Golden Finger Simulation System/C19 Apologize
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C19 Apologize
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C19 Apologize

Faang Yu hadn't meant for things to turn out this way, but it seemed that he had an instinctual liking for it. When faced with danger, his body naturally went into defense mode, which meant he couldn't consciously control it anymore.

Now, with their bodies pressed together, Faang Yu was acutely aware of the softness and curves of Lin Weiwei's body, her slightly upturned buttocks pressing against his abdomen. He felt a stir of reaction; he was, after all, only human.

But Faang Yu didn't want to let the situation escalate. He had no desire to get involved with these women; he was focused on living his life well.

Meanwhile, a neighborhood auntie had made her way upstairs and caught sight of them. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she chided, "What on earth are you two doing so early in the morning? Separate, now!"

Their closeness suggested an intimacy that made the auntie uncomfortable, something she felt was reserved for couples.

"Auntie, you've got it all wrong, I was just—Auntie..." Faang Yu tried to explain.

"Have you no shame? It's the middle of the day! Break it up," the auntie scolded before hastily departing.

Left with no choice, Faang Yu stood up and walked away, leaving Lin Weiwei to her freedom. She looked hurt, reflecting on how she felt bullied. The more she dwelled on it, the angrier she got, until she lashed out at Faang Yu with a raised hand.

Faang Yu was prepared for a direct confrontation and caught Lin Weiwei's hand.

"Don't push me too far," he warned, his patience wearing thin. He wasn't one to be trifled with.

"Release my hand!" Lin Weiwei demanded, struggling in vain. Her strength was no match for his, especially now that Faang Yu possessed the formidable abilities of a Soldier King, with each hand capable of exerting a force of a thousand kilograms.

"Let me go!" Lin Weiwei's frustration boiled over, and she swung her other hand at him, only for Faang Yu to catch it as well.

Now Faang Yu's temper flared. He wouldn't tolerate such aggression from anyone. Gripping Lin Weiwei's hands firmly, she felt the painful pressure as if caught in a tiger's jaws.

"Let go of me... Let go of me..." Her voice carried a note of desperation, her expression etched with a sense of injustice, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears, evoking a deep sense of pity.

"Apologize!" Faang Yu, however, was unyielding. This girl had tested his patience time and again, and he was not about to let her off the hook simply because she was female. That was out of the question.

Lin Weiwei felt as though her hand was on the verge of snapping, the pain so intense that her body was drained of all strength, leaving her on the brink of collapse. She couldn't fathom how Faang Yu possessed such overpowering strength that left her utterly helpless.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Please, let go of me... Let go of me..." She stammered through her sobs, terrified that her hand might actually break.

Seeing her apology, Faang Yu released his grip. The last thing he wanted was to listen to a woman's weeping.

Instantly, Lin Weiwei's freedom was restored. She collapsed to the ground, her hands red and throbbing with pain, feeling as if they were about to snap. Even the slightest touch was excruciating.

"You... you..." Lin Weiwei's tear-filled eyes bore into Faang Yu as she seethed with anger. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she pulled out her phone and dialed.

"Police, yes, I need to report a crime. Someone stole my belongings and assaulted me..."

Upon hearing this, Faang Yu exclaimed, "What the hell, when did I steal from you? You were the one who hit me. When have I ever hit you?"

By the time Lin Weiwei had ended the call, she was glaring at Faang Yu, her voice laced with accusation. "Let the police handle this. You pervert, you thief, you villain!"

Faang Yu was overwhelmed with a sense of injustice. He had simply been taking out the trash that morning when this ordeal blindsided him, leaving him utterly frustrated. Soon after, the police arrived—the same officers as the day before.

One of the younger officers asked, "What's going on here? Did you hit someone?"

Faang Yu gestured helplessly. "I have no idea what's going on..."

As the police approached, Lin Weiwei rushed to them as if seeking refuge. "You have to stand up for me. It was him, he's the one! He didn't just steal my purse, he even took my personal clothing. He was right here, and he hit me just now. Look at my hand..." She extended her hand to the officers, showing the evident redness, and sure enough, there was an undergarment in the nearby trash can.

Upon hearing the explanation, everything clicked for him. The cartoon-themed undergarment left behind by the thief was, in fact, Lin Weiwei's.

"Officer, she struck me first. I merely grabbed her hand in response. If I had been hitting her, I wouldn't have held onto her hand like that. An expert could confirm this. Moreover, that undergarment was discarded here by the thief yesterday. It has nothing to do with me—I don't even know whose it is... I certainly didn't steal it..."

"Everyone, hold on a second... I'll know the truth after I check the surveillance footage," said a police officer.

At that point, Faang Yu and Lin Weiwei were on their way to the police station, marking Faang Yu's second visit there.

After conducting an investigation, taking statements, and reviewing the video, the outcome was clear: Faang Yu was cleared of any wrongdoing, and it was Lin Weiwei who had been causing trouble.

"What! Innocent? I was the one causing trouble?" Lin Weiwei stood up, incredulous, and addressed the officer.

"Correct," the officer replied.

"How can this be..." Lin Weiwei sensed that something was amiss.

The officer then presented the surveillance video, saying, "See for yourself. You initiated the altercation, and he was merely defending himself. And he's not the thief. Yesterday, he apprehended one who had stolen numerous items."

Listening to this, Lin Weiwei began to realize that perhaps she had been mistaken.

Just then, the stolen items were brought in.

"Miss Lin, does this belong to you?" A female officer presented a cartoon-themed bag containing nearly a thousand yuan.

Lin Weiwei recognized it immediately—it was unmistakably hers.

"Yes, it's mine. There's exactly 893 yuan inside," Lin Weiwei admitted, now forced to accept that she had indeed misjudged Faang Yu.

"That's correct, 893 yuan," confirmed the officer, handing the money and the bag to Lin Weiwei, who took them with a heavy heart. She had misjudged someone, suffered a beating, and been chastised—all because of a misunderstanding.

She hadn't even managed to complete her work shift, likely facing a pay deduction. The thought brought her to the brink of tears; the whole situation was just so disheartening.

After leaving the police station, she ran into Faang Yu, who was just exiting. He glanced at her with a sneer, "Finally figured it out, have you? Not much up top and even less upstairs, huh?"

Faang Yu wasn't the type to pick on others, but the morning's events had pushed him to his limit. He was at the point where he couldn't hold back any longer and just had to speak his mind.

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