Greatest Conceited Emperor/C28 First desolate is not the eight desolations
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C28 First desolate is not the eight desolations
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C28 First desolate is not the eight desolations

"So he's the person in charge of the academy this time. Fortunately, I didn't offend him." All of them were secretly glad that they did not offend the youth just now. Otherwise, they would have been the ones kicked out of the competition.

Hearing that, Qiao Nan's face changed, and he laughed sinisterly: "You are just an old student of the academy, what qualifications do you have to kick others?"

Qiao Nan was confident that even if this person was a member of the Octoterra Academy, he would only be an old student if he were to take turns with them.

"Heh, this brat is still stubborn even now. Wouldn't it be fine if he submitted and admitted his wrongs?"

"That's right, can you twist your arm over your thigh? "What a fool." Seeing that Qiao Nan still dared to oppose the young man, all of them looked on coldly from the sidelines and discussed quietly.

The youth sneered: "I assume you have seen the people in the shops when you entered the city. Let me tell you, they have offended the people in charge and are being punished there."

With that, the young man raised his head and looked at Qiao Nan, his eyes filled with playfulness.

"And you, will soon become one of them."

The crowd burst into an uproar!

When they entered the city, they saw those people, guarding their own shops. They didn't sell anything, and each and every one of them were already middle-aged.

"You want to punish me to stay here?" Qiao Nan sneered.

Although this young man had the strength of a human, and was slightly stronger than him, Qiao Nan was confident that he would not be able to stay if he wanted to leave.

"From the moment you entered a deserted city, your life was not yours." The youth revealed a sinister killing intent.

As the person in charge, there was actually someone who dared to oppose him. Wasn't this slapping his face?

The young man smiled charmingly and said: "Enforcer, it's time for your performance."

Law enforcement? There are still people from the Octoterra Academy here?

Everyone looked outside of the restaurant and felt as if a wave of blood energy was gushing towards them.

The aura of the ferocious chestnut was like that of a prehistoric behemoth, terrifying to the extreme.

Two silver creatures appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

Just by standing there, his blood and energy was roiling, and the energy within his body was vast and vigorous. His fierce gaze was something no one dared to look directly at.

"It's that ignorant old student who offended him again." A silver-colored creature shouted loudly.

The silver creature's eyes swept past everyone and all of them lowered their heads. None of them dared to look up!

This kind of thing was quite common. All the troublemakers would be punished in a desolate city, and once it had expired, they would be released.

However, as time passed, it had already evolved. As long as he offended the older students, he would be imprisoned here.

These two silver lifeforms were the law enforcers of the Octoterra Academy.

"It seems like you're the one causing trouble?" The silver creature stared at Qiao Nan fiercely.

Other than the teenager, only Qiao Nan dared to stare at them. Undoubtedly, the culprit was Qiao Nan.

"Enforcer, he is the one who is causing trouble and placed him in a deserted city for twenty years." The youth laughed coldly.

Twenty years, the most important period for a person. After twenty years of desolation, no matter how strong his talent was, it would be too late.

How vicious was this youth's heart? He actually wanted to ruin Qiao Nan's life.

"Causing trouble? How can I cause trouble? " Qiao Nan was calm and composed, facing the two strong beings, he did not show any fear and instead scolded them.

"As the Eight Desolate Academy's Enforcers, you are unable to distinguish between green and red, and can casually suppress others. What, are you people of the Eight Desolate Academy, or are you the dogs of others?"

"The Octoterra Academy has gathered geniuses from all over the place. If it's really that dirty, it's fine if they don't come."

Qiao Nan's voice was high and every word was precious, the two silver creatures' faces revealed killing intent.

This brat in front of them was actually calling them dogs, causing their faces to turn hot.

"What you have said is very interesting. If these are your last words, then it should be the end." The silver creature's entire body shone with a brilliant silver light.

"Roar!" The silver creature released a loud roar, shaking the heaven and earth. The restaurant instantly collapsed, and everyone ran out of the restaurant.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and the silver creature fought its way, wanting to take Qiao Nan's head off.


The long sword was unsheathed, Qiao Nan held onto the treasured sword, it emitted a faint electric light, and in the air, the sound of wind and thunder could be heard.

His palm swiped in the air, and a few silver runes appeared in the air. Each of them weighed more than ten thousand kilograms, and were like ten thousand kilograms of huge boulders that were smashing down from the sky.

"This silver creature grasped some sort of divine symbol technique, a terrifying killing technique."

A person outside the restaurant cried out in alarm, shocking the terror of the silver creature.

If such a terrifying divine ability were to land on their bodies, they would undoubtedly die.


Qiao Nan's sword struck the silver rune, causing a loud sound to ring out. It was as if two giant mountains had crashed into each other, causing the listeners to feel pain in their eardrums.

Silver symbols began to shine one after another, resplendent and dazzling. Each one was hard to destroy.

The rune that weighed more than ten thousand kilograms struck the sword, and a huge force came from the sword. It made Qiao Nan's arm feel numb, and he staggered back a few steps.

Qiao Nan's sword flashed, lightning flashed, and thunder roared on top of his sword, wind and thunder roared.

"Kill!" A small bolt of lightning smashed into the silver symbol. The silver creature coldly laughed and directly hacked over. His attack was extremely fierce, and as the silver palm pressed down, silver ripples rushed forward.

The blood Qi in Qiao Nan's body surged continuously, the energy in his body was like a stream, flowing endlessly.

Clang clang!

All the bones in Qiao Nan's body hummed, and every inch of his muscles released a divine radiance.

Peng! Fists and palms intersected, erupting with a terrifying might. The waves of air engulfed the surroundings, causing the vacuum to distort.

"Pu", Qiao Nan was no match for him, a blood sword flew out from his mouth, the silver creature's palm was destroyed, Qiao Nan was like a kite with its string cut, and he directly fell behind.

"Hehe, go die." The silver creature revealed its killing intent. The silver symbols on its hands flourished with great power as it suppressed down. It was at least several tens of thousands jin in strength.

"Yin Ming, stop." Another silver creature suddenly spoke up to stop him.

He saw a letter that slipped off Qiao Nan's body. The place that the letter told him to go was Eight Desolate City.

Octoterra City? They were in a desolate city, and that was not their business.

If they were to kill the people from the Eight Desolate City, the two of them would also die miserably.

This was the division of the academy; they had no right to interfere.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" The silver rune in the silver creature's hand floated up into the air. He could suppress Qiao Nan who was on the ground at any time.

"He is a member of the Octoterra City. We cannot interfere." The silver creature spoke out.

A silver light flashed, he arrived in front of Qiao Nan, respectfully handed the letter over to him, and said: "I am sorry for offending you, please forgive me."

Qiao Nan wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and blankly received the letter. The silver creature clearly wanted to kill him, why did it suddenly stop?

"Young hero, the Eight Desolate City is one hundred and twenty miles southwest of the First Desolate City. No one will ever touch you in the First Desolate City." The silver life form told Qiao Nan the location of the Octoterra City and told him to go there immediately.

The last few words were clearly words he had said to the youth from the Octoterra Academy, as a warning him not to attack Qiao Nan in the first place.

Qiao Nan nodded, he understood the meaning of the words of the silver creature, and with the treasure sword on his back, he staggered and left.

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