Golden Finger Simulation System/C9 You Piece of Trash
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Golden Finger Simulation System/C9 You Piece of Trash
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C9 You Piece of Trash

Faang Yu's sneer was laced with a menacing edge. He was a changed man from the one who had first arrived. With the system at his disposal, he had transformed into the Soldier King, a master of martial arts. Who could possibly stand against him?

As Faang Yu observed his slow and feeble opponents, he struck with lightning speed, seizing the fists of two assailants with ease.

Chung Benjin was taken aback by Faang Yu's swiftness. It was as though he materialized from nowhere, gripping their fists with an ironclad hold.

"Release me! Let go!"

"Let go! Let go!"

Chung Benjin and his companion tugged at their right hands, but to no avail. Faang Yu's grip was unyielding.

"Let go! Well done, you've really done it now!"

With a cold chuckle, Faang Yu pushed hard, sending the two men hurtling backward to crash into utility poles, their cries of agony filling the air.

Zhu Deshun, witnessing the scene, was struck by fear, his cigarette tumbling from his grasp.

Faang Yu turned to face Zhu Deshun, who staggered back in terror. In that moment, Zhu Deshun grasped the source of Faang Yu's ferocity: his mastery of martial arts, the only explanation for his ability to fling men through the air with such ease.

"Kid, I'll have you know I'm trained in martial arts too. I pack a thousand kilograms of force in one hand, and my punch can shatter bricks. So, if you don't fancy a beating, you'd better just... just leave the money..." His voice trailed off, lacking conviction.

"Go to hell!" Faang Yu's foot lashed out, propelling Zhu Deshun through the air to slam against a dilapidated wall.

Faang Yu could easily see through the kid's bluster. With his scrawny build, he was no match at all.

Stepping up to Zhu Deshun, Faang Yu declared, "Remember, this territory is mine now. You call me 'big brother' when you see me from here on out."

Trembling, Zhu Deshun managed to stammer out, "Yes, yes, big brother..."

With that, Faang Yu walked away, leaving his mark on the place and its people.

At that moment, Chung Benjin and his crew approached Zhu Deshun and exclaimed, "Big brother, how can he be so formidable..."

Zhu Deshun, watching Faang Yu's retreating figure, cursed under his breath, "Damn, who would've thought the little bunny would turn into the big bad wolf."

"What do we do now?" one of the remaining lackeys inquired.

"Do what? Think you can take him?"

"No way..."


The following day, Faang Yu attended his classes as usual.

After getting his meal, he settled into a corner to eat. Before long, someone joined him. Faang Yu, preoccupied with his food, paid little mind to the newcomer.

"Faang Yu, this is for you!" Suddenly, a food gift box materialized in his line of sight, complete with rice, three side dishes, and a fruit salad.

Looking up, Faang Yu recognized Wang Huanjun. It turned out she had prepared the meal.

"What's all this about?" Faang Yu asked.

Wang Huanjun replied, "It's my way of thanking you for saving me. I brought you some food. Please, eat up; it's really tasty, and I made it myself."

Faang Yu observed her, realizing that since he had rescued Wang Huanjun from the thugs, her demeanor towards him had shifted dramatically. She had never been cold to him before, but now she was exceedingly gentle, even bringing him gifts—a homemade bento, no less.

It felt oddly unsettling to him.

"Well then, I accept with gratitude," Faang Yu said, not overthinking it. He took the bento, emboldened by his recent activation of the Soldier King Gold Finger, which had greatly amplified his courage.

As Faang Yu was about to dig into the bento, a hand reached out and seized it from his grasp. He looked up to find Zhang Ziruo.

Zhang Ziruo glared at Faang Yu and sneered, "You think you deserve a bento made with love?"

He then turned to Wang Huanjun and spat out, "You, what a disgrace, not even sparing a glance for trash like him. Are you asking for trouble? I've pursued you for so long, and you've never accepted, yet here you are cozying up to this nobody, even making him a heartfelt bento!"

"Zhang Ziruo, keep it together and don't go looking for trouble. Remember, we're in a school," Wang Huanjun stood up, her voice trembling with rage.

"Oh, what are you going to do if I do cause trouble? You like this piece of garbage, don't you? Well, today I'm going to turn him into real garbage right before your eyes!" Zhang Ziruo retorted.

Zhang Ziruo was a notorious figure on the student council, known as the school's little tyrant. With a vice principal in his family and a prestigious background, he strutted around the school with an air of invincibility, even more formidable than Soong Haoran.

"Release me!" demanded Faang Yu.

"Look who's talking, the trash himself! I almost thought you were too scared to speak," Zhang Ziruo mocked, his laughter filled with scorn, clearly intended to belittle Faang Yu.

By now, the incident had caught the attention of others, and whispers began to circulate.

"Oh no, that's Zhang Ziruo! Faang Yu's in for it now. Zhang's not just any student council member; his power eclipses even the chairman's, and he's got ties to the vice principal..."

"Connections might save you from a scolding, but not from a beating. Zhang Ziruo is a Taekwondo practitioner, a blue belt, no less. He's so skilled he could snap a piece of wood with a single punch!"

"We might as well sit back and enjoy the drama."

The crowd buzzed with anticipation, eager to witness the unfolding scene.

"Zhang Ziruo, let him go!" Wang Huanjun cried out, fearing for Faang Yu's safety against a Taekwondo expert like Zhang Ziruo.

"Let him go? Not a chance! I'm about to crush your beloved and show you the consequences of crossing me!"

With those words, Zhang Ziruo pulled back his fist and aimed a punch at Faang Yu, who caught it with his hand and slowly rose to his feet. His eyes burned with fury as he glared at Zhang Ziruo and declared, "You've made me angry!" As he spoke, his right hand twisted forcefully, and a series of cracking sounds followed. Zhang Ziruo's scream pierced the air as he writhed in agony, feeling as though his hand was clamped in the jaws of a crocodile, the pain unbearable.

"Quick, bring him to me, bring him now!" Zhang Ziruo howled in agony.

The crowd of onlooking students was taken aback; this was not what they had anticipated. They had expected Faang Yu to be the one sent flying, yet Faang Yu managed to catch the punch and elicited a pained scream from his opponent.

"Apologize!" Faang Yu demanded, gripping tighter until the cracking of bones could be heard.

"Ahhh, let go... let go... I apologize... I apologize... sorry... I'm so sorry!" Zhang Ziruo cried out, feeling as if his bones were on the verge of snapping, unable to endure the pain any longer.

"You're nothing but a worthless piece of trash!" With a single kick, Faang Yu sent Zhang Ziruo flying.

The students were stunned. They had never imagined that Zhang Ziruo, who had intended to turn Faang Yu into a cripple, would himself be the one left crippled.

Meanwhile, they couldn't help but marvel at Faang Yu's strength; not even Zhang Ziruo, who boasted a connection to the vice principal, could stand against him.

Yet, for all his might, Faang Yu was still no match for the power of connections. Given Zhang Ziruo's relationship with the vice principal, the students couldn't help but predict a grim future for Faang Yu.

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