Great Eunuch/C17 Infatuation
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Great Eunuch/C17 Infatuation
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C17 Infatuation

"He's not afraid of me. He's afraid of the little power I have."

"Think about it, when even the prime minister is afraid of you, who do you think you're afraid of?"

"I was afraid of the Empress Dowager. From today onwards, I should be afraid of you." The eunuch answered politely.

"At least you are an honest man!" "Daddy said that once we get rid of the empress dowager, this world will be safe. You don't have to be afraid of her in the future."

"Why did you destroy her?" The young eunuch knew the answer, but still asked.

"In the court, there is a father who covers the sky with one hand, and the young emperor is just a decoration. "Without the empress dowager in the palace, I'll be the main palace lady. I'm the only one in the imperial palace, so you don't need to rely on that old woman to eat soft food in the future."

"A eunuch is a dog raised by his master. Even if his master were a new master, he would still be a dog!" Master thinks highly of me and hates me for taking a few more kicks, but in the end, that's all. " The young eunuch nagged and complained. In fact, he had basically mastered the size of this wicked woman.

"Look at how pitiful your words are, I can't possibly let you go. You are not like those eunuchs, you have your advantages. " Empress Wang hugged the eunuch and gave him a kiss, before turning back to say, "It's no use talking about that. We'll do it again."

The eunuch naturally knew what the empress wanted, but at this moment, he had lost all interest in the early days. However, Wang Shimei refused to comply. She insisted on pestering him to redraw the bow before she shot the arrow. It's not like men are open to women twenty-four hours a day. Although the little eunuch was in a bad mood, he was still unable to adjust his state of mind. Furthermore, he had hastily fired a shot just now. Empress Wang was waiting for the goods, and this young eunuch could not afford to offend this lady who was about to make a move. Otherwise, all his previous efforts would be in vain, and he might even lose his life. He had no choice but to muster up his spirit, treating his matter as a tool to satisfy Empress Wang's physiological needs. In this place, he did not dare to like the new and loathe the old, much less to be left out in the world. He asked himself just who was the person he liked the most. There was only one answer, and that was the savage woman from the Fan family. That girl loves you so much that she loves you like a ball of fire. She hates you so much that she wants you to die. They were both seventeen years old, and the knowledge and knowledge of the Emperor was not necessarily worse than that of the Queen, but her heart was pure and kind, something the Queen did not possess. He vowed that one day he would bring his beloved Sultan Wu back to the capital to live a normal life with his prairie girl.

The young eunuch bent over Wang Shimei's body again, and sucked softly for a moment with his mouth facing her mouth. The work underneath was done automatically, and he even pushed his way in with great familiarity. With the empress's previous experience, the opening of the cave had already been opened. It didn't hurt anymore, so she tried her best to accommodate them. With the lesson just now, the eunuch was able to deal with it. The only spear available in the entire palace was desperately swimming through the Empress's cave. The eunuch stopped his work and dismounted, as if this was the first time he had learned to shoot empty air, because he still had the Demon Witch, Zi, Yan, and Red girls waiting for him to plow the fields. He had to gather his strength. The intelligent empress didn't seem to have any prior knowledge of this matter. She wasn't very familiar with this job, so the eunuch had easily fooled her …

Wang Shimei yawned and said, "You can go back to your little brother. Tomorrow, if you want to see This Dowager, there are tens of thousands of people who can't just leave and call This Dowager Big Sister!"

Everyone in the palace loved to fake it, and this was the first time Wang Shimei had called herself a servant during the entire night. The young eunuch raised his head and looked at the sky outside; it was about the break of dawn. He left the annoying palace without a trace of vexation, not because he had dabbled in it, not because he had taken the beauty, but only because he was irritated and forced to smile bitterly. He even felt like a hen had raped a rooster. However, there was one thing for sure. After eating the forbidden fruit, Wang Shimei would never say anything in front of her father. There was no doubt that he was a fake eunuch. His goal had been achieved. If Wang Shugui couldn't find a solution to the problem of him being a real eunuch, then everything else would be easy to deal with.

After returning to his mansion, just as Pan Zian was about to sleep on his own bed, he was held back by the four lasses, who said with a smile:

"Your Highness, the empress dowager has instructed that you're not allowed to go to bed without bathing."

The eunuch was left with no choice but to put on his towel and follow the four maids into the bathroom. The eunuchs had boiled the water beforehand, so it wasn't too hot or too cold, but it was just right for them. The young eunuch bathed naked, but the four girls could see everything clearly. For fear of suffering a loss, Pan said:

"No way, no way. I'll take off my clothes all by myself, and you guys will be all dressed neatly. I'll let you guys take advantage of me." If you take off all your clothes and go into the pool, no one will say anything. "

The Demon Witch said, "Prince, we are your men. So what if you say so?" But the tub was too small for all five of us at once. How about this, let Zi Yan'er accompany you for now, and we'll trade them for later. "

Pan said, "This is good as well. It's just that you two can't stay idle. You have to help me rub my back and shoulders."

The Demon Witch laughed. "Don't worry, your highness. Of course."

Although the four of them were newly recruited maids, they had already received special training before entering the palace. However, they were all local women, and they had heard of and personally experienced many romantic things. In front of the head, the empress dowager had carefully listened to her orders and repeatedly instructed them that they were all young master Pan's men in this life. He would do whatever he wanted, and if they went against his wishes, he would even implicate his entire family by beheading them. The most urgent matter was that the young prince was a eunuch in name. If the news of what he had done was spread, he would be sentenced to death! Although the four lass were only at the beginning of her life, they were at least one or two years older than the young eunuch. However, after entering the forbidden area of the imperial palace, how could they not know that the royal laws were formidable? Who would dare to use their life to joke around? When they had first entered the palace, they had heard that eunuchs were all stragglers, and as to why their master, the young eunuch, had one more object than all the other eunuchs, and called him prince instead of eunuch Pan, there was no way of knowing the more profound details.

The eunuch had spent half the night at the empress's place, and although the four girls were beautiful, he no longer had the taste of a child. After a cursory wash, he let the maids wait on him while he slept.

"Your Royal Highness, which one of us will sleep with you tonight?" The Demon Witch asked.

There was no response. Just as he was about to ask, a light snoring sound came from the side of the young eunuch's pillow.

On the morning of the second day, just as he was about to return to the palace, the eunuch turned around and saw Prime Minister Wang's palanquin following him. He thought for a moment and understood the gist of it. It was definitely because of what happened last night. Wang Shi Mei wanted her father to enter the palace and tell her about the specific matters that she needed to pay attention to. There was no need to guess. This matter would only be beneficial to him, not harmful. The old fox had been fooled!

The young eunuch was delighted. He got out of the sedan chair and casually walked to the royal garden to roam around. He was thinking: The old prime minister, Wang Shugui, is really a hateful person. He barely caused the empress dowager to lose her life. Of course, he had Empress Wang on his side, so Wang Shugui wouldn't look for him for the time being. However, Old Wang's influence was too great. His people were almost all the people in the imperial court. Sooner or later, something bad would happen. Although the eunuch had also received Shang Fang's dagger from the emperor, the dagger at his waist was too short. His abilities were limited, so it would not be of much use to him.

As expected, Prime Minister Wang's big palanquin was carried directly to the Eastern Palace.

When the Queen saw her father kneeling on the ground, she impatiently said:

"Father, hurry up and get up. Your daughter has something to tell you!"

"What's all this panic?" Prime Minister Wang asked as he rubbed his knees.

"That young eunuch, Pan Congan, is a fake."

"Alright, esteemed empress, you have done a great deed." If I kill this traitor, won't I be afraid of my father's death? "

"We can't kill him!"


"He and his daughter have … already …" Empress Wang blushed as she spoke.

"Aiya, you are so stupid! How could you sleep with a fake eunuch? " Wang Shugui gritted his teeth.

"Daddy, who do you want me to sleep with? With that useless and foolish Emperor?"

Wang Shugui hesitated for a moment before sighing. "There's only one plan left."

Wang Shimei urged, "What plan? Daddy, quickly tell me! "

"Tell him to impregnate you with a fake dragon seed. After the matter is settled, I will immediately incite the ministers to urge the young emperor to bestow the title of crown prince." "I can't become the emperor. My grandson became the emperor, so at least there's green smoke coming from the graves of our old Wang family's ancestors."

Wang Shi Mei smiled and said: "How hard is that? But a eunuch told him to turn east and east and west and he turned west and last night he said that he would listen to my summons at all times. You're afraid that you won't be able to conceive a dragon after so long? "

Wang Shugui shrewdly nodded his head and said, "That's good, that's good!"

While the eunuch was deep in thought, Wang Ma Li and the other eunuchs came to report: The Mansion has sent many big red invitations for him to go back and read them himself.

The flowers were so colorful that she dared not make the decision. She specially ordered them to invite the prince to return and settle the matter. The young eunuch hurriedly returned to his residence and opened all the posts. Suddenly, he couldn't laugh himself out of his stomach: the Lovers' palace, Concubine Yun had invited him to go to the palace for a chat at night; the Everlasting Music Palace, Grand Imperial Concubine Fan, had invited him to the palace for a banquet in the afternoon; the Purple Smoke Palace, Imperial Concubine Cyan, hadn't been well enough to ask him to clean up; the palace, Imperial Concubine Yingshui, had let him sleep for a day or two in the past few days; other things included the six courtyards. The eunuch concluded that something must have gone wrong. The women couldn't hold in their anger any longer and tried to make fun of him.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. He couldn't go, he couldn't go either. How could he deal with dozens of machetes by himself? Even though he was also a prince in name, at most he was still a head eunuch. In terms of status and position, he was the lord while he was a servant. Since the lord was kind enough to invite him, how could a servant dare to be big? Of course, if one were to take a step back and deliver all these letters to Her Majesty and let her deal with them, then perhaps all the fires would go out on their own.

However, such things could only be done in a good way and not in a strong way. One could only push the boat with the current and not wield the blade. According to the rules, anyone who got his "benefits" would have to give up and stay calm. Those who could not eat grapes would complain and curse their fathers and their mothers. They might even spread rumors and gossip. This would ruin his plans.

With this thought in mind, the eunuch immediately began to write and write, replying to each of them one by one. Fortunately, the information was still within a limited range and there were at most a dozen people. If one day the entire city was in turmoil and all three thousand beauties came knocking on his door to talk about this, how would he react then?

The young eunuch was starting to regret his decision. He regretted not listening to the words of the Emperor and staying in the desert. Even if he became his son-in-law, he was still a fake eunuch who was willing to serve as a sacrifice.

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