Golden Finger Simulation System/C5 This Fierce
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C5 This Fierce
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C5 This Fierce

Soong Haoran was convinced that his good-looking junior would dutifully hand over Shen Mengyao to him, especially after being charmed by his friendly demeanor. He saw this as the perfect chance to effortlessly pluck the innocent Shen Mengyao like a delicate flower, and in doing so, get under Soong Chenxin's skin.

Soong Haoran freely admitted that Shen Mengyao was just a fling to him. His family was well-matched with his own, and Soong Chenxin was the one he intended to marry. He'd encountered many "white flowers" like Shen Mengyao, and without fail, they all succumbed to his advances. Gold-diggers didn't pique his interest; he was far more intrigued by these self-proclaimed pure girls, as conquering them gave him an immense sense of satisfaction.

Faang Yu couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia; there was a time when even the local rich kids would tread carefully around him, careful not to offend.

Soong Haoran's gaze fell upon Faang Yu, who remained silent and stone-faced, causing his brow to furrow deeply.

The crowd around them buzzed with anticipation.

Female onlookers:

Female Student: "Look, they're facing off!"

Chubby Girl: "Wow, yeah, the guy with Shen Mengyao is pretty cute. But if I had to choose, I'd definitely go for Soong Haoran. He's got talent and wealth—a perfect match!"

Female Student: "Ugh, maybe you should focus on losing weight first!"

Male onlookers:

Male Student: "Do you think they'll come to blows? That would be quite the show!"

Chubby Boy: "Quick, start recording! This could go viral. 'Impoverished student lashes out at wealthy heir to protect his girlfriend'—now that's a headline!"

After waiting for half a minute in silence, Faang Yu still hadn't uttered a word. Shen Mengyao glanced at Soong Haoran before resting her head on Faang Yu's chest. Faang Yu's continued silence was like a slap in the face to Soong Haoran, a blatant provocation.

Just as Soong Haoran was about to make his move and snatch Shen Mengyao away, Faang Yu finally spoke.

"Sorry, I don't know you. Please step aside."

"I don't know you, step aside!" Soong Haoran had always been in the spotlight, accustomed to everyone treating him with deference. And now, this nobody had the audacity to tell him to move aside?

"I'm the president of the graduate student council," Soong Haoran said, taking a deep breath.

"Step aside, please. She's not feeling well, and I'm taking her back to the dorm," Faang Yu stated flatly, his face betraying no emotion. The capital's most notorious playboy had never feared anyone, not even now, stripped of his former status as a young master.

The onlookers were shocked, their excitement bubbling over.

The chubby girl exclaimed, "He's actually talking to Soong Haoran like that!"

The chubby boy cheered, "Damn, it's on! Hit him! Go for it, kid, I'm rooting for you!"

"Do you realize who you're speaking to? With just one word, I can have you expelled, and all those years of study will have been for nothing," Soong Haoran's previously feigned pleasantness vanished, replaced by a chilling coldness and an air of supreme arrogance.

Faang Yu simply raised an eyebrow in response to Soong Haoran's haughty demeanor, his look one of utter scorn.

Meanwhile, Shen Mengyao was wracked with guilt. Aware of Soong Haoran's significant clout at the school, she didn't want to drag Faang Yu into her troubles. She whispered so only Faang Yu could hear, "Faang Yu, you should leave this alone. He really could get you expelled."

As more spectators gathered, the commotion eventually drew the attention of the school security. Patrol cars arrived on the scene, and several guards made their way through the crowd to the center of the action.

The chief of security was a middle-aged man named Liu Jun, sporting a beer belly. He was acquainted with Soong Haoran; the higher-ups had explicitly instructed him to look out for Mr. Soong, which was why Soong could so easily drive onto campus to flirt.

"It's Mr. Soong," Liu Jun greeted him with an obsequious smile.

"Yes, and I suspect this man is not from our school. The girl is a friend of mine, and she's feeling unwell. I don't trust this outsider's intentions. You should handle him," Soong Haoran said smugly, pleased at the thought of the security taking care of the nuisance for him.

"Right away," Liu Jun responded eagerly. He knew that currying favor with Soong Haoran would pay off handsomely in the future. He spared a moment of silent pity for the poor soul who dared to compete with Soong Haoran for a woman's attention, then prepared to take action.

Confronted by Faang Yu, Liu Jun's demeanor shifted instantly. He barked, "What are you doing with this young lady so late? Are you even a student? Show me your student ID now."

Faang Yu soothed Shen Mengyao, who was racked with guilt, and glanced at Liu Jun. He pulled his student ID from his wallet and said, "Here's my ID. She's a friend who's feeling unwell, and I'm escorting her back to her dorm. Is there an issue?"

Liu Jun, observing Faang Yu's confident stance, felt his pride wounded in Soong Haoran's presence. Anger flared within him as he snatched Faang Yu's student ID. "You look familiar. There was a theft in the girls' dormitory recently caught on surveillance, and I suspect it was you. You're coming with me to the security office! Your counselor will hear about this tomorrow."

"Lil' Wang, Lee, take this guy to the security office!" Liu Jun commanded the two guards behind him. Seeing Soong Haoran's satisfied grin, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Soong Haoran's smile returned, smugly watching Faang Yu with an air of 'you've dug your own grave.'

The two young guards exchanged glances, reluctantly moving to apprehend Faang Yu as ordered.

"Man, just let it go. You can't fight these rich kids," Little Wang murmured to Faang Yu. "Play along, and we won't have to be rough with you."

At the guards' caution, Faang Yu burst into laughter. "You guys are in luck."

Both guards were puzzled, thinking Faang Yu had lost his nerve, but within ten minutes, they both realized their fortune had indeed been good.

"What's the hold-up?" Liu Jun snarled, advancing to intervene, but Faang Yu swiftly immobilized him with a single-handed grip on his arm.

"How dare you resist!" Liu Jun cried out in pain, his rage peaking. He drew his stun baton with his left hand, aiming a blow at Faang Yu.

Faang Yu let out a disdainful snort, his anger now palpable.

A scream like that of a slaughtered pig reverberated across the campus. The ensuing scene sent chills down everyone's spines, causing Lee and Wang, who had been ready to step in, to freeze in their tracks.

Faang Yu had forcibly twisted Liu Jun's right arm a full 360 degrees. His hand shook grotesquely, trembling out of shape as Liu lay on the ground, wailing in agony. His face was a mess of snot and tears, painting a picture of utter misery.

With a cold sneer, Faang Yu wrapped his arms around Shen Mengyao and stepped forward, fixing Soong Haoran with a domineering glare. "I told you to move aside. Do I need to repeat myself?"

Soong Haoran could honestly say he had never felt so humiliated, nor had he ever encountered someone so brutally intimidating.

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