Grand Knight Passive Skills System/C14 Expedition
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Grand Knight Passive Skills System/C14 Expedition
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C14 Expedition

He walked at a fork in the road in the village, touching his chubby chin as if he was thinking about something.

Under the bright sunlight, the armor reflected a shiny luster. From the exaggerated width, it could be seen that he was a fatty. However, the fat all over his body did not cause any discomfort. Instead, under the contrast of the armor, he became even more majestic. The steel iron sword hanging from his waist also gave off a threatening cold light.

When such a fatty appeared on the small road in the early morning village, it made people really care what he was thinking. Our male protagonist is naturally still thinking about the problem that has troubled him for the whole night.

That is... how to allocate points!

As a pro player, he could be considered a weirdo. He was a patient with extreme obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you want to do things the best, adding points is naturally the same. On the way, the enemy was unknown, and the characteristics of the BOSS were unknown. The most correct way to add points without wasting them was naturally to make a judgment after meeting a monster. But for a OCD patient, it was really very unpleasant to not add four skill points!

Thus, he was in a dilemma until now.

The passive skill on the skill tree of the Justice knight branch also surfaced after he had some time to watch.

The Knight of Justice was different from the Novice Knight. In the beginning, he only gave three passive skills for cultivation. They were - - - Intense Fire, strong Strike Halo, hardening Skin.

Fire: Attacks have a certain chance to cause fire damage. Strong Strike Aura: All allies within a certain range have increased ranged attacks. [Hardened Skin]: Every time you receive damage, you receive a fixed amount of damage reduction.

Among them, the passive skill {Blazing Flame} could be said to be very suitable for the current situation. Facing an ice type boss, the fire type attack would have a miraculous effect.

However, if he were to put all his points into it right now, he would have to face a problem. Would it cause a waste of resources?

Before the Ice Magic Ape King encountered it, no one knew its true strength. If he could defeat it without relying on Fire, why would he still use this skill? Wasn't it just a waste of resources?

Although the passive skill, hardening Skin, looked very stupid, it was an ultimate skill that increased the efficiency of leveling up. Although his movement technique was not bad... He might not be able to guarantee that there would be those kinds of monsters with shameless characteristics that would attack him every time. At that time, this hardened skin would be very useful. It would be able to farm monsters without any injuries, allowing him to quickly escape the beginner stage.

As for the Halo of Strong Strike, this skill was useless to him right now, but who could tell what would happen in the future? Who knows, he might even be able to change his job class to an archer or something.

Under his constant thinking, he gradually left the Kaz Village and arrived at the Kaz Forest where there were Devil Beast. The surrounding trees became thicker and thicker, and the branches and leaves became even more exuberant. They blotted out the sky and blotted out the sun, and even when he raised his head, he couldn't see the sun.

In this forest where Devil Beast ran rampant, they naturally encountered the first Devil Beast after leaving the village, the evil dog.

This evil dog belonged to the same species as the one Luo Qiangzhuang raised. However, it was obviously bigger and stronger. The scarlet in its eyes was the kind of bloodthirsty and ferocious red, not the one it was raised at that time. Although its eyes looked red, it made people feel even more stupid.

He did not open the Idiot's Aura. If he could only defeat a low-level Devil Beast like this by activating the Idiot's Aura, then there was no need for the boss to punish him anymore. He would just go back and wash up and sleep.

The evil dog did not choose to pounce on him immediately. Instead, it let out a threatening sound from its throat. It stared at him as if it was looking for an opening.

The moment it met the Devil Beast, it threw all the thoughts of adding points to the back of its mind. This was the quality that he had nurtured as a top professional player. When doing proper business, he put down all the burdens and maintained a state of concentration.

He took out the Refined Iron Sword that the village chief had gifted him and made a defensive pose. At the same time, he opened the status bar of the Devil Beast in front of his retina.

Demon Hound: Level 2, normal. Demon Hound that lived in the valley of Kaz and was enchanted by the demon origin. HP: 20 / 20

He remembered that the domestic demonic dog only had 15 HP. It seemed that this demonic dog was indeed stronger than that one.

Facing this kind of low-level monster, he did not have any intention of confronting it. He moved towards the demonized dog in a defensive position.

This move angered the demonized evil dog. It roared and pressed down with its front legs. It suddenly jumped up and pounced towards him.

Its speed was indeed much faster than the previous one. Unfortunately, Yu Yue was not the same Yu Yue as before. His Agility had already reached 4 points, which was 4 times the attributes at that time. There was no reason for him to be bitten. Lightly turning his body sideways, he waved the knife in his hand quickly.


A high damage value of 6 appeared on the evil dog's body. In just a split second, the evil dog's health bar was reduced by a third. Originally, he could have used this opportunity to slash out many times. Unfortunately, when he raised his hand, he could clearly feel the shackles on his body, causing his hand to be unable to reach the evil dog's body. The reason was clear to him - his Agility was too low. The attack interval was not up to the requirement of a second strike.

Seeing that the evil dog had left its attack range, he didn't choose to wait for the next attack from the evil dog. Instead, he took a step forward and caught up with the evil dog, who had yet to turn around, and stabbed it twice.


The two precise slashes dealt a high amount of damage. When the evil dog turned around after leaving a bloody wound on its body, the last slash pierced through its body and the evil dog fell down.

This was his game creed - attack is defense, always maintaining an attack posture.

The evil dog that was killed emitted a golden light, floated up, and sank into his chest.

"'Ding... Congratulations player for obtaining 2 experience points. '"

After experiencing it once, he did not make a fuss about it anymore. Opening his Stats Window, he looked at the stats of his character: Level 2 (ExP: 13 / 30) and thought to himself: "I still need 9 more levels."

There was no pressure at all when killing nine evil dogs, but searching for the devil monster was indeed a difficult problem. This forest was not a dense area of Devil Beast. It was still somewhat difficult to find the Devil Beast.

After passing through the entire forest, he only met five evil dogs, and was still a bit away from leveling up.

He was not in a hurry. He steadily killed the monsters as he headed towards the Ice Snow Ape Devil King's nest marked on the map. As a Level 2 villager, he was still a little overconfident in finding trouble with the Ice Snow Ape Devil King. However, he still could not let go of Bai Yuqing in his heart. It would be better if he saw her as soon as possible.

If it was in the past, he would definitely prioritize his mission. First, he would use extremely high efficiency to farm to a high enough level, then he would go to the Ice Snow Ape Devil King's nest. But now that he had merged with Fatty Yu Yue's soul, his plan was naturally set to "first investigate Bai Yuqing's life and death outside the nest, then go and level up."

The Ice Snow Ape Devil King's nest was built in the depths of the Kaz valley, and it was a long distance away from the Kaz Village. It was a distance of two days. He really didn't know if this Ape Demon King's head was in the water or what it was like. He had run so far just to catch a child for a meal.

The journey of a day had come to an end in the middle of travelling and killing monsters. He was also satisfied to be able to reach Level 3.

The reward for leveling up to Level 1 was 2 attribute points that could be freely distributed. Different from skill points, he did not hesitate at all this time and decisively added all of his attribute points to Agility.

Agility was too crucial. In his current low Agility state, the first feeling he had was that his body could not stretch, and he could not show off his skills at all.

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