away. She hadn't anticipated that her touch would trigger Faang Yu to react so forcefully, leaving her feeling hurt and wronged.

Faang Yu apologized profusely, "I'm so sorry, it wasn't intentional. It was just a reflex. Please don't cry, it's entirely my fault..."

Clearly distressed, Faang Yu knew he was in the wrong for having struck a woman without cause.

"I don't care, I feel wronged. You've bullied me..." Wang Huanjun's voice wavered, on the verge of tears.

"Don't cry, please. If it makes things right, I'll make it up to you. How does that sound?" Faang Yu offered, after a moment's thought.

Wang Huanjun eyed him skeptically, "Make it up to me? How?"

"I... I'll do whatever you ask, as long as it's within my power," Faang Yu responded, hoping to amend the situation.

"I want you to hold me," Wang Huanjun said with a sniffle, her gaze fixed on Faang Yu.

"Ah, hold you?" Faang Yu was caught off guard by her request. He had braced himself for a demand for money or something else entirely, but a hug? In front of everyone?

A faint blush colored Wang Huanjun's attractive features, her request carrying an undertone of intimacy.

The passengers, witnessing the unexpected twist, began to piece together the situation. "Ah, so they're a couple having a little spat," someone commented with a chuckle.

"I see now, I thought it was something else entirely," another added.

An auntie chimed in, addressing Faang Yu, "Young man, when you're in a relationship, you've got to treat your lady well..."

"Exactly, such a beautiful girl... any children you have will surely be gorgeous..."

"Don't keep your girlfriend waiting, young man. Give her a hug before she starts crying again. I'd like to see how you handle that," the grandmothers on the bus encouraged.

Faang Yu was at a loss for words, unable to set the record straight.

Meanwhile, Wang Huanjun, secretly delighted by the mistaken assumption that they were a couple, couldn't suppress a smile.

Concerned that Wang Huanjun might actually start crying, Faang Yu glanced at the surrounding faces and then back at her. "Wang Huanjun," he called out instinctively.

She hummed in response, lifting her head to meet his eyes.

In that moment, Faang Yu opened his arms and embraced her, the action transforming the atmosphere into one of joy.

Wang Huanjun nestled into Faang Yu's embrace, basking in his warmth. A sweet smile played on her lips as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

Faang Yu, holding Wang Huanjun close, felt a mix of nerves and relief wash over him. The grandmothers around them smiled at the tender scene.

As the embrace marked their arrival at the apartment, Faang Yu heard the announcement and gently tapped Wang Huanjun's shoulder.

"I've arrived..."

Wang Huanjun released her embrace with a sense of longing, finding it hard to part from Faang Yu's arms.

"Don't forget to call me when you get back," Wang Huanjun said, lifting her gaze, clearly not ready to leave the car.

But she knew it was time for Faang Yu to return.

Faang Yu nodded, "Got it."

He then stepped out of the car. Wang Huanjun watched him leave so swiftly and let out an indignant huff, "Jerk."

Faang Yu caught the remark and pouted, feeling Wang Huanjun's expression was oddly amusing.

Without dwelling on it, he headed home.

Arriving home, Faang Yu was surprised to find a large box in the living room with a note attached: "This matter is confidential. Apologies for the intrusion." It was signed by Zhou Cheng.

Faang Yu realized Zhou Cheng must have found a way to move the box into his house for safekeeping, as it contained something of significance.

Having previously inquired about weapons from Zhou Cheng, Faang Yu had a hunch about the box's contents.

He opened the box, and its contents caught his eye.

What on earth was this?

Damn, a pen! A yo-yo, a cell phone, a razor, a flashlight... and even candy...

Were these supposed to be weapons or everyday items?

Confused, Faang Yu was about to discard them when his finger brushed against a piece of candy, triggering a sudden memory.

Candy bombs, made with Mti series explosives, effective within a two-meter range.

Damn! Faang Yu suddenly realized what he was dealing with. He picked up the pen again, and another detail emerged: a mini pistol, German-made, with a range of one kilometer. More and more information about the weapons surfaced.

These were no ordinary items; they were disguised as everyday objects to conceal their true nature.

Each item was a formidable weapon in its own right, the cream of the crop in terms of firepower.

And the razor was the coolest of all; with a flick of the wrist, it transformed into a small knife, incredibly sharp and capable of slicing through steel as if it were butter.

These items are indeed essentials for any household.

Faang Yu toyed with it for a bit, his curiosity satiated, before drifting off to sleep contentedly.

Meanwhile, outside the house, the world was shrouded in darkness. A solitary breeze stirred, sending parasol tree leaves fluttering onto a man sprawled atop the balcony air conditioner.

Perched like a gecko, the man surveyed his surroundings with alert eyes. Spotting Faang Yu's balcony, he leapt gracefully, landing with a soft thud. After a brief pause, he stealthily made his way onto the balcony.

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