Greatest Conceited Emperor/C33 Blood ginseng
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C33 Blood ginseng
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C33 Blood ginseng

Qiao Nan gently pushed the splashes of the water in the pool towards the shore.

Enduring the excruciating pain, he climbed onto the shore and slowly crept towards the Blood Ginseng.

"You can't be thinking of eating me, right?" Suddenly, a voice rang out.

The voice was very tender, like a baby's, and it sounded like it was made of milk.

Hearing that, Qiao Nan's face changed, he looked at the blood ginseng in fear, the voice just now was actually coming from it.

"You, you can talk?" Qiao Nan was startled, pointing at the blood ginseng, he was too shocked to say anything.

This was his first time seeing a plant that could speak.

"Kid, are you planning on eating me?" The blood ginseng ran with both legs and ran back more than ten steps before stopping.

He looked warily at the young man in front of him.

"Senior, it's a misunderstanding. How would I dare to eat you? I accidentally fell from above."

Qiao Nan said as he pointed upwards, the walls of the mountain reaching into the clouds. He could not see the end of the mountain and just happened to be surrounded by the walls.

"Hmph, of course I know you fell from above." Blood Ginseng wrinkled its nose and snorted in a childish voice.

At that time, it was sleeping. With a loud rumbling sound, it was as if an explosion had occurred in the lake. The terrifying sound echoed throughout the valley and did not cease for a long time. It woke up with a start.

He thought that someone had come to catch it again, so he immediately hid himself out of fear.

After discovering that there was no movement for a long time, it finally saw a person floating above the pool of water.

"Brat, I'm warning you. This lord has lived for tens of thousands of years and my cultivation is unfathomable. If you dare have any ideas about me, hmph!" Blood Ginseng coldly snorted as he strode forward.

This Blood Ginseng is most likely trying to scare me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have run so far when I first saw it. This guy must have been chased a lot of times, so he was scared of me.

Qiao Nan thought in his heart. He had already roughly understood that this blood ginseng was not very deep and had been hunted down before, after all, it was a medicinal herb that was at least ten thousand years old.

"Kid, didn't you hear what I said?" As the blood ginseng was stuck to its waist, it couldn't help but feel a bit angry when it saw that the young man in front of it had ignored it.

When the Blood Ginseng got angry, its entire body became even more red, causing Qiao Nan's heart to itch.

He couldn't wait to rush up and eat it.

However, Qiao Nan knew in his heart that this fellow must have had some ability to hide from others for more than ten thousand years. It would be difficult to capture it, unless it took the initiative to deliver it to him.

"This place is surrounded by cliffs, and the cliffs are smooth and can't be climbed at all. How did you get down there?" Qiao Nan walked in front of the cliff and caressed it with his hand. There was no one left to touch him, it would not be easy to climb up.

Unless one reached the Human Sect Realm, able to cross the void with their Qi, but this realm was simply too far away from Qiao Nan.

"How did you get in here? I just got in here. Sob …" Just as the Blood Ginseng opened its mouth, it suddenly felt like it had slipped through, and it immediately covered its mouth with its two small hands.

It looked extremely cute, just like a child who had made a mistake, he peeked at Qiao Nan while blinking his eyes.

"Enough. Stop pretending. I already knew that you fell from the sky, yet you are still pretending to be an expert." Qiao Nan looked like he saw through you.

Qiao Nan sat on a rock and looked around at the cliffs, deep in thought. If he was allowed to climb it himself, who knows how long it would take.

"Little brother, don't be sad. You'll get used to it after a long time. Look at me. I've been here for thousands of years. It's not like nothing happened."

Blood Ginseng walked over boldly and patted Qiao Nan's shoulder to ease his mind. Why would he care about what was happening, after all, he still had a long life ahead of him.

Qiao Nan's eyes lit up, he was secretly happy in his heart, his hand formed a claw shape, the big hand pressed down, grabbing towards the blood ginseng, the claw directly passed through it.

"An afterimage?" Qiao Nan exclaimed, looking at the blood ginseng, it was already more than 10 metres away.

Such speed!

Qiao Nan was surprised, when he suddenly made a move, the blood ginseng actually easily dodged it, and in an instant it was more than 10 metres away, the escaping technique was just too terrifying.

As expected, everything in this world was equal. The blood ginseng did not have a powerful strength, but it had a strange escaping technique to protect its life.

"Bro, if you can capture us, the Blood Ginseng, then what would we be doing? Didn't we go extinct in this world a long time ago?" Blood Ginseng looked at Qiao Nan with a sneer. With Qiao Nan's little strength, he did not put it in his eyes at all. Back then, how many big shots wanted to capture it, did one of them succeed?

Not to mention just being in the human martial realm, but even many of the great characters couldn't catch it. This was because the blood ginseng was so elusive, not to mention that this blood ginseng was an extremely rare treasure that only appeared once every 10,000 years.

The blood ginseng was a bit embarrassed. It scratched its head and said, "I don't want to kill you, and I don't want to eat you either. I only need a bit of your blood to heal my wounds."

He had been injured by the Xue brothers, and he had fallen from the cliff. He did indeed have internal injuries and needed external items to heal him.

"Heh, you're thinking of beauty. Any random person would ask me for blood. With my small body, how could I take it?"

Blood Ginseng was sitting on a rock not far away, staring at the young man in front of him.

"However, if you have the ability to meet me, not only can I give you blood essence, I can also tell you the way to leave."

Hearing that, Qiao Nan's eyes lit up, and asked excitedly: "Really?"

It had said that just running into it was worlds apart from catching him.

If Qiao Nan caught it, it would be impossible for him to cultivate it for thirty to fifty years.

But it was easier to touch it.

"Tsk, I would trick a little kid like you." The little person from the Blood Ginseng had a look of disdain on his face.

It was not a big deal for the precious blood in its body to be released. The main issue was that it had been here alone for more than ten thousand years. It was so stifled that it no longer dared to run out.

It was rare for a person to fall down and accompany it. The last time someone fell, he was so excited that he fell outside the pool and died.

"Alright." Qiao Nan roared as he leapt into the air, his feet striking the ground fiercely. Crushing the rocks and destroying the clouds, a huge boulder immediately crumbled into pieces. Terrifying explosive power condensed in his feet, and a spiralling force emerged from the bottom of his feet, like a fierce tiger pouncing down a mountain, pouncing straight towards the Blood Ginseng.

The Blood Ginseng little fellow smiled faintly and looked at the giant hand that was grabbing towards him. It was calm and composed, and there was a trace of ridicule in its eyes. With a light leap, the little foot actually directly arrived behind Qiao Nan, causing him to directly pounce on empty air.

A villain that was only a foot tall could traverse such a great distance with a single step?

Qiao Nan exclaimed in his heart. This blood ginseng's evasion technique was too terrifying.

The blood ginseng's escaping technique seemed to be in tune with the great Dao of heaven and earth. It had an indescribable charm to it.

Qiao Nan was unconvinced, the Qi and blood in his body were boiling, the power under his feet suddenly erupted, his speed became even faster, and he continued to chase after the blood ginseng.

He ran away and circled around the pool. Every time he did this, he would let Qiao Nan almost bump into him.

But just this point, Qiao Nan was unable to reach it.

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