Golden Finger Simulation System/C18 Misunderstanding
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C18 Misunderstanding
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C18 Misunderstanding

Faang Yu stared at the man before him, incredulous that his own apartment had lured a thief. Had it not been for his possession of the Soldier King Gold Finger, he might have found his home completely ransacked without a clue.

The thought alone filled Faang Yu with indignation.

Now, the thief knelt before him, pleading for mercy, yet Faang Yu's anger was far from quelled.

"Do you really think I'd let you off the hook that easily?" Faang Yu spoke up.

The words sent a jolt of fear through the thief. He had hoped for nothing more than to avoid a beating; anything beyond that was beyond his expectations. But the martial artist before him seemed unwilling to spare him. The thought turned the thief's face ashen, his body quaking with the fear of a brutal beating. All he wanted was to get out unscathed, even if it meant being detained by the police or Public Security Bureau, as long as he wasn't assaulted.

"Big brother, please... don't hit me... Whatever you ask, I'll do it... Just say the word..." The thief was so terrified that he began kowtowing to Faang Yu, each bow resonating with a thud.

Faang Yu watched him coldly.

"Big brother, it's all yours!" the thief blurted out, hastily bringing his small bag from behind to the front and fumbling with the clasp. He quickly emptied its contents: the Gold Finger, an Apple phone, an emerald bracelet, and a myriad of other items, more than twenty in total, laying them all out before Faang Yu.

It was a clear offer of surrender, the items presented as a plea for mercy.

The collective worth of these items was easily over a hundred thousand. The thief had a knack for his illicit craft, having amassed such a haul in just one night.

Faang Yu, who had his own savings, was not swayed by temptation. He knew all too well that these were ill-gotten gains, not to be accepted lightly. Taking them could lead to legal trouble, potentially landing him in prison over trivial matters.

The thief, however, was not burdened by such considerations. His sole focus was to trade these stolen treasures for his safety, desperate to avoid a beating at any cost.

Faang Yu eyed the thief with a desire to give him a good thrashing. But considering his own physical condition, he realized that if he got hurt in the process and the police were to show up, things could get messy. After all, theft is theft, and assault is assault; one can't justify attacking someone over a stolen item. It would be a tough situation to explain.

With that in mind, Faang Yu dialed the police.

"You're lucky it's me you ran into this time. Pack up those things quickly. You'll have your chance to deal with the cops soon enough."

"Thank you, big brother, thank you so much..." the thief stammered out his gratitude, visibly relieved. As long as Faang Yu spared him a beating, all was well. He hastily gathered his loot, and within seven or eight minutes, the police arrived and took the thief away, along with Faang Yu's statement.

Sitting in the back of a police car in the dead of night is an experience only those who've been there truly understand.

After giving his statement at the Jiangsu branch police station, Faang Yu headed home. Upon entering, he flicked on the lights and caught a glimpse of something dark under the table. It was subtle, easy to miss. Moving closer, he discovered it was a woman's intimate apparel, adorned with a black and white cartoon pattern—clearly belonging to a young girl.

Puzzled about how it got there, it dawned on him—the thief must have dropped it. In that moment, Faang Yu realized the thief was more than just a common criminal; he was a damn pervert.

Disgusted, Faang Yu grabbed the garment and tossed it in the trash. After washing his hands, he decided to call it a night, planning to dispose of the garbage in the morning.

The next day dawned across the street at Faang Yu's neighbor's place.

Sunlight streamed into the room, gently waking Lin Weiwei. She stretched and yawned, sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes. Glancing around, she checked her phone and noted it was already seven o'clock. With only an hour before work, she quickly got up. Wearing her pajamas printed with cartoon beauties, she stepped onto the balcony where she had left her undergarments to dry the day before.

The white coat, the teal jeans... no, something's missing...

That's when Lin Weiwei realized her undergarment had disappeared...

She snapped her eyes wide open, no longer heavy with sleep, and began scouring the balcony. But it was nowhere to be found. She had looked everywhere to no avail.

"Where's my bra?"

Frustrated, she stomped her foot in irritation. This was her only bra; the previous ones were all worn out, and she had planned to buy a new one today. Now, without any alternatives, she was left with nothing to wear underneath.

There were no supermarkets near where she lived, and, more pressingly, she was already late for work.

With a sense of resignation, she stomped her foot again, dressed, and felt oddly exposed without her usual undergarment.

As Lin Weiwei processed the situation, she realized she'd been robbed. There had been a thief the day before, and now her anger flared at the thought that they had taken her bra.

She was about to call the police but then considered the time it would take to give a statement, which would only delay her further.

Annoyed, she stomped her foot once more and rushed off to work.

Meanwhile, Faang Yu stepped out with his trash can, just as Lin Weiwei emerged.

In her haste to get to work, Lin Weiwei briskly passed by Faang Yu. But then, she did a double-take, eyeing his trash can. She thought she'd spotted her bra, now discarded among the garbage.

"You! You!" Lin Weiwei glared at Faang Yu, her anger boiling over. He had stolen and then carelessly tossed her item away, reminiscent of the perverts she'd heard about on the news.

"You sick thief! How dare you steal my belongings and do such a thing!" Lin Weiwei accused, her face flushed with rage and her chest heaving with each breath. She was visibly upset.

"Miss, please, don't accuse me wrongly. I haven't done anything," Faang Yu retorted, attempting to sidestep her to dispose of his trash.

But Lin Weiwei was seething, convinced of his audacity as a thief!

Lin Weiwei was fuming with anger, thinking to herself how brazen this thief was! As she spoke, she lunged to grab Faang Yu, but in a flash, he had her pinned beneath him.

"What are you trying to do?" Faang Yu demanded.

Caught off guard by Faang Yu's swift reaction, Lin Weiwei found herself suddenly overpowered and pressed closely against him.

"Release me, let me go!" Lin Weiwei's voice was laced with fury and a touch of humiliation. Being subdued by a man was a new and embarrassing experience for her—she hadn't even held hands with a man before.

"Why did you try to ambush me just now?" Faang Yu countered, his instincts as the Soldier King kicking in to defend himself at the first sign of danger.

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