Golden Finger Simulation System/C23 Jealousy
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C23 Jealousy
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C23 Jealousy

The scent was one that nearly everyone could detect.

It was a subtle fragrance, not at all overpowering or reminiscent of industrial chemicals.

A quick glance made it obvious that the stunning girl was there for Faang Yu. She wasn't a member of their class; otherwise, they would have recognized someone so strikingly beautiful.

Moreover, she bypassed numerous empty seats to sit close to Faang Yu, pressing against him without any hint of reservation. It was as if she was content to be there, resting against his shoulder. Her faint smile radiated satisfaction and a touch of triumph, her eyes twinkling with mirth as if she were basking in the glow of spring.

Women have a keen intuition, and it was clear to them that this fresh-faced beauty had her sights set on Faang Yu.

Yet, they were baffled as to why Faang Yu had become the recent favorite among such diverse and charming women.

He wasn't exceptionally handsome; he used to exude a certain nonchalance. Now, there was a newfound determination about him, but that alone couldn't explain his appeal to the stunning teacher and student, who could rival the campus beauty. After all, what good is good looks without money, power, or talent?

In the eyes of many women, a man should possess wealth, influence, and creativity.

Aside from his fighting prowess, Faang Yu didn't seem to have much wealth. He took the bus and didn't wear designer labels.

What was it about such a man that could possibly be so alluring? This was the conundrum for many women.

But this was the perspective of those fixated on material wealth.

Indeed, money and power could attract women, but what many sought was security.

Particularly those who were not in need of financial or social clout.

It was the ordinary women, lacking in wealth and status, who often harbored such aspirations.

As it happened, Wang Huanjun was in search of stability, something she knew Faang Yu could offer. His strength was something only she was privy to, especially after he had saved her on multiple occasions, leaving an unforgettable impact on her.

The male students in the classroom watched Faang Yu with clenched jaws, their faces etched with envy. They longed to take his place beside the goddess who had captivated their hearts, a figure on par with Teacher Qin Yumo. Yet, this exquisite beauty had chosen to be by Faang Yu's side.

Several women who had once dazzled their youth and stirred their hearts had all flocked to Faang Yu, leaving them feeling as though their own wives had been unfaithfully snatched away, fueling a deep-seated rage within them.

Yet, they were well aware that they stood no chance against Faang Yu in a direct confrontation. The big guy who had previously challenged Faang Yu had been swiftly knocked out with a single punch. Acknowledging they were no match for him, they certainly couldn't contend with Faang Yu.

So, while they seethed with anger, they dared not let it erupt, opting instead to stew in silence.

Even Faang Yu himself was somewhat baffled by the affection these women showed him.

Moreover, Wang Huanjun wasn't even a student in their class, so her presence here wasn't to attend the lecture.

Faang Yu, however, wasn't bothered. As long as she didn't interrupt him or cause any trouble, he was indifferent to the rest.

The math class was a snooze-fest, lulling the students toward slumber.

Faang Yu was on the verge of dozing off when Wang Huanjun leaned in close and whispered, "Faang Yu, are you free tonight?"

Her voice was soft and sultry, laced with a mix of shyness and anticipation.

"Where to tonight? I might not have the time," Faang Yu replied, puzzled by Wang Huanjun's evening proposition. He remembered that today marked the third day, and Lee Yiran was due to arrive. He decided it was best to remain in the school dormitory to avoid missing her arrival.

Wang Huanjun was taken aback by his swift rejection, responding with a touch of irritation, "How can you not be free? It's Friday, and there are no classes."

"I have to pick someone up today, so I can't make it," Faang Yu explained, somewhat perplexed as to why he owed her an explanation.

"Is that so?" Wang Huanjun responded, her tone tinged with feminine disappointment.

Annoyed, Faang Yu retorted, "Believe what you want."

Realizing her misstep from Faang Yu's tone of annoyance, Wang Huanjun quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, truly. I just wanted to invite you out for a meal, nothing more."

"In a few days—I'm free right now," Faang Yu said without a hint of annoyance.

"Okay, okay, don't overdo it today, alright?" Out of the blue, Wang Huanjun planted a kiss on Faang Yu's cheek. Shocked as if struck by lightning, Faang Yu whipped his head around to stare at her, his hand on his cheek, scarcely believing that Wang Huanjun had just stolen a kiss.

He had once been the king of the capital, always the one to make the first move. When had a woman ever taken the lead?

"What was that for?" Faang Yu finally managed to ask after a long pause.

Wang Huanjun's cheeks flushed slightly. "I just... couldn't help myself. Just accept it..."

Faang Yu realized that she had fallen for him. He hadn't anticipated that a simple act of rescue would lead to her offering herself to him.

He was hardly in the mood for such complications.

At a loss for words, Faang Yu chose silence and went to bed.

Wang Huanjun was unsure whether Faang Yu's reaction was good or bad, but she was the type to pursue someone she liked without hesitation, believing that acting swiftly was always best.

As time slowly ticked by, school let out.

By a stroke of luck, a text message arrived for Faang Yu.

The message informed him that the person had arrived at the north train station, sent by Zhou Cheng.

Faang Yu was aware that the arrival of the person he was to protect also heralded the onset of various troubles.

Yet, Faang Yu was unafraid, even eager for the challenge, eager to unleash the full force of the Soldier King's power.

He was about to hail a cab to the station to meet Qin Yumo when he was abruptly stopped by a group of people. They were from his school, and among them emerged a man as stout as a winter melon, decked out in designer clothes and sporting an expensive gold necklace—clearly a rich kid, a nouveau riche.

His name was Winter Melon Soldier. A windfall from a property demolition had made his family millionaires overnight, inflating his ego. He was known for throwing money around to get things done.

Nowadays, he's paying these folks to be around; there's no shortage of cash-strapped students in the school, after all.

"Faang Yu, Qin Yumo is my teacher, and I suggest you keep your distance! Got it?!" The diminutive fellow, a full head shorter than Faang Yu, sounded like a jester as he spoke. Faang Yu couldn't help but want to laugh at the sight.

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