Greatest Conceited Emperor/C25 To die
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C25 To die
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C25 To die

The 3000 broken tribes were mercilessly slaughtered by the Divine Edge. War had no justice, only victory. When facing enemies, one could only kill them.

"Young master, it's bad, the Ling Yun Army is coming back." Gu Wu rushed in with the latest report.

Now that all the troops had entered the jade door, Qiao Nan sat inside the general's manor.

"What's going on? Isn't Ling Yun's army trapped in the Howling Tiger Canyon? "

Qiao Nan held the war report in his hand, and could not believe his eyes.

Could it be that Dugu Heng's army of a few hundred thousand soldiers were all pigs? They did not surround Lingyun's army.

"Reporting to General Zuo." A few soldiers were carrying a stretcher, and on it laid a person. It was Zuo Qianjun.

He was covered in blood, and there were a few short arrows on his chest. One of his eyes had been pierced by the arrows; it was a shocking sight to behold.

"Young master, your subordinate is incompetent." The moment Zuo Qianjun opened his mouth, a large amount of blood spewed out from his mouth. Qiao Nan indicated for him to not speak and let him rest well, then immediately sent for the soldiers that came with Zuo Qianjun to question him.

"Speak, what happened? How did Lingyun Army manage to break through the Howling Tiger Canyon? "

Qiao Nan asked himself, even if Ling Yun's army could break through the Tiger Roar Sky Extremely, it wouldn't be this fast.

According to Qiao Nan's predictions, with Zuo Qianjun and Dugu Heng attacking from the front and back, Ling Yun's army should have been defeated.

Zuo Qianjun felt that it was unbelievable that out of the five thousand soldiers under his command, only thirteen of them had returned.

"Reporting to Young Lord, we are guarding the Howling Tiger Canyon, Lingyun army can't get here, we have tried multiple times, but none of them succeeded, so we could only retreat. When the imperial army arrived, they said that they wanted to reinforce us, but they ended up killing us. The men and soldiers were crying like children.

They had never expected that the people waiting for them would be reinforcements from the imperial government. They had never imagined that it would be a massacre from their own people.

"What?" Are you sure it's the army of the Chu Kingdom? "

Lin Hai couldn't believe his ears. Zuo Qianjun and the rest were actually wiped out by the Chu Kingdom's army.

Could it be that the enemy was still playing tricks on him?

"There is no doubt about it, Chu Kingdom's army. This subordinate will never forget the word 'Dugu' on the banner."

One of them gnashed his teeth so hard that blood was about to come out from his mouth.

They had long known that the person leading the army sent by the imperial government was the Divine Might General Dugu Heng. Zuo Qianjun had personally paid respects to him and confirmed that it was indeed the Chu army.

"Do you really want to put me to death like this!?" Qiao Nan's face was pale white. He had never thought that the Chu Kingdom would actually do such a despicable thing.

Looks like the condition for letting Lingyun Army leave is my Qiao family.

Qiao Nan felt a chill in his heart, was this the country his father was risking his life to protect?

"Pass down the order, everyone leave the Jade Gate. Quickly." "Immediately!"

Qiao Nan immediately gave the order. If they did not leave now, it would be too late.

Lingyun's army had passed through the Howling Tiger Canyon, and they were not far from the Jade Gate Pass.

"Young master, General Zuo, he …"

"What happened to General Zuo?" Qiao Nan roared.

"General Zuo, he … he's gone!" The soldier couldn't help but cry out loud.

Zuo Qianjun was severely injured, but he was still unable to endure it.

Qiao Nan's eyes became slightly red, and tears faintly flickered in his eyes.

"Young master." Uncle Zhang lightly patted his shoulder to cheer him up, this was not the time for him to cry.

The soldiers and soldiers were all looking at him. He could not fall down. He could be strong, not only for himself, but for his subordinates as well.

Qiao Nan nodded, forcing down her tears.

He personally placed Zuo Qianjun's body on his horse and started to walk out of the jade door.

At this moment, the three hundred thousand strong Lingyun army was in a defensive formation, blocking the jade door so that not even a drop of water could leak out.

"Young Master, the Ling Yun Army has already formed a encirclement, breaking through the encirclement would not be easy."

Breaking through the three hundred thousand strong army with less than thirty thousand soldiers was simply a joke.

"You two stay behind, I will personally go see the Ling Yun Marshal. General Zuo, if I return, I will personally dress you in mourning. "

Qiao Nan put down Zuo Qianjun's body, and bowed deeply.

He originally thought that Ling Yun's army wouldn't arrive so quickly, but he never expected that their speed would far exceed his imagination.

"Young Lord, we are willing to die with you!"

All the soldiers kneeled on the ground. Tens of thousands of soldiers were cowardly.

Looking at the soldiers kneeling on the ground, Qiao Nan's heart choked with emotions.

"Qiao Nan is useless, and has let the soldiers down."

He brought everyone out, but unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to bring them back.

"We will follow the Young Lord without any regrets. We will not rest until we die!" The three armies roared in unison.

"I, Qiao Nan, give my last order, in my capacity as marshal, you all are to leave this jade gate safe and sound, regardless of whether I return or not. You all are not to return to Tianwu City."

"Young Lord!"

"Lin Hai, Gu Wu, I'll leave the Black Armored Army of the Qiao Family to you. If anything happens, I won't forgive you!"

Qiao Nan laughed miserably, but only Lin Hai could feel that within that smile, there was helplessness, and that he was more than unwilling to part with her.

Lin Hai nodded with teary eyes.

He could not die at this moment. He had to preserve the Qiao family's final strength for revenge in the future!

Qiao Nan stopped everyone from accompanying him, even Uncle Zhang was not allowed, for now, it was his own business.

From this moment onwards, he was no longer the Marquis of Tianwu, he was Qiao Nan of the Qiao Family, Qiao Nan of the Qiao Family.

Looking at the frail and frail figure, countless people kneeled on the ground. With tears in their eyes, they quietly watched as Qiao Nan walked towards the camp.

"Qiao Nan requests to see the Yu Wen Protector." Qiao Nan stood in front of the three hundred thousand strong army, his expression did not change, and calmly shouted towards the camp.

All the soldiers stood perfectly straight as they waited at the city gate. If Qiao Nan was in danger, they would go out and kill them at any time.

"Let him in." A dignified voice came out from the tent.

Hearing the order, the three hundred thousand strong army opened up a path for Qiao Nan to walk through.

Walking into the main tent, there was only a dignified middle-aged man sitting upright in the middle.

Seeing Qiao Nan come in, he said with a smile, "Son of the War God, your reputation is well-deserved. Please take a seat."

Qiao Nan did not hold back, he immediately sat on the chair by the side and looked at Yuwen Dao: "What you have right now is not Qiao Nan's head, Qiao Nan is willing to exchange your head for the lives of the three armies, I wonder if this trade with General Feng?"

"Oh? You want to make a deal with me? " Yuwen Protector smiled.

"You should know that you're in my tent right now. Killing you is as easy as flipping my palm. Why would I need to trade with you?"

"Heh, I have long heard that Ling Yun is a person who values his words. Qiao Nan came here alone to protect me today because I believe that Marshal Yuwen will not do such a thing. Ling Yun will not do such a thing."

"In this situation, each of the thirty thousand elite soldiers of the Qiao family are like tigers and wolves. If we were to fight to the death, I presume the general would not want to see it."

Qiao Nan suddenly stood up, and the four generals instantly unsheathed their swords, causing Yuwen Protector to wave his hands, and kept them.

"If the marshal agrees, the Black Armored Army of the Qiao Family will no longer belong to the Chu Kingdom. Ling Yun will have one less life and death enemy."

He knew that Qiao Nan had already guessed that Ling Yun and Chu Kingdom had reached a certain agreement.

"Okay, this commander agrees to trade with you. Men, bring Qiao Nan away, and tell the three armies to retreat."

Yuwen Dao thought about what Qiao Nan had said and decided to agree with what Qiao Nan had said.

"Lingyun Army has already started to retreat, where's Young Master?" The Qiao Family soldiers looked at the slowly retreating army, but Qiao Nan did not come back.

"Young master." Everyone cried out in sorrow!

"Take revenge for the Young Lord." With bloodshot eyes, all of them charged towards the retreating Lingyun army.

"Come back, come back." Lin Hai stood on top of the city gate tower and shouted. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Over 10,000 people had actually rushed out.

Lingyun's army advanced and retreated in an orderly manner. The back row was in the front row, and as they looked at the incoming soldiers with red eyes, they drew their bows and shot arrows. "Swish, swish, swish, swish."

Arrows rained down like rain. Countless black-armored warriors, despite being struck by several arrows, continued to charge forward.

By the time the ten thousand Steel Cavalry charged in, there were less than a thousand of them left.

As the tens of thousands of soldiers continued to charge forward, they only had one goal in their minds, and that was to kill these Lingyun experts to avenge their Young Master!

"Crazy, these Chu Kingdom people are crazy!"

Lingyun's army was crumbling. This was the first time they had met such a crazy person.

Even though he had been hacked into two halves, he still charged forward to kill. Before he died, he would definitely give his enemy a blow.

Every one of them was drenched in blood, but they did not care. They were all fighting with their lives in exchange for their own.

These Steel Cavalry had actually disrupted the fifty thousand strong army behind Lingyun, and was now beginning to collapse …

"Kill!" Over a thousand Steel Cavalry chased after the fifty thousand strong army.

"Kill them all!" Yu Wen Protector saw the Iron Cavalry's madness behind him, and finally understood why Qiao Nan wanted to make this deal.

This sort of army was simply too terrifying. They were all Fiends of the Infernal Realm.

Yet another fifty thousand soldiers came forward to suppress them.

The sky was full of blood, and there were countless broken limbs. It was a shocking sight.

"Lin Hai, quickly let us out. Otherwise, don't blame us for falling out."

All the soldiers inside the Jade Gate Pass must rush outside. Lin Hai and Gu Wu led the blood guards and guarded the city gate tightly, not allowing anyone to leave.

"Today, even if I, Lin Hai, am to die here, you all cannot leave."

Seeing his brothers outside the city die in battle, he also wanted to rush out, but he had promised Qiao Nan that he would bring everyone out safely.

This was his promise to the Young Lord!

"Lin Hai, are you still human? Can't you see that the brothers outside the city are fighting with their lives on the line? Are we cowards?"

"If you don't move away, don't blame us for not caring about our feelings of camaraderie!"

"I want to see who dares!" Uncle Zhang straightened his back, shouting to everyone to retreat.

Uncle Zhang did not have the color of the dead, but at the moment, he had the valor and blood of a soldier.

Since Qiao Nan wasn't here, he had to take care of the Qiao Family's soldiers on behalf of the young master.

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