Golden Finger Simulation System/C8 Casually Taught a Lesson
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C8 Casually Taught a Lesson
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C8 Casually Taught a Lesson

Zhou Cheng spoke with precise enunciation, "The powers at play are both international and domestic. Internationally, we're dealing with political and military factions, shadowy grey forces, and formidable entities like mercenary organizations. Domestically, the landscape is dominated by underground grey forces and illicit groups."

Faang Yu's brow furrowed slightly upon hearing this. The reach of these forces was extensive, encompassing both foreign and domestic spheres, and all wielded considerable influence. The illegal forces, often synonymous with assassin networks, piqued his curiosity. What had Prof. Lee done to attract such fervent interest and wariness from so many powerful players?

Zhou Cheng went on to explain, "Prof. Lee is a leading genius in the biotechnology field, commanding respect both at home and abroad. He's developed a slew of astonishing and potent technological weaponry, as well as numerous biomedical treatments. His latest breakthrough is the Super Serum. With a single injection, one gains the speed of a cheetah, the explosive power of a tiger, the ferocity of a lion, and the agility of a monkey. It's a comprehensive enhancement of human physical capabilities, surpassing even that of a Soldier King."

Now Faang Yu understood the desperate eagerness and apprehension surrounding the serum. A successful injection would instantly elevate someone to the pinnacle of special forces—a Soldier King—a rarity that might emerge once in thirty years. Yet with this serum, anyone could achieve that status instantaneously.

The power of science and technology was indeed formidable.

Zhou Cheng continued, "Ms. Lee, Prof. Lee's only daughter, is the keeper of this secret. Her given name is Lee Yiran, and she's a student at Cambridge University overseas. Rumors paint her as quirky yet incredibly aloof. We'll only grasp the full picture through personal interaction. It's said that Prof. Lee entrusted her with the serum's formula."

Faang Yu nodded, his understanding of Prof. Lee's situation becoming clearer, though Lee Yiran remained somewhat enigmatic.

He then posed a question, "With so many forces involved, how feasible is it to apprehend them within the confines of this Normal University?"

"There's no way around it; we can't just block them, we have to channel them. These individuals have always been a latent danger to our nation. Now's our chance to capture them all at once!" Zhou Cheng said, his eyes gleaming with a ruthless intensity.

"By the way, you're the decoy test subject. We'll spread the word to ensure your display of power raises no suspicions," Zhou Cheng added.

"Fine, but I'll need some weapons. You know what I mean," Faang Yu replied, now fully aware of the so-called system's side effects. They were exactly this: with great power came great challenges.

Yet, Faang Yu was unfazed. A true man should seize the day. The world was vast, and there was no need to settle for mediocrity. The system's arrival had reignited Faang Yu's dominant spirit from his days as the kingpin in the capital.

"Got it. The weapons will be delivered to your apartment today," Zhou Cheng said, his face breaking into a smile, signaling that the mission was complete and it was time to move on to the next phase.

Later, as Faang Yu emerged unscathed, the students in the know watched in astonishment. They all knew that Soong Haoran's uncle, Soong Juncheng, the police station captain and a significant figure, had gone in after him. He wasn't someone who would let Faang Yu off the hook easily, yet here he was, walking out without a scratch.

The consensus was clear: Faang Yu was no ordinary student. How else could he have crossed Soong Haoran and Soong Juncheng and still walk away unharmed?

They all agreed that it would be wise to avoid crossing Faang Yu in the future. Stirring trouble with him could only lead to bad outcomes.

School was out before long, and Faang Yu boarded a bus to his apartment.

Reaching the platform, he found the sky had already taken on an inky hue. The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving a luminous crescent moon to adorn the night sky.

Faang Yu pulled his clothes tighter around him as the chill of the evening set in. With the onset of spring's cooler March and April evenings, he made a mental note to start wearing a jacket. It was time to stop being careless with the changing seasons.

Walking down the familiar road, there were only a handful of pedestrians. Within minutes, the sky had turned pitch black, yet the street lamps lining the path remained unlit.

Suddenly, a bright light flared up ahead, a burst of flame flickering out, followed by a shower of sparks and the pervasive scent of smoke.

Voices broke the silence.

"Hey, wasn't that chick from yesterday something? When are we hitting that spot again?"

"You think I don't know what's on your mind? Pining for A-Sang, aren't you? Listen up, you're footing the bill this time. Don't expect me to cough up the cash."

Chung Benjin hung his head, chastised. He was broke, with no cash for another visit to the Rose Club. Yet the mere memory of A-Sang's touch, that melt-your-bones sensation, was too much to resist. He needed money, and fast.

That's when he spotted Faang Yu approaching.

"Bro, isn't that the kid we shook down last time?" Chung Benjin's voice quivered with anticipation, eager for another round of easy pickings.

Zhu Deshun, mid-drag on his cigarette, turned at Chung Benjin's words and caught sight of Faang Yu. A grin spread across his face. "Fellas, we're in luck. Looks like we've got ourselves another cash cow."

With that, they advanced on Faang Yu.

Faang Yu, walking along, noticed Zhu Deshun and his crew. A frown creased his brow as he recalled his first encounter with them, a time when he was down on his luck and easily robbed by these local bullies.

But things were different now. He was no longer the disheartened Faang Yu of the past. He had reclaimed the assertive presence of his days as the Soldier King. To cross him now was to court death.

As he approached Zhu Deshun and his gang, Zhu Deshun extended his smoke-laden hand, blocking Faang Yu's way. "Little brother, fancy seeing you again. We're a bit strapped for cash. How about you spot us a few?" he said, his breath reeking of tobacco.

With Zhu Deshun's words, Chung Benjin and the other thugs closed in on Faang Yu, their intentions unmistakable: no money, no passage.

Faang Yu looked up, his expression composed and his eyes steely with ferocity, and declared, "I'll count to three. If you don't step aside, don't blame me for not being polite!"

Zhu Dishun burst into raucous laughter upon hearing this.

"What's that? Count to three? Hahaha, 'don't be polite'! Guys, did you hear that? He's actually threatening us!"

Chung Benjin chimed in, "Boss, this kid's clearly got a screw loose. He's acting like a complete idiot!"

"Boss, I can't handle it. I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts..." the other henchmen added.

With a menacing look in his eyes, Faang Yu uttered sternly, "One!"

Zhu Dishun, having finished his cigarette, retorted, "Forget counting. Just go straight to three. Men, take him down and make him regret crossing us!"

In that instant, Chung Benjin and the rest wore a look of malice, their fists tightened, ready to strike Faang Yu in the face.

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