Golden Finger Simulation System/C6 System Mission
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C6 System Mission
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C6 System Mission

Faang Yu's display of ferocity was anything but ordinary.

Liu Jun had it coming.

Faang Yu had been exercising restraint lately, but when Liu Jun tried to attack him with an electric baton, Faang Yu's response was merciless.

The onlookers, all students, were terrified by the harrowing scene unfolding before them. After a moment of shock, a few couldn't help but dial 911.

Soong Haoran, usually so arrogant and confident in his ability to dominate Faang Yu, was visibly shaken by Faang Yu's aggressive stance.

Soong Haoran was utterly convinced that his influence within the school would be enough to crush Faang Yu, but he was taken aback by Faang Yu's brazenness. Threats and power plays meant nothing to Faang Yu, who would simply knock you down with a single punch. What recourse did Soong Haoran have against such brute force?

"I shouldn't stoop to his level," Soong Haoran reassured himself, giving himself an out while glaring resentfully at Faang Yu, preparing to step aside.

Faang Yu, with a reputation for showing no mercy, wasn't about to let Soong Haoran walk away after such a display of arrogance. Without a word, he stepped forward, Shen Mengyao by his side, and delivered a swift kick to the refined Soong Haoran's rear.

The square echoed with a second scream as Soong Haoran hit the ground, his dignity in tatters. His mind went blank; he had never experienced such humiliation. He knew this image of him would become the school's joke, a stain that would persist even if he retaliated against Faang Yu. His peers would mock him relentlessly, and this shame was a gift from the brash young man before him.

The crowd initially inhaled sharply in shock, then erupted into a frenzy.

"This guy is so rough! He beat up the security guard and now he's attacked Soong Haoran!" exclaimed a plump girl, incredulous at the sight of Soong Haoran's dusty, disheveled state.

"The security guard was the first to illegally use an electric baton. This guy's actions were, at worst, excessive self-defense. As for the kick to Soong Haoran, it's just a scuffle," commented a tall, slim girl with shoulder-length hair, nonchalantly. "If this guy doesn't have any powerful family connections, he'd definitely face criminal charges. Otherwise, it's easy to sever ties, and the school might just handle it. But I suspect the latter will be the case."

"What are you talking about? This guy is way out of line. He definitely—" The little plump girl was a hardcore fan of Soong Haoran and rebutted with a look of defiance.

Her friend caught a glimpse of the person's face, gasped in shock, and quickly tugged at the plump girl, "Stop talking, that's Soong Chenxin from the law department!" Crossing Soong Chenxin in the department could lead to serious trouble.

Soong Chenxin's sudden appearance among the onlookers caused quite a stir, but the excitement was short-lived as she quickly departed. Her emotions were a tangled mess. Faang Yu, oh Faang Yu, you're no longer the notorious troublemaker of the capital. I wonder what you're feeling now, seeing me again?

Soong Haoran picked himself up, looking utterly disheveled. To him, Faang Yu was nothing short of a madman. He vowed to exact his revenge, but not at this moment. In the face of the intimidating Faang Yu, he had no choice but to slink away and immediately call his uncle in the police force. He was determined to see Faang Yu grovel before him! Faang Yu escorted Shen Mengyao to her dorm without incident. The dorm supervisor tried to intervene, but one look from Faang Yu sent her scurrying away to dial 110.

After a prolonged stupor, Shen Mengyao's dam of emotions broke, "Faang Yu, are you sure it's okay? You could be expelled, taken to the police station, or worse, end up in jail. This is all my fault!"

The University of Paton dorms typically housed four, but now they were deserted except for Faang Yu and Shen Mengyao.

Shen Mengyao sobbed uncontrollably, and Faang Yu could only embrace and gently soothe her. As she wept, she eventually drifted off to sleep in Faang Yu's arms. He sighed, carefully laid Shen Mengyao on the bed, and tucked her in with a blanket.

Then, a knock at the door broke the silence.

"Come in," Faang Yu called out, his voice steady, betraying no concern for the impending trouble. The visitor was a woman in her mid-twenties, dressed in a police uniform.

The young policewoman, Chen Jingrui, had been at the police academy for three years. It was her first time receiving such an order—to politely request the man responsible for an injury to step outside. Clearly, what had seemed like a routine incident took on a new significance after her team leader, Zhu Tao, received a mysterious phone call.

Chen Jingrui locked eyes with the tall young man, hesitated for a moment, then inhaled deeply before speaking with measured calm, "Student Faang Yu, please accompany us to the police station."

Faang Yu rose to his feet and nodded, "Let's go."

Chen Jingrui felt a twinge of surprise. Despite being several years her junior, this boy reminded her of an elite special forces soldier she'd encountered during her military training.

Exiting the women's dormitory, Faang Yu climbed into the police car without exchanging a single word with the visibly distressed and sweat-drenched counselor.

Silent in the backseat, Faang Yu was well aware that the nature of the incident had shifted. He had initially thought a simple call to an old friend would resolve the matter, but the unexpected courtesy from the policewoman prompted him to abandon that plan. The odd turn of events led him to suspect a connection to the system.

Even at my angriest, I wouldn't normally strike ordinary people with such force. I nearly disabled that security guard's hand, and though he had it coming, ever since inheriting the Soldier King's powers, my penchant for brutality seems to have grown. Faang Yu brooded over this realization, concerned that he was starting to relish the cruel thrill—a decidedly troubling development.

Upon arrival at the police station, Faang Yu was escorted straight into an office. The policewoman who led him there left him with a cup of tea before vanishing, mentioning that someone would be coming to see him shortly.

"Faang Yu, parents unknown, graduate of the Wolf Training Camp for special forces, with 32 successful missions before retirement." A tall, dark-skinned man in his thirties, dressed in a suit, entered the room and began to recite Faang Yu's dossier with precision.

"How did the premier special forces soldier of the Secret Service end up as just an ordinary college student?" The man gazed at Faang Yu with an expression of disappointment.

Surprise was the first emotion to flash across Faang Yu's face. What was this all about? He had spent years as a privileged second-generation, yet he had never heard of a Secret Service in his country, let alone his being its number one special forces soldier. He was clearly nothing more than a wastrel!

At that moment, the System chimed in.

[Beep. Activation of the Goldfinger System's Soldier King mission. Mission Level: Unknown. Mission Reward: One opportunity for a special item draw. Character Punishment: Erasure!]

Faang Yu had an epiphany. The sense of danger he had felt that night was connected to these individuals! Now, what intrigued him the most was the true nature of this mission.

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