Goshawk Attacking The Moon/C8 Peach Blossom Source Hongmei Bowing to the Godly Doctor Qin Xiao Finally Meet with Love 1
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Goshawk Attacking The Moon/C8 Peach Blossom Source Hongmei Bowing to the Godly Doctor Qin Xiao Finally Meet with Love 1
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C8 Peach Blossom Source Hongmei Bowing to the Godly Doctor Qin Xiao Finally Meet with Love 1

In the middle of winter, although the snow outside Jizhou was already an inch thick, it didn't seem to be able to satisfy the heavenly beauty. In the middle of winter, although the snow outside Jizhou was already an inch thick, it didn't seem to be able to satisfy the beauty of the heavens.

Qing Gong is not bad. It takes less than the time for a cup of tea to finish a person to carry you so far. Your skills are commendable, and this person's vitality is truly tenacious. Red Plum Ao Xue, who was in the middle of the dust, was wearing a bright red robe. That middle-aged Daoist man was carrying a wounded youth on his back and was standing right in front of her.

The Daoist quickly rushed out of the city after snatching the youth from the main hall. Who knew that in the time it took to make a cup of tea, Hong Mei Ao Xue would catch up to him?

The Daoist then placed the whisk on his left arm and said, "Island Owner Hong Mei, my second brother is young and inexperienced. He had offended you in the main hall, and apologized for injuring the new Manor Lord by mistake. Please forgive me and take me to the new Manor Lord."

Hong Mei, Ao Xue giggled and said, "Sigh ~ ~ It's alright, it's fine if you offend me, it's fine if you hurt Wu Yao."

The Daoist exhaled deeply and said, "Many thanks, Island Lord."

Hong Mei's laughter suddenly stopped and she said coldly, "But since you know you're wrong, you should still correct it, right? It's a pity, I think that this little brother here is not easy to change, so I can only ask him to go to Yama Minamiya to change. " Hong Mei Ao Xue had already appeared before his eyes before he finished his sentence.

"Ah!" That Taoist cried out and immediately used his buddhist dust to block the attack. Although that Taoist knew that he was no match for him, he did not expect his strength to be so lacking. He thought to himself: 'A single battle is far from enough, not to mention that Second Brother is seriously injured. " With a flash of his mind, Hong Mei Ao Xue's second chapter appeared right in front of him. The Daoist quickly threw the youth out with his two palms, one with his left hand and one with his palm following Hong Mei Ao Xue's palm's momentum, pulling his palm upwards and pushing it away. His body leaned forward and slid past Hong Mei Ao Xue, his right hand changing into a finger, while his palm turned into a golden chicken … nodding towards the three big holes on Hong Mei Ao Xue's head.

Hong Mei Ao Xue lowered her body and dodged the Daoist's three moves: "You still have some skill. Watch this!" As she spoke, she shook her sleeves and attacked him like a lion, but the Daoist did not dare to take it head on, and instead used both of her palms to twist and dissolve them. However, Hong Mei Ao Xue's sleeves became faster and faster, and not long after that, the Daoist completely formed a defensive stance, and after three or five moves, the Daoist was drenched in sweat and was panting for a second or two.

If this continued, then that Taoist would lose his life under Hong Mei Ao Xue's palm in just one or two moves. At this time, a cold light suddenly attacked from somewhere, like stars in the night, thousands of snowflakes fell, gathering towards Hong Mei Ao Xue. Hong Mei Ao Xue was focused on battling with the Taoist, but the cold light had already reached the back of her head before she reacted, and with a gentle shout, she repelled the cold light with her palm. At this time, Hong Mei Ao Xue had already seen clearly that the cold ray of light was not from anyone else. The jade flute that the youth was holding, Hong Mei Ao Xue said angrily: "Good brat, you are still moving!"

The youth said, "You can't kill me with that palm!"

Hong Mei Ao Xue said angrily: "Alright! Good! Good! "Let's see if my palm can kill you!" Without any more words, he turned around and fought that young man.

The Daoist man jumped out of the circle and shouted, "Second Brother, you can't stay and fight! Leave!" However, at this time, the youth could no longer split up. The Daoist man let out a loud shout and a pair of three-inch-long judges appeared in his hands. He then jumped into the fray.

Hong Mei Ao Xue's sleeves fluttered in the air like a fierce lion or tiger, her palms moved with a faint sound of wind and thunder, although she was fighting against two strong opponents, her moves were completely defenseless, although the two of them were battling, but they were still barely holding on, the two of them thought: "A woman can use her palm techniques to such an extent, that's enough to make people fear her."

The two of them tried their best to take another three or five blows, but Hong Mei Ao Xue did not give the two of them any leeway. With a "hu" sound, Hong Mei Ao Xue's palm landed right in front of the Daoist, causing the Daoist to have no choice but to take it head on. Rise! " Hong Mei Ao Xue felt a scorching heat in her palm and screamed as she dodged backwards. The fire between her palms soared into the sky and instantly disappeared into the snow. Hong Mei Ao Xue lowered her head to look at her palm and saw that there was no damage on her palm. She raised her head and scolded, "Smelly Taoist, use a deceptive trick on your eyes!" However, at this moment, they could still see the figures of two people.

"Cough, cough," the young man under the tree coughed violently.

"Second brother, I told you to go, but it was you." The Daoist man said, "There's no need to go if you don't want to."

Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a delicate shout from far away, "Even if you go this time, you don't need to go in the future!"

When the Daoist heard this, he exclaimed, "He came quickly."

The two of them hurriedly ran towards the south. Hong Mei Ao Xue arrived in a blink of an eye. When she saw the blood stain under the tree, she angrily said, "Let's see how far you two can run." As the blood trail continued to chase them, the blood trail within five to six miles of them gradually lessened. Not long after that, the blood trail actually disappeared.

Hong Xue looked around and said in a clear voice, "Hong Mei is far away from the Central Plains. I did not know that an expert is living in seclusion here in Ji Prefecture. I hope that you can show yourself." Although the sound was not loud, it was enough to travel tens of kilometers.

Hong Mei Ao Xue waited for a moment to see the surroundings but there was no movement. She then said: "Sire, you will be meeting me soon. Hong Mei has offended you." The sound was like the wailing of ghosts during the night, causing the surrounding forest to sway. Right at this moment, not far to the southwest, on a small hill that had been frozen for a long time, the ice and snow had collapsed and rocks had tumbled down, gradually revealing an extremely grand house. Hong Mei Ao Xue flew over and saw that the manor's door was extremely wide, with an empty signboard hanging on the door, and a scarlet long sword inserted into the signboard.

Who knew that after entering, Hong Mei Ao Xue could not help but turn pale with fright. It turned out that the weather in the house was very warm and dense, and the sun did not leave a trace of light as it shone on every corner of the house. The snow outside was blowing heavily, and the inside of the door was like spring.

Just as Hong Mei was in a daze, a man's voice came from afar, "Esteemed guest, please come from afar!" Before she could finish her sentence, two white silk pieces floated out from an unknown place and landed in front of Hong Mei Ao Xue's feet.

At the end of the white silk, there was a pond. A man in white was sitting cross-legged on a lotus leaf as he quietly fished, and Hong Mei Ao Xue jumped onto a lotus leaf not far away from him. The man gently waved a lotus leaf with his left hand, and a jug of warm wine and a jug of wine appeared before Hong Mei Ao Xue.

Hong Mei, Ao Xue, said, "Many thanks." Then she picked up the wine jug and finished it in one gulp. He was used to this man around the age of fifty. His face was thin, his eyebrows were long, his beard was long, and his eyes were kind.

The man in white smiled and said, "The Island Lord is magnanimous, but the Island Lord isn't afraid. Am I poisoning the wine?"

Hong Mei said proudly, "Teacher's ability far surpasses Hong Mei's. If you want to make Hong Mei suffer, then don't trouble her so much."

The man smiled and said, "Island Lord is truly transparent. The Island Lord must be hungry." With that, he clapped his hands and a few people walked out from the corridor. There were two children pushing a wheelchair, and the man's hands lightly patted the lotus leaves, causing him to fly into the air and land on the wheelchair. The man smiled and said, "Please."

If Hong Mei Ao Xue hadn't seen this person with her own eyes, it would be extremely hard for her to imagine that he was actually disabled. She followed him to the main hall, only to see that there was nothing special in the room other than some old furniture, a table, and a few chairs.

The two boys pushed the man to the side of the table. The man smiled and said, "I am a mountain villager. My humble house is simple and crude. Island Lord, please forgive me."

Hong Mei said proudly, "How dare you? Your simple life is the role model of the world. How could Hong Mei blame you?"

The man laughed, "Island Lord, you are exaggerating. Please …"

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, someone cleaned up the table. Hong Mei said, "Hong Mei thanks Mister for the feast, but Hong Mei did not come here for you to have a meal."

The man said, "Of course!"

Hong Mei said proudly, "Then may I ask Mister to invite the person I want out. Hong Mei will come and pay her respects to Mister in the future."

The man chuckled and said, "Logically speaking, I will agree to your request. However, if I hand the two of them over to the island master, it will be difficult for them to keep their lives. I cannot bear to see this happen, so I ask for your forgiveness."

Hong Mei said angrily, "Hong Mei admires Teacher's righteousness, but you've hurt my nephew. My nephew's life is uncertain right now, how can I let you two off so easily?!"

The man smiled and said, "Rumor has it that the Island Lord and Old Manor Lord had a huge fight back then. If it weren't for Young Manor Lord helping the Island Lord, the Island Lord would have died a long time ago."

Hong Mei Ao Xue said coldly, "It's good that sir knows this. I hope sir can do a favor for me."

The man laughed out loud: "I admire you for your kindness, Island Master, but with Young Villa Master's ability, I am not worried for your life. I have good medicine, and it will help Young Villa Master recover in less than half a day, and it will also greatly increase Young Villa Master's power." As he said this, the man retrieved a small medicine bottle from his bosom and passed it to Hong Mei Ao Xue.

Hong Mei Ao Xue took it and exclaimed, "Lan Tian Dan!" 'So, mister is the Godly Doctor on the rocking chair, Yu Zhongxiang … '

Yu Zhongxiang smiled and said, "Good eye!"

Hong Mei said proudly, "Then what did Godly Doctor let Hong Mei eat just now?"

Yu Zhongxiang said, "It is called medicine food. The Island Lord practices Yin and Yang skills like Rushing Thunder Palm for short periods of time, and it may be able to strengthen the body and increase its destructive power, but as the saying goes, if the body is rigid, the Island Lord will definitely suffer internal injuries. Although this medicine food is not eye-catching, it can help the Island Lord adjust Yin and Yang in his body, and activate his blood circulation to remove blood stasis, which is of no harm to the Island Lord at all."

Hong Mei proudly kowtowed and said, "Many thanks, Godly Doctor!"

You Zhongxiang said, "Island Lord, there is no need to be overly courteous. I only hope that the Island Lord can let these two go. Furthermore, the Island Lord is assured that these two are friends and not enemies."

Hong Mei thought, "You Zhongxiang has been famous for dozens of years, and is well-versed in hidden mechanisms and weapons. I may not be his match, but the Lan Tian Pill's medicinal properties are unique so even dead people can live on. It's better for him to quickly go back and cure Wu Fang …" She then smiled and said, "It's rare for the Godly Doctor to show such compassion to you, since the Godly Doctor is advising Hong Mei to not say anything else, let's just leave."

"Thank you, Island Master, for your understanding. I am here to send you off, Island Master."

Hong Mei Ao Xue returned the gesture and left.

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