Golden Finger Simulation System/C21 Powerful!
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C21 Powerful!
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C21 Powerful!


Faang Yu's voice cut through the air with icy disdain as his right fist spun out, whistling with the wind. The air churned into a tempest, showcasing his formidable power.

Fists collided with a thunderous boom that made the onlookers' hearts quiver. The burly figure was sent reeling backward, crashing through tables and chairs before collapsing to the ground, howling in agony. His right hand shook uncontrollably, his knuckles a bloody blur, with fresh blood seeping out and mingling with the pool on the floor.

The crowd was stunned, having not anticipated that the slender Faang Yu, who was a third of the big man's size, would emerge victorious.

In that moment, it became clear to all that Faang Yu was not to be trifled with; none among them could have withstood that punch.

With a mix of awe and respect in their eyes, they watched Faang Yu exit the classroom and head towards the lounge Qin Yumo had mentioned earlier.

Soon after, Faang Yu reached the lounge. As he was about to knock, a voice from inside stopped him.

"Vice principal, what are you doing? This is a school!"

"What am I doing? Isn't it obvious? You're dressed to seduce, aren't you? Drop the act and let me give you a good time..." The sound of fabric tearing followed.

Faang Yu instantly recognized the lecherous vice principal's voice. With a forceful push, he snapped the round doorknob off, flinging it into the room as the door groaned open.

The vice principal and Qin Yumo, startled by the noise, turned towards the door.

Faang Yu caught sight of them: the vice principal was sprawled over Qin Yumo, one hand gripping her shoulder, the other tearing at her white top, exposing swathes of her pale skin.

The vice principal's fear was palpable upon seeing Faang Yu, remembering the principal's warning that Faang Yu was a man with significant backing, far beyond their reach.

"Faang Yu, save me..." Qin Yumo's tear-filled eyes met his, and in him, she saw a beacon of safety, her protector in the storm.

The vice principal was so terrified that he immediately scrambled away from Qin Yumo, his eyes wide with fear as he looked at Faang Yu.

"Big brother... Big brother... I... I'm just Lele..." he stammered, his voice trembling with fright.

Qin Yumo was huddled on the ground, her hands protectively in front of her, her body shaking with quiet sobs.

Faang Yu's brow furrowed in disapproval at the sight.

The vice principal, mistaking Faang Yu's frown for anger, quickly fell to his knees, pleading, "Big brother, big brother... I'm sorry, so sorry..."

Faang Yu shut the door firmly, then sent the vice principal flying with a swift kick. He strode over to Qin Yumo, who, upon seeing him, clung to him desperately, seeking refuge in his embrace.

Qin Yumo's upper garments were nearly non-existent, leaving her in just a pair of form-fitting pants that left little to the imagination. With the barrier of clothing gone, Faang Yu could fully sense the smoothness of her skin and the ample curve of her chest.

"It's okay, you're safe now," Faang Yu soothed, gently patting her back and feeling the warmth and soft resilience of her skin.

He then removed his own shirt and placed it over Qin Yumo, covering her.

"Make sure you're dressed warmly," he advised.

Qin Yumo released her grip on Faang Yu and looked up at him with gratitude. "Thank you."

"There's no need. He's at your mercy now, and he won't dare lay a finger on you," Faang Yu said with a reassuring smile, radiating a sense of security like warm sunlight.

In that moment, Qin Yumo realized that the vice principal had been so frightened by Faang Yu that he had knelt and begged for forgiveness. She recognized that Faang Yu was no ordinary student.

But she didn't dwell on his background. Faang Yu had given her a sense of safety and the courage she needed. Now, she felt empowered to confront the vice principal. With renewed resolve, Qin Yumo dressed herself and approached the vice principal, who lay on the ground, writhing in pain from Faang Yu's kick, unable and unwilling to rise.

At that moment, Qin Yumo approached, her eyes blazing with fury. With a swift motion, she unleashed a powerful kick right between the vice principal's legs, a sound akin to an egg shattering echoing in the air. The vice principal's face contorted in pain, turning a deep shade of purple as he struggled to even let out a scream.

Her kick had effectively shattered any prospects of his future sexual endeavors.

Faang Yu couldn't help but think Qin Yumo had been excessively harsh, but then again, it seemed justified. If not for her actions, the man might have continued to harm others.

Qin Yumo, still not satisfied, continued to deliver kick after kick, the exact number lost in her rage. The vice principal's face was a blur, a ghastly mix of purple and black, a terrifying sight. Yet, Faang Yu was certain of one thing—the vice principal was still breathing. As long as he was alive, they could avoid further complications. Despite his current state, there was no sympathy for a man guilty of such heinous acts.

Exhausted from the onslaught, Qin Yumo found a chair and sat down, her forehead glistening with sweat. As she gazed at the vice principal, a sense of relief washed over her.

Faang Yu addressed Qin Yumo, "The punishment has been enough. Do you want me to treat you now?"

After catching her breath, Qin Yumo replied, "Yes, in a bit, but him..." She glanced at the vice principal sprawled on the ground.

Faang Yu immediately caught her drift.

"Just relax. We're not involved in this," he reassured her.

Qin Yumo decided to trust Faang Yu's judgment.

Faang Yu then made a call, "Hello? Yes, handle it, please."

"Okay, we're leaving now."

Qin Yumo gave Faang Yu a nod of acknowledgment and they left the scene together. Shortly after, the principal entered, finding Ma Chaoqun barely clinging to life on the floor. Without hesitation, he delivered a kick of his own.

"You've done nothing but cause trouble. Don't bother coming back to school," he spat out.

Subsequently, several individuals removed the battered Ma Chaoqun from the premises.

Qin Yumo and Faang Yu made their way to an empty medical room, a quiet place perfect for treatment.

Qin Yumo gracefully reclined on the bed, sliding off the coat Faang Yu had given her to expose her pale, flat stomach. As Faang Yu approached, a blush tinted Qin Yumo's cheeks, and she murmured, "Let's start."

Faang Yu gently placed his hand on Qin Yumo's belly, initiating an ancient massage technique. Soon, a soothing warmth spread through her, easing the pain in her stomach until she felt completely relaxed and comfortable.

With the passage of time, Qin Yumo's body began to quiver slightly, but she quickly regained her composure, her face glistening with sweat.

Looking up at Faang Yu, Qin Yumo's gaze held a mix of complex emotions. Faang Yu was no ordinary man; his allure surpassed that of others.

As Faang Yu continued the massage, he eventually sensed it was enough. "All done," he announced, "you can get up now." With his words, Qin Yumo carefully rose to her feet.

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