Golden Finger Simulation System/C22 Flower
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C22 Flower
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C22 Flower

In the school infirmary, Faang Yu and Qin Yumo were alone. Qin Yumo lifted her shirt, exposing her snow-white, flat stomach. Her chest heaved with waves of breath, and her face was flushed, her eyes shimmering like rippling water.

Faang Yu's hands were gentle as he massaged and pressed her acupoints, eliciting a warm, tingling comfort. Qin Yumo clenched her lips, her breath quickening, her face so flushed it seemed ready to burst.

With a clear mind, Faang Yu was intent on healing Qin Yumo. As time passed, sweat beaded on her skin—a sign of recovery. Faang Yu then moved to the sink, lathering his hands with soap and rinsing them clean before drying off with a towel.

Meanwhile, Qin Yumo slowly rose from the bed, her clothes falling back into place over her abdomen. Her complexion had improved, and she exuded a sense of relief, as if a long-standing burden had been lifted.

"Thank you, Faang Yu," Qin Yumo said, catching her breath. He had saved her before, and now he had healed her; his help was immeasurable.

"As long as you're okay, that's what matters. I need to get back to class," Faang Yu replied, preparing to leave. Qin Yumo felt a pang of reluctance and reached out, wanting to ask him to stay, yet words failed her.

She watched Faang Yu depart, the turmoil in her heart hidden behind a facade of calm. She wondered to herself, what was really happening?

Soon after Faang Yu left, Qin Yumo also exited the infirmary. A few male students dropped their snacks in shock. One blinked hard and looked again—it was indeed Qin Yumo. Hesitantly, he turned to his friend and asked, "Am I seeing things, or did Faang Yu and Teacher Qin just come out of the same room?"

"You're not mistaken; they really did come out of the same room," his companion rarely chimed in.

The two exchanged a glance and exclaimed, "Oh my, my seventh aunt by marriage! A man and a woman alone in a room, and Qin Yumo is even wearing Faang Yu's clothes. The implications are quite clear, and everyone caught on immediately.

They were green with envy. The new teacher had quickly become the school's belle, a beauty everyone admired, and she was single! So naturally, everyone harbored some hopes. But to their surprise, Faang Yu had managed to win over Qin Yumo in just a couple of days. The idea that the alluring Qin Yumo had fallen for Faang Yu was like a billion-dollar opportunity slipping through their fingers. Even if they couldn't win her over, they couldn't stand the thought of someone else doing so. It just didn't sit right with them.

What really got to them was the thought that Qin Yumo could have been with someone wealthy or influential—a second-generation rich kid, a business tycoon, or a high-ranking official. They could have accepted that, as those individuals had the means. But Faang Yu? He was a nobody, with no money or connections. How could he be the one to be with Qin Yumo? It defied logic and was a bitter pill for them to swallow.

When Qin Yumo returned to her office, she was greeted by the smiles and oddly respectful expressions of her colleagues, which puzzled her. She couldn't fathom why they were acting so strangely around her.

Then, a female teacher from the department of literature approached her quietly and asked, "Yumo, do you have some sort of connection with the principal?"

"No, not at all," Qin Yumo replied, puzzled by the question.

"That's troubling," the literature teacher whispered. "The principal was here earlier, warning us that anyone who crosses you would be facing expulsion."

With that, the pieces fell into place for Qin Yumo. So the principal had paid a visit.

"Yumo," the teacher continued, "I might just have to lean on you in the future. If you've got the principal's ear, it could mean smoother sailing for the rest of us..."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Maybe it's because of him..." Qin Yumo pondered. Zheng Ming was the only one with the clout to intimidate the principal.

"Which 'he' are you talking about?" inquired the curious literature department teacher, seemingly determined to get a clear answer.

"Let's just drop it, it's nothing important..." Qin Yumo struggled to find the words and decided it was best left unsaid.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it."

Faang Yu returned to the classroom, sparking curiosity among the students about his whereabouts. Had he been with Qin Yumo? No one dared to inquire further, remembering Faang Yu's formidable reputation.

This time, someone else sought him out. She entered, clad in a long, white-sleeved cotton dress, exuding an air of purity untouched by the world. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders, dancing in the breeze. Her sweet smile and eyes, brimming with joy like peach blossoms, seemed to charm the very air and soften time itself.

The classroom was awash with the essence of youth, innocence, and stirring emotions.

Every boy's gaze was drawn to her, while the girls looked on with admiration, quietly capturing the moment with their phones.

Amidst the awestruck stares, Wang Huanjun approached Faang Yu's desk with a gentle step.

"Move over, I'll sit here," Wang Huanjun said sweetly, her voice devoid of any forced sultriness, perfectly befitting her youthful age.

Faang Yu looked at her, his face free of the previous flirtatious flush, revealing only his natural features, as pure as an unadorned lotus flower—a living embodiment of the saying, "Out of clear water comes the lotus flower, naturally uncarved."

Despite the abundance of empty seats, Wang Huanjun chose to sit by Faang Yu. For her, the location was irrelevant; what mattered was being near Faang Yu.

In that moment, many of the boys couldn't help but cry out in envy, "Why not me? Why not me? There's an empty seat right here!" Yet, Wang Huanjun's gaze was fixed solely on Faang Yu, oblivious to the others, the classroom, the world, and even herself.

Faang Yu shifted to the side, making room for an empty seat next to him. Wang Huanjun, her hands gracefully gathering the folds of her white dress, took the seat and nestled close to Faang Yu's arm, even resting against it.

Faang Yu could sense the softness and resilience of her body. In contrast to Qin Yumo, Wang Huanjun's skin felt firmer, yet it lacked Qin Yumo's delicate softness. Another distinction was the subtle scent of camellias emanating from Wang Huanjun; it was gentle yet unmistakable, growing more intoxicating with each breath.

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