Greatest Conceited Emperor/C24 Desperate to suicide
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C24 Desperate to suicide
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C24 Desperate to suicide

"General, what should we do now?" The generals were panicking.

They had come all the way out to the camp, but the enemy troops were nowhere to be seen. There was definitely going to be a conspiracy, and the people under their command began to panic.

"What are you panicking for, this time we have a complete victory, we have annihilated more than ten thousand of the enemy, the rest are missing, do you understand?" Tuotar solemnly warned them.

As long as no one said anything, no one knew who they were killing. As long as they didn't say it, they would be the meritorious warriors of the enemy army. If this news got out, it would be hard for any of them to escape death.

"What General said is extremely true. It is a great achievement for us to defeat the enemy. Hurry and return to the gates to prevent any changes."

"Alright, hurry and return to Jade Gate Pass."

Tuo Er ordered everything here to be burned to ashes. Aside from the tens of thousands of charred bodies, there were no other traces left behind.

"The enemy broke through the encirclement. Release the arrows. Release the arrows." Countless numbers of rockets instantly appeared at the mouth of the valley, causing Ling Yun's army to fall.

Breaking through the encirclement was temporarily blocked.

"Tuotun Er, surrender and don't kill. Otherwise, this place will be your burial ground." There was a sea of fire within the valley, and the sky above the valley was also brightly lit, as if it was daytime. All the archers bent their bows to the full moon, ready to go.

Qiao Nan stood in the air above the valley as he looked down at the thirty thousand people inside.

There were three sides of the mountain in this valley. There was only one exit, and as long as one guarded the exit with their lives, the thirty thousand people here were nothing more than living targets.

"You are Qiao Nan? "As expected of Qiao Zhentian's son. I, Tuotun, admire him."

"A soldier should not die on the battlefield. This is the sorrow of a soldier. Do you have the guts to fight me head on?" Tuo Er was in a miserable state. He glared at the powerful figure in black armor on top of the valley.

Whether it was in terms of geography or numbers, he had the upper hand. He was unwilling to lose like this.

Qiao Nan laughed disdainfully: "Soldiers, cunning ways. There is no justice in war, only victory. I'll give you one last chance, surrender, or die. "

"Surrender and don't kill."

"Surrender and don't kill."

The valley was filled with an earth-shaking sound. The entire valley was currently surrounded by Qiao Nan's army.

Tuotun was currently just a cornered beast fighting for life.

"General, Lingyun only has the soldiers that died in battle, he has no cowards to surrender."

"General, give it your all. There are only three thousand people at the entrance of the valley. They might not be able to stop us."

Everyone was asking for a fight, and not a single person surrendered. This was the pride of a soldier, the soul of a soldier.

"Young master, I don't think they will surrender." Lin Hai saw that although the valley was a mess, he was still full of fighting spirit.

"Young master, Lin Hai is right. Why don't you shoot them down now?"

They were also worried that Lingyun's army would retaliate in the face of death, and cause heavy casualties.

"I know they won't surrender. I'm buying some time for the blood guards. I presume that the Jade Gate Pass has already been obtained." Qiao Nan smiled mysteriously. How could he not know how difficult it was to get an enemy general to surrender?

"Ling Yun is not a coward, kill him." Tuo Er roared. He rode on his own and took the lead to rush out of the valley. All the troops were like wild beasts as they ran out of the valley with bloodshot eyes.

"Kill!" Qiao Nan's face turned serious, with a command, he released tens of thousands of arrows. In an instant, countless people in the valley were shot and turned into hedgehogs.

"Puff." An arrow was shot from Tuo Er's shoulder.


"Don't worry about me. Charge out and return to the Jade Gate Pass." The blood of the Tuotun soldiers rose.

He was still naive enough to think that he would be fine after returning to Jade Gate Pass.

"Go, protect the general, charge out together!" The soldiers protected the middle area of the valley and rushed outside.

Rows of arrows were shot down from the entrance of the valley.

Countless Ling Yun armies were shot down from their horses.

"It's the exit up ahead. Charge." The exit was right in front of them. The cavalry was fast, and in a blink of an eye they were in front of the archers.

Lingyun's army chopped down the archers like vegetables, and many of them died in the hands of these archers.

His eyes were completely bloodshot and he showed no mercy at all. One slash for one kill, yet he still continued to slash a few more times after he died.

"Retreat, quick, retreat!" The archers were slaughtered, and they were forced to retreat.

"Stop chasing, hurry up and close the jade door." Tuotun covered his shoulder with one hand as blood dripped down, stopping those archers who were trying to escape.

"Giddy up, hurry up and go to the Jade Gate to close it." Tuotou brought a few remnants of his army and ran towards the jade door.

"Young master, there are three thousand archers at the entrance of the valley. Only two hundred and twenty are still alive." Lin Hai returned from the battle with the count of casualties. He didn't expect that the cavalry soldiers would effortlessly kill the archers as effortlessly as cutting a melon.

The valley was filled with the smell of blood, which attracted a lot of wild animals.

"How many people are left in Tuotun?" Although Qiao Nan was unwilling, but how could war not kill people?

At this moment, Qiao Nan felt that he was just a butcher who killed his enemies and himself.

"Tuo Er and over three thousand men from the damaged side ran towards the Jade Gate Pass."

"These dead heroes are the heroic souls of our Qiao family. Let their corpses be buried in the ground." Many soldiers were chopped into pieces by the enemies. If Qiao Nan wanted them to leave behind an intact corpse, it could be considered as him doing the last thing for them.

"Everyone else, follow Tuotuo. Don't chase too fast. Let them feel despair before attacking." Qiao Nan's complexion turned back to his wise and farsighted commander status.

If he were to be immersed in his grief, the number of people who would die would only increase.

"General, the Chu Army is here, a total of 8,000 people." The three thousand broken riders spurred their horses and galloped towards the Jade Gate Pass. Qiao Nan led the rest and chased after them at a steady pace, maintaining a distance of five kilometers between them.

"Hmph, don't worry about it. Once we return to Jade Gate Pass, they won't be able to fight us." Tuo Er was full of confidence, as long as he could return to the jade door, there was nothing Qiao Nan could do about it.

"Everyone, be careful. Ling Yun's army has returned to Slaughter City." The blood guard purposefully shouted loudly. The thousands of people on the city gate tower held stones, swords and sabers, and they were all at loggerheads.

Ling Yun's army was here to slaughter the city, how would they dare to let them in?

"Strange, why would the Jade Gate close? Can't you see we're back? " Tuotuo saw that there were a lot of people on the tower, but the gate was tightly shut.

"Why aren't the pursuers chasing after him?" Tuotuo was filled with doubts.

Qiao Nan's army stopped their pursuit and slowly advanced.

"General Tuoba is back, hurry up and open the gate." A group of soldiers were shouting outside the city. They thought that they had control of the city walls, but they did not know that Lingyun's defenders had all been killed.

"Tuoba?" See how laozi beat him up into a bastard, big guy beat him up. " One after another, head-sized stones fell from the top of the city gate tower. These soldiers were caught off guard, and more than a dozen of them were directly smashed to death.

The other soldiers fled in fright.

"General, something bad has happened! The Jade Gate Pass has been robbed! More than a dozen of our brothers have died in the past!" The soldier that ran back reported the situation.

"General, general." When Tuotun heard this terrible news, he immediately fell from his horse.

His final stronghold had also failed. What should he do now that there were tigers and wolves in front of him and pursuers behind him?

"Marshal Yuwen, Your Highness, Tuotou has a heavy burden. He deserves to die ten thousand times for his crimes." Tuo Er stood under the horse and looked towards Lingyun. He would never have the chance to return again.

He picked up the knife and cut his own neck before falling down to the ground.

"General, general."


All the soldiers were wailing and wailing. It was unexpected that their general had committed suicide.

Tuo Er regretted not listening to Yuwen Protector's words. If it were not for him rushing forward due to his greed, he would not have suffered today. He could only use his death to apologize.

"Kill!" Qiao Nan brought his army over, the morale of the enemy troops was low to the extreme. This was a good time to cut the weeds by their roots.

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