Greatest Conceited Emperor/C30 Trial
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C30 Trial
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C30 Trial

"Is this the Octoterra City? It's much better than in a Barren City. " After walking for several days and nights, Shen Feng finally reached the Eight Desolate City.

Standing outside the Octoterra City, he could feel the bustle of people inside the city. There were people hawking everywhere and the sounds of people selling could be heard incessantly. It was truly a bustling crowd.

Qiao Nan carried his sword and slowly walked into the city.

"Divine weapons, slicing iron like mud, passing divine tools, hurry up and buy them."

"A miraculous elixir, replenish your strength quickly!"

"Shield, armor, nothing can break it!"

They walked along the street, all of them being peddlers. There were even a few people who directly pulled Qiao Nan over, wanting to sell the things to him.

What treasure sword was able to destroy everything, in the end Qiao Nan shook slightly and almost broke.

These items were sold with unique features. Without a doubt, they were essential items to cultivators.

"May I ask where is the person in charge of this place, the Octoterra Academy?" With the lesson taught in the Desolate City, Qiao Nan guessed that there should be someone in charge here, so it would be better to find someone else first.

"100 gold coins, I'll tell you." The young man stretched out his hand and asked Qiao Nan for benefits.

Qiao Nan could not help but be dumbstruck. He dared to ask for a hundred gold coins just to ask for a path?

One had to know that a hundred gold coins in Tianwu County was more than enough for a family of eight to live comfortably for three years.

"What is it? "You're still unwilling? Let me tell you, this is a public price. If you ask anyone, this is the price, there is no other price." The young man was very proud as he allowed Qiao Nan to ask others.

Sure enough, Qiao Nan asked a lot of people, each of them offering a price of 100 gold coins, and bargaining not allowed.

Strange, have the people here already discussed this?

Qiao Nan was puzzled, as if everyone had colluded with each other.

"How is it? Did you believe what I said?" The young man appeared again, and looked at Qiao Nan with an evil smile.

"Alright, take me there." Qiao Nan took out a heavy money bag. Inside it was a full hundred gold coins.

The young man weighed it in his hand and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

Qiao Nan followed the young man as they walked left and right across the streets of the Octoterra City before finally arriving at a courtyard. There were already many people in the courtyard, and without exception, all of them were young.

"Take out your notice." At the entrance of the courtyard, a brawny man stopped Qiao Nan and said coldly.

Qiao Nan took out the letter from the Octoterra Academy, and the sturdy man looked at it and let him in.

Walking in, Qiao Nan found an empty space and sat down. The courtyard was not big, and there were around 20 people inside.

The seats were full. Everyone was talking passionately to each other as they tried to form alliances.

"Bro, where did you come from?" The two young men ran over to Qiao Nan and sat down, then asked passionately.

"Qiao Nan, Chu Kingdom is here."

The Octoterra City was not within the borders of the Chu Kingdom, and was located on the border of many countries.

"I am Xue Kai, he is Xue Qi, he came from the Grand Xia Empire."

So these two were brothers, but they didn't look alike at all. One was tall and fat, while the other was short and thin. There were two extremes.

"There will be a trial soon. How about the three of us form an alliance?" Xue Kai stared at Qiao Nan with hopeful eyes.

They came earlier than Qiao Nan by a bit and knew a lot of inside information. Of course, the so-called inside information was naturally bought using money.

Once they reached a certain number of people, they would bring this group of people away and pass the cruel survival of the fittest.

Several groups of people had been sent away before this group.

Qiao Nan laughed and rejected the two's good intentions. Although these two had good intentions, he could sense a dangerous aura from them.

"Since Brother Qiao Nan does not wish to form an alliance, then we brothers will not disturb you." Hearing Qiao Nan's rejection of them, he did not get angry. Instead, he smiled naturally and returned to his seat.

"Let's go. I'll send you all to the Octoterra Academy." A young man appeared at the entrance of the courtyard with a dozen or so people following him. They were probably going to the Octoterra Academy.

"Damn, it's this bastard." Seeing this young man, everyone cursed in their hearts. This guy was the one that brought Shen Feng here, and he was actually in charge. He even tricked him for a hundred gold coins.

However, looking at how excited the crowd was, he was probably not the only one being cheated.

The young man laughed nonchalantly, blowing his whistle towards the sky. A dozen huge green falcons hovered in the air.

This was a flying demonic beast. Its attack power was not strong, and after being tamed, it was mainly used to travel. That day, the Heavenly Star Sect used flying demonic beasts to take their students away.

"All of you, come up." That young man collapsed with a single step and leaped up a thousand feet. His movement technique was very powerful.

The rest of the people followed suit and jumped onto the falcon's back. In the end, there were a few people left on the ground who couldn't jump back up.

"Looks like you all are not fated with the Octoterra Academy. Go back." The young man smiled at the few people still struggling on the ground.

If they couldn't even jump this far, the Octoterra Academy naturally wouldn't accept such a waste of a disciple.

The few of them were standing below and beating their chests and stomping their feet. If they had known this would happen, they would have put in more effort in the area of movement techniques.

As he gazed at the Green Falcon in the distance, tears almost flowed out of his eyes.

Standing on the back of the Green Falcon and overlooking the entire Octoterra City, he was as insignificant as an ant.

The speed of the Green Falcon was extremely fast. As the wind blew past their ears, their faces stiffened from the force of the wind.

After passing through the desert, the Green Falcon flew into the forest.

So the so-called Octoterra Academy was not in the desert. Why did they gather everyone in the desert?

Later on, they learned that the desert was also a type of trial and error. Many people didn't experience life and death battles, and were either scared or killed by the poisonous insects and beasts within the desert.

If it weren't for the long period of time that Qiao Nan had fought against the demon beasts and accumulated experience, cleverly avoiding the demon beasts in the desert, it would probably be difficult for him to reach this place.

Take the token in your hands. In the end, all of you will use the number of tokens to determine your ranking. The highest will receive a generous reward.

The young man waved his hand and a token appeared in everyone's hand. On it, the word "Desolate Eight" was clearly engraved.

At the very top stood two people, a man and a woman. The man was handsome and elegant, giving off the impression that he was unmatched in a young master, that the woman had delicate features, was petite and lovely, and was wearing a long green skirt, her clothes fluttering in the wind, as if a goddess had descended from the heavens and was waiting for them.

Dozens of people quickly arrived in front of the two. Looking at her, many people were stunned. Perhaps they had never seen such a beautiful woman before.

The woman smiled. The world suddenly turned pale!

The man at the side couldn't help but snort coldly. Only then did everyone come back to their senses.

"I will send you into a secret realm. The more tokens you obtain, the higher your rank will be. After you enter the academy, you will also receive greater benefits. Before you enter, there are already a hundred people. I wish you all good luck!"

The man looked at the lustful girls with an unhappy expression. He waved his sleeve and everyone felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he was already in the middle of a forest.

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