Greatest Conceited Emperor/C41 Azure wolf king
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C41 Azure wolf king
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C41 Azure wolf king

The night was hazy, and the moonlight shone like water. The great earth was covered by a layer of silver yarn. It was desolate and silent!

Under the moonlight, a group of black figures shuttled back and forth between the ancient forests at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it was impossible for anyone to tell whether or not they were real.

"Everyone be careful, this Green Wolf King is hiding nearby. This time, we must kill it." A man in the dark night quietly said to the few people behind him.

One of the people behind him said happily, "Ah, Green Wolf King! This is a Rank 3 Demonic Beast, it actually appeared in the outskirts of the mountain. It must have failed in its fight for the Wolf King throne and got kicked out. This is a great opportunity."

When the five of them thought of the Wolf King's Demonic Core, their saliva started to flow.

In the past, they wouldn't have dared to kill a Rank 3 Wolf King, but today was different. When they came to the Mountain Hunt, they saw an injured wolf with wounds all over its body. Blood was dripping out of its wounds, and its mouth was dripping onto the ground.

He had just seen the five people scared to death and was still lamenting how unlucky he was. As soon as he entered, he encountered a rank 3 beast, but who would have thought that this beast was so heavily injured that it was no match for them.

The students were overjoyed. A Rank 3 Demonic Beast's Demonic Core was worth at least a thousand points. It could be exchanged for several bottles of Qi Replenishing Pills.

"The Wolf King is very cunning, especially at night. It has an even more vicious nature. How about we look for it during the day?" The weak voice of a woman sounded from behind him.

They searched aimlessly for the wolf king, but they couldn't find a way out. The ancient forest was filled with the roars of tigers and bears. It was extremely frightening, because once they encountered a powerful demonic beast, they would be done for.

"Junior sister Qin, if you're afraid, senior brother will protect you." A man ran to the woman's side with a wretched smile.

But when he turned his head, he saw two dark green eyes staring at him.

"Wolf King!" The man was so scared that his whole body was trembling, and he couldn't even speak properly.

"Ah!" The woman was frightened out of her wits and ran for her life towards the few people in front of her.

"Junior Sister Qin." The three people in front reacted and immediately rushed over.

"Awoo!" The wolf king faced the sky and let out a long howl. Its dark green eyes revealed a vicious look. Under the moonlight, its wolf nature became even fiercer and its strength increased.

The mastiff let out a roar and jumped up on its hind legs. Its huge claws pressed down, wanting to tear the couple in front of it into pieces.

"Evil creature, die!" Roaring, a sword stabbed straight for the eyes of the Wolf King.

"Awoo!" The Wolf King's other claw slammed down, and with a clang, the sound of metal scraping against metal could be heard. The Wolf King grabbed the sword, and no matter how hard the man tried, he couldn't pull it out.

The Wolf King exerted some force and the long sword suddenly broke. It then used its claws to land on the man's chest.

Pu * His chest immediately exploded, and he was sent flying. With a hong sound, he directly smashed apart several ancient trees.

"Senior Martial Brother Chang!" The others rushed over. They didn't expect the Wolf King's battle power to have recovered to such a terrifying degree in just a few hours.

"Let's go!" Chang Long shouted loudly as he fell to the ground.

He could already feel that the Wolf King's strength had already far surpassed the range of what they could deal with.

Rank 3 demon beasts were not people they could deal with. They were fortunate enough to gain the upper hand and lose themselves in the process.

The Wolf King's speed was extremely fast, it was hard to see its figure clearly in the darkness. A claw suddenly snuck up from behind, grabbing towards the back of a person with terrifying power.

The three of them wanted to save him, but the Wolf King raised its other paw and slapped three of them away. The claw smashed into one of the three and tore off a huge chunk of flesh from his back, causing him to fall into a pool of blood.

With the help of the moonlight, the Wolf King's strength greatly increased as he forcefully used the energy of a Rank 3 Demonic Beast. Fighting against a few people in the Mortal realm was not a piece of cake.

The Wolf King took large strides, revealing his cold teeth as he smiled sinisterly and walked towards them.

"We're finished, we're finished. Are we going to die here?" One of them cried out in sorrow. They knew that the Wolf King had recovered a portion of his strength, so they definitely wouldn't have been greedy.

"Am I going to die just like that? "Wuu wuu …" The woman couldn't help but cry. So the moment of death, she was actually this terrifying.

"Heaven Severing Sword Art, kill!" A figure suddenly jumped down from the ancient tree.

Hearing this, the four of them suddenly opened their eyes. They had originally been waiting with their eyes closed, but who would have thought that someone would come save them. Looking at the back of the youth in the dark night, a sliver of hope appeared in their eyes.

However, would this youth be a match for the Wolf King?

Clang! He unsheathed his sword and the sword Qi filled the air. A silver arc flashed in the night sky as it pressed down from the sky.

"Aowu", the Wolf King's reaction speed was extremely fast. The moment Qiao Nan appeared, the Wolf King immediately stomped on the ground with its hind legs, soared into the sky, and smashed down with its huge claws.

"Hong!" With a loud noise, a huge rock weighing over ten thousand Jin was crushed by the wolf claws as if they were tofu.

"Hmm?" The others were puzzled. That youth had actually disappeared?

The wolf claws swiped down from the sky. They had thought that the youth was dead for sure, but who would have thought that he had actually disappeared.

"Die." There was a silver arc in the sky, and the next day, the sun was gone.

The Wolf King had just swatted out with its claw. It didn't think that the human youth would be in the air. Wasn't this something only an expert from the Human Clan could do?

"Awoo!" The Wolf King released a fierce roar as it stared ferociously at the silver arc in the sky. The roar was powerful and it suppressed everything in its path.

Rumble rumble rumble!

The sky exploded, and rubble flew into the air as ancient trees were blasted into smithereens.

Waves of Qi swept in all directions, and the surroundings were instantly thrown into chaos.

Qiao Nan descended from the sky, and looked at the big pit in front of him, which had a radius of one zhang, a green wolf stood in the pit, and maintained his roaring posture, glaring at the sky!

"Peng!" The mastiff suddenly exploded, and a bloody gash appeared in the middle, splitting the wolf into two halves in the blink of an eye.

"Strange, why does this Wolf King have two Demonic Cores?" The Wolf King's body exploded as two objects fell out of its body.

There was a green pearl the size of a longan. It was the beast core of the wolf king. However, there was also a black pearl the size of a lychee. What was this?

Qiao Nan did not have time to think about this, he hurriedly packed his things, stood up and said to the three: "Leave this place immediately."

Before the four of them could react, Qiao Nan had already run away without a trace.

They looked at the body on the ground and smiled bitterly. They didn't expect that after five people came out, only four of them had returned.

"Hmm? You can kill the corpse of the Green Wolf? " Just as Qiao Nan left, three people immediately came and surrounded the four.

"Senior brother Qian Ning, it seems like the commotion just now was caused by someone fighting with the Wolf King." The three carefully examined the situation. It was none other than the Green Wolf King that they had been chasing for a long time. He had chased them from the depths of the mountains all the way to this place, and a few of them had even died in the mountains.

"What about the thing on the Wolf King? Three breaths of time. If you don't say anything, kill! " Qian Ning's eyes were cold as he stared at the four people in front of him.

The oppressive aura coming from their bodies caused the four of them to have some difficulty breathing.

"We didn't kill the Wolf King. It was a youth dressed in black with the Wolf King Demonic Core at his side." A man was so scared that he hurriedly said it out loud.

He could feel that this young man in front of him was an expert of the Mortal Revolving Realm, but the names of the experts of the Octoterra Academy were all over the place. How could they not recognize him?

There was only one possibility; these people were not from the Octoterra Academy.

"Him again, that bastard." Qian Ning was so angry that her face turned pale and her body trembled.

"Chase after him! I won't rest until you kill him!" Qian Ning clenched her fist and could not wait to kill Qiao Nan with one punch. With a flash, he chased after Qiao Nan.

"Senior Martial Brother, what about these people?" a man asked loudly.

"Kill him!" Qian Ning had already walked far away. His cold voice drifted over …

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