Grand Soldier King/C4 Making a Big Scene at the Wedding
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Grand Soldier King/C4 Making a Big Scene at the Wedding
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C4 Making a Big Scene at the Wedding

Fortunately, the red carpet wasn't too long. Hsiao Dafu was very careful and finally arrived in the middle of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, there was a one-meter tall small ceremonial platform. The layout of the platform was very exquisite, and there were all kinds of flowers around it, especially roses and lily flowers.

Hsiao Dafu held Jing Rann's little hand and the two of them walked onto the ceremonial platform together.

The surrounding crowd immediately gave a warm round of applause. Many people's eyes showed envy and jealousy.

Hsiao Dafu was very satisfied with all of this. He had a big fat belly and a smile on his face as he waved to the crowd below the stage.

Xiao Yang looked at Hsiao Dafu, who was full of pride, and took out two fist-sized tomatoes from somewhere. He must have grabbed them from the fruit plate next to him at the last minute.

With an evil smile on his face, he nimbly squeezed into the crowd and disappeared into the crowd.

Kuan Xiaofan also followed him in. He was a special force member of Dragon Group after all. He was many times more capable than ordinary people when he saw the opportunity.

On the stage, a male emcee wearing a black tuxedo was currently hosting the wedding with a microphone.

The male emcee finally finished his opening speech with great difficulty, and then a priest holding a Bible walked onto the stage. He asked Hsiao Dafu, "Mr. Xiao, are you willing to marry Miss Jing Rann as your wife? Are you willing to be in good circumstances or adversity, rich or poor? Healthy or ill, happy or worried, you will love her without reservation. Loyalty to her until eternity? "

Hsiao Dafu cleared his throat, then opened his mouth and said: "I..."

Just as he said the word "I," a fist-sized tomato flew out from the crowd below the ceremonial stage and was thrown into his mouth.

Therefore, Hsiao Dafu's following words were all stuffed into his stomach by the tomato.

It could be imagined that a huge fat man in a suit and shoes stood on the ceremonial stage with a tomato in his mouth. The whole scene was as embarrassing and embarrassing as it could be.

However, Xiao Yang did not give Hsiao Dafu any time to be embarrassed. At the moment when everyone was in a daze, he swung his right hand and a juicy tomato flew out of his hand again. In an instant, it hit Hsiao Dafu's shiny forehead.

Seeing the beautiful curve of the tomato, Kuan Xiaofan could not help but secretly exclaim, "Mr Yang is indeed the captain of our Dragon Group. He has been locked up in Purgatory for so many years. His skill in throwing grenades is not bad at all."

With a "pounce," the fresh and tender tomato bloomed on Hsiao Dafu's forehead. The red juice flowed on Hsiao Dafu's face.

The entire crowd was stunned into silence at first, then it was unknown who could not hold it in and let out a low laugh. The entire hall instantly turned into a sea of laughter.

Only Hsiao Dafu stood on the stage with an ashen face. He spat out the tomatoes in his mouth and wiped his face with his fat hands. He then shouted, "Who is causing trouble? Hurry up and stand out for me!"

Hsiao Dafu was really angry this time. No matter what, he was one of the top figures in Ying City. Today, at his wedding, he had been played around in front of so many people. How could he not take revenge for such a huge grudge?

Kuan Xiaofan laughed so hard in the crowd. When he thought about Hsiao Dafu's embarrassing look just now, he felt relieved. He was indeed not on the same level as Mr Yang when it came to dealing with people.

"Security! Security! Hurry up and get over here!" Hsiao Dafu stood on the stage and waved his arms. He looked very angry.

Xiao Yang sneered and then gave Kuan Xiaofan a look. He grabbed a beer bottle next to him and threw it on the ground.

With a loud sound, Kuan Xiaofan yelled, "Everybody, get down! Someone is attacking! Protect the boss!"

Those well-dressed guests were so scared that they immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, Xiao Yang flew up and jumped onto the stage.

On the stage, the male host and the priest had already run away. Hsiao Dafu, on the other hand, held his head with both hands and squatted on the ground. He looked like a meatball.

Only Jing Rann, who was wearing a snow-white wedding dress, stood there proudly. She looked like a pure lily as she calmly looked at everything around her.

However, Xiao Yang's target was not Jing Rann. He strode onto the ceremonial stage and kicked Hsiao Dafu, who was curled up on the ground.

Kuan Xiaofan also flew up at the same time and stepped onto the platform in a few steps. His pair of big feet did not stop, and he used all his strength to greet Hsiao Dafu.

"After destroying his face and body, Mr Yang's means are really despicable!" Kuan Xiaofan used both his fists and legs, and his mouth didn't seem to be idle at all.

Torturing enemies had always been Xiao Yang's best skill. He did not expect to be judged by Kuan Xiaofan as "despicable." A few black lines unconsciously appeared on his face.

Fortunately, Xiao Yang's skin was thick enough, so he did not care about it at all. He grabbed Hsiao Dafu who had been beaten black and blue, and was about to give him a few more punches when he looked up and saw Jing Rann looking at him in surprise.

"It's you?" Jing Rann's pretty face revealed a trace of surprise, and she could not help but cover her mouth.

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