Great Eunuch/C11 Biyun Temple
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Great Eunuch/C11 Biyun Temple
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C11 Biyun Temple

The eunuch smiled, a smile of genuine pleasure on his face. He thought, people's feelings are really unpredictable. Yesterday was just an enmity, but now it suddenly became a couple with a heart to heart relationship. Suddenly, he remembered something and asked with a smile:

"Sister, you said last night that you were a woman. Why didn't I see any blood on the bed sheets when I woke up this morning?"

At first, he was startled, but when she understood what he meant, his face immediately turned red. She covered her cheeks with her hands and laughed.

"You damned eunuch!" I thought you were an honest man with so many playthings. Think of it, how can we, the girls of Pandaea, be like you, Chinese girls, who spend all day in your rooms, painting and embroidering. We, on the other hand, do not distinguish between males and females. We all live on horseback, through hardships and hardships, so how can we maintain our child's integrity? "

The eunuch thought for a moment and then replied, "Big sister, I was wrong about you."

"You have captured my men and my heart," he said. "No, and there won't be a second man coming to my place in the future."

Then he pointed to his chest.

The grass was filled with countless beautiful flowers. There were many different types of flowers, and all sorts of different styles. White as snow, black as paint, yellow as gold, red as blood, orange, purple, gray, luscious flowers, fragrant flowers, attracted many beautiful butterflies, fluttering up and down the beautiful Great Prairie.

The young eunuch was extremely patient, and despite the tempting presence of Sultan Wu'er's muscular body, he controlled himself time and again. On several occasions, when the valves of the reproductive system were about to open, Little Tai Lin cleverly changed the subject, saying:

"Big sister, I like you. I like you for the rest of my life!"

"Is that so? "You bad eunuch!"

"You are not allowed to call me eunuch!"

"Just call me eunuch! You are a eunuch, a eunuch, a eunuch!"

When the eunuch looked at the heroic face of the Wu'er sultan, he could not hold it in any longer. The moment he was careless, the valve suddenly opened and the peak flowed outwards. It was as if the heavens were shaking and the earth was shaking. He couldn't help but twitch intensely …

The eunuchs and spies came back to report that the situation in the imperial court remained the same, except for Old General Tong Zhenshan, who had returned to his hometown due to some unknown reason, and his imperial harem was still unclear. The idle people couldn't enter the inner palace, but they could hear the various discussions going on in the streets. Something big seemed to have happened in the rear palace, as if the empress dowager had been beaten into the cold palace or kidnapped …

It seemed that he had indeed been caught in the unfortunate words of the Emperor Wu'er, and there was no doubt that he had committed adultery in the court. How could the empress dowager have been taken away or lost for no reason? It was even more unbelievable for him to be sent to the Cold Palace. The old emperor had already been living for many years, so no matter how disgraceful the young emperor was, he wouldn't send his own mother to such a place, would he?

Pan made up his mind at once. He appointed General Meng Lang as the border marshal, assigned him 80,000 elite troops, and followed him back to the capital.

The two Tong Clan generals were puzzled as they said, "Marshal, the bandits have been completely wiped out. There's no war at the border, so why are there so many troops?"

Pan Congan smiled. "The two of you will know in a while."

Sultan Wu'er was already pregnant. The young eunuch was in a dilemma. Bringing a pregnant woman back with him as a eunuch, wouldn't that make him laugh his teeth out?

The understanding Sultan Wu'er said: "Husband, take your men back! Rest assured, I have a great sword of gold and steel that my father gave me, and I have always had the custom of recognizing the sword but not the human being. Once I return to the Duke Palaces, if royal father is still a princess while me, and if royal father is no longer present, then I will be single. "

"The child on your body …" The young eunuch stammered.

"Regardless of whether he has children or not, I will let his surname be Pan. "This woman is the wife of Han, and this woman is a woman of the Pan Family. Husband, please take care of her."

After saying this, he turned his horse around. The Dragon Horse may have been homesick for a long time, or it may have been an old horse knowing its way. It whinnied twice and raised its four hooves, as fast as lightning, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Pan Congan's eyes were filled with tears. As far as his eyes could see, his vision was filled with the fluttering wind. The blood-red battle robe gradually disappeared under the blue sky and white clouds …

After the young eunuch left, Tong was always worried, unable to eat or sleep at ease. Although he had the protection of his two brothers, he was still a fifteen-year-old kid. How could leading a soldier in a war be child's play? The Empress Dowager was thirty-eight years old and still in her prime. People may not be old, but with the passage of time, their hearts have become old! At first she had treated the little eunuch as her imaginary husband, but now she saw him as her own son. He had a son, and that son of his was the young emperor. He had a son, and that son of his was the young Emperor. Who knew that idiots would be blessed? Among brothers and sisters, countless of them were smart and capable, and they even helped a fool into the right position. Her Majesty, following the principle of inaction of the Inner Palace, never took part in the affairs of the court. However, she was afraid that the young emperor was too weak and lost some of his connections, thus he was transferred back to the imperial court to assume important positions. The first was to protect her family from the cold. The second was to have someone to support her while she was in the court. This made her heart feel more at ease.

Tong was unable to think of peace, so she decided to go to the Jade Cloud Temple and pray. She asked the Lady Bodhisattva to bless the convoy on their victorious return, and Little An Zi and her two elder brothers returned safely. With this thought in mind, he asked his son to inform the ministers that she was going to Jade Cloud Temple to make a wish.

The empress dowager had to go out to different places from the common people. She could leave with a bag. First, the imperial court issued an order to send out soldiers and horses' guards. Along the way, the commoners could only watch and not make any noise. They had to step back a few feet. The temple also had to give them some time to prepare, such as clearing the area, cleaning, and beautifying the environment.

While the Empress Dowager was offering incense, it was inevitable that no one should stay in the temple. In addition to the necessary preparations, the temple also had to inspect the monks in the courtyard one by one. All those who had ulterior motives towards the current regime, or those who had an impure motive for entering the temple, or those who were the survivors of the previous dynasty, had to be temporarily removed from the temple.

Everything was done for the safety of the Empress Mother, and strict orders were made to expel the temple from the palace, along with the abbot, if anything happened to them, from whose head they would speak, and from whose hand they would settle their debts with the steward, and if any mistakes were made in the temple side, the temple would be razed to the ground. After all these things were done, it took a full seven days.

On this day, the sun was beautiful and the autumn sun was high and bright. The empress dowager and the palace maids were all forty-nine people on a phoenix chariot as they departed. Along the way, countless citizens and commoners gathered around the palace. They all wanted to see the empress dowager's face, but in the end, they only saw a few court ladies and eunuchs make an appearance. No one could tell whether the empress dowager was handsome, ugly, fat, or thin.

After entering the temple, the empress dowager was escorted by the court ladies and eunuchs into the main hall by Master Fang. Her Majesty first paid her respects to the Bodhisattva, and then lit incense in front of all the gods and buddhas. The empress dowager made a grand wish to the Bodhisattva and said:

"If the expedition troops return safely, This Dowager is willing to pay ten thousand taels of gold to rebuild the temple."

Her Majesty made a wish, and she spoke no false words. However, Tong Jade said in her heart that the monks and others could not hear her. Otherwise, with such a huge progress, not to mention reconstructing it, it would be more than enough to build two or three temples like this.

Buddha finished, the abbot led Her Majesty to a quiet room to drink tea and admire the antique calligraphy and painting.

The empress dowager had just set down her calligraphy and painting when more than ten young monks walked by like lanterns, quickly filling a table with vegetarian banquets. They were nothing more than xiangru, shepherd's purse, fungus, willow flower, swallow's nest, fern, Wei Cai, sweet potato, mountain parsley, cucumber incense, dandelion, forkleaf parsley, monkey's leg, donkey splint, pig's ear, duck's paw and so on.

The empress dowager tossed and turned for half a day, feeling a bit hungry in her stomach. She then had the eunuchs and maids help her pick up a few mouthfuls. There wasn't a lack of food in the palace, it was just that in other places, it was said that the food was delicious in other people's houses. The empress dowager felt that the taste was not bad, and was immediately overjoyed. She said to the abbot at her side,

"Master, you might as well sit down and have a meal with This Dowager."

The old monk said, "What kind of person is this young monk? How dare he sit with the empress dowager? The Empress can only use it for herself. "

Tong Jade suddenly thought of something and put down her chopsticks. "Mage, may I ask why your temple is named 'Jade Cloud Temple'?"

The old monk then gave another introduction, saying, "The Empress may not know this, but this was originally a desolate mountain range, overgrown with weeds and trees. Occasionally, a wolf would run and a tiger would roar and a leopard would roar. It was already evening when the Ancestor, the Great Mage Zen Master, passed by. He suddenly raised his head and saw a red sun slowly fading in and out of the mountains. It was colorful and very spectacular. The Great Mage was filled with emotion. He suddenly understood the beauty of this place and immediately swore to build a temple here. He named it the Biyun Temple. "The jade and multicolored light belong to the 'Cloud' and the 'Meteor' duo. As time passes, the meaning will disappear …"

Tong Qingyu could not help but think to herself: My name also has the word "Bi" in it. Bi Yun Bi Yun, could it be that I will also be hiding here? Wanting to stop from getting frightened, he ordered his men to prepare a carriage and quickly drive back to the palace.

At that moment, the sound of people fighting could be heard from outside the temple. The empress dowager hurriedly sent her eunuchs out to inquire about the matter. After a while, she returned and said:

"Esteemed Empress Dowager Qizhi, there are a few random people causing trouble. They clamored that they have matters to attend to to to Empress Dowager Chen, and that they've already been bullied by the soldiers."

Her Majesty did not dare to stay any longer in case any more troubles arose. He hurriedly bid his farewells to Fang Dang, and was then supported into the emperor's carriage by the eunuchs and palace maids. After that, he stuck his head out and ordered the eunuchs to count the number of people. Following which, a large group of people left the mountain one after another.

When they returned to the palace, they found an empty sedan chair. The palace maid pulled open the curtain and helped the empress dowager out of the carriage. When she looked inside, it was an empty sedan chair!

The empress's father, Prime Minister Wang Shugui, was one of the three dynasties. The late emperor died a premature death, and before the previous emperor even had a chance to rise, he had already traveled west on a dragon chariot. Wang Shugui and a few other old officials, sincere fear, painstaking efforts, racking their brains, picking the flagpole from the chopsticks, pulling out the general from the shorty, and finally pissing on the silly cap.

He was not afraid of the emperor's stupidity. He was only afraid of the emperor's brilliance. Why did Zhao Gao establish Hu Hai as the emperor? Why didn't Cao Mengde choose a bigger child to threaten him? Also, there was a question like Zhuge Liang's silly Liu Chan, which was too complicated to explain in one or two sentences. In short, Wang Shugui's heart was something that only he himself knew. As things progressed, Prime Minister Wang gradually discovered that he was the Prime Minister within the imperial court, and his daughter was the Empress within the imperial harem. Naturally, she was already an extremely important person. However, there was also something unsatisfactory about it. Not to mention that her daughter had married a fool who didn't even know how to make a marriage, the imperial harem had a despotic empress dowager. He was not the only one of the court ministers who followed his orders. The empress dowager's father and two of her elder brothers held important positions as well. He had a restless feeling all the time. Wang Shugui was deep in thought. If the Tong clan was not eliminated, he could not rest in peace for a day. He had to monopolize the entire world by himself.

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