Golden Finger Simulation System/C20 The Beautiful Woman
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C20 The Beautiful Woman
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C20 The Beautiful Woman

Lin Weiwei's eyes brimmed with tears as she gazed at Faang Yu. She realized her mistake had led to his wrongful detention at the police station, and he was the one who had apprehended the thief. If not for him, her bag and money would have been lost forever. She owed him her gratitude; without his intervention, she would never have recovered her belongings. It was all a big misunderstanding.

Had there been no confusion, none of this would have happened. But the damage was done, and it was too late for regrets. The only thing left to do was to apologize to Faang Yu and make amends, acknowledging the help he had provided.

She had lived up to what was expected of any decent person.

Approaching Faang Yu, she said with remorse, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Please, don't be mad. I never intended for things to turn out this way. I'm truly sorry."

Faang Yu, seeing her apology, chose not to dwell on the matter. He wasn't the type to hold a grudge over a misunderstanding.

"It's okay, as long as you realize the mistake. Let's put this behind us and move on with our day," he responded.

Checking the time on his phone, Faang Yu noted he was running late for school. "I'm sorry," Lin Weiwei continued to apologize. Faang Yu replied, "I've got to get to school. I should head out now."

With that, he made his way to a bus stop and boarded the next bus.

Lin Weiwei, having already taken leave from work, had no place to be but home.

Faang Yu reached the school just in time, narrowly avoiding being late. As he entered the classroom, he was surprised to find Qin Yumo at the lectern. Was class already in session?

He wondered briefly but didn't dwell on it. Qin Yumo, hearing someone enter, turned and greeted him with a warm smile, "You've arrived. Come on in."

Faang Yu quickly found a seat and settled down. Around him, most of the men in the classroom had their eyes fixed on Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo's attire today was captivatingly romantic.

She donned a white off-the-shoulder T-shirt that showcased her alabaster shoulders and a generous expanse of porcelain skin, hinting at the curves beneath.

Her chest, ample as two coconuts, strained against the fabric of her loose T-shirt, suggesting a barely contained fullness that seemed to set the blood racing.

Beneath the white shirt, she wore tight blue denim shorts that hugged her shapely buttocks, while her long, toned legs were laid bare to the air.

This ensemble alone was enough to draw the undivided attention of every male in the classroom, a group of young men very much in the thrall of their hormones.

Their eyes were fixed on Qin Yumo, filled with the desire to rush over, embrace her, and pull her close.

Yet, a semblance of reason held them back.

The handful of girls in the class also took notice of Qin Yumo, their eyes shining with appreciation. Beauty, after all, knows no gender or age.

In that moment, Qin Yumo closed her book and surveyed the student before her. Her gaze landed on Faang Yu, and she offered him a smile so enchanting it seemed to sweeten the air of the entire classroom.

She was a woman whose demeanor belied her appearance; while her figure was undeniably sensual and alluring, her expression radiated sincerity and kindness.

It was this striking contrast that elevated Qin Yumo's allure to extraordinary heights.

The other students, witnessing Qin Yumo's charming smile, couldn't contain their exclamations of awe. She was stunning, breathtakingly so.

They fancied the smile was meant for them, and the thought sent waves of excitement coursing through them.

But what they didn't realize was that the smile was intended for one person alone—Faang Yu. Yes, that sweet smile was meant just for him.

However, Faang Yu himself seemed disinterested. Having encountered countless beauties before, he yearned for solitude, desiring nothing more than to be left to his own thoughts.

As Qin Yumo began her lecture, her voice washed over the class like a soothing breeze, making everyone feel at ease. Faang Yu, meanwhile, had taken to resting his head on his arms, drifting off to sleep. It wasn't until he sensed someone approaching that he opened his eyes and lifted his head, only to find himself face-to-face with Qin Yumo, their noses nearly touching, their eyes locked in an intimate gaze, the warmth from her cheeks palpable.

Faang Yu caught sight of Qin Yumo, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly when she had stealthily made her way to his side.

Qin Yumo had been by Faang Yu's side for some time, patiently waiting for him to awaken because she had something important to discuss with him.

"You're awake..." Qin Yumo's voice was soft and soothing.

"What's the matter?" Faang Yu inquired.

Qin Yumo drew closer, her cheek brushing against his, her hair cascading over her forehead, as the scent of jasmine enveloped her.

"I need to see you in the lounge later. I need your help with a treatment," she whispered, her voice as delicate as a gentle spring breeze, drifting into Faang Yu's ears.

Faang Yu involuntarily swallowed, stirred by the teacher's enticing manner, a part of him yearning to embrace and caress her.

"I understand," Faang Yu responded slowly, his voice reaching Qin Yumo's ears.

The warmth of Faang Yu's response caused Qin Yumo's ears to flush pink, her body shivering slightly as a wave of warmth surged within her.

She rose to her feet, her breathing quickened, and her fair cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, exuding allure.

With a nervous glance at Faang Yu, her eyes shimmering, she clutched her textbook tightly, fighting the flutter in her heart as she turned and made her way to the lounge.

Faang Yu watched her leave, intrigued by her bashful charm, a feeling he had never witnessed before, sparking his curiosity.

The students around them watched Qin Yumo's retreating figure, each feeling a surge of desire.

"Faang Yu, why is Qin Yumo so close to you?" one student asked, puzzled by their evident intimacy, reminiscent of lovers exchanging tender whispers.

"Yeah, what's going on? What's your relationship with her?" another student demanded, a tall figure stepping forward, his face etched with anger. He had long idolized Qin Yumo as his own beloved goddess and couldn't stand the thought of anyone else getting close to her.

"Is it any of your business?" Faang Yu retorted coldly. He had little patience for this guy, who had always used his size and strength to bully others, never showing anyone respect.

"You're begging for a beatdown!" bellowed the towering figure, as he swiftly unleashed his fist towards Faang Yu.

The assault was so abrupt that it caught some onlookers off guard. By the time they realized what was happening, they had instinctively retreated several steps, content to spectate from a safe distance. They harbored their own grievances about Faang Yu cozying up to Qin Yumo, after all.

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