Greatest Conceited Emperor/C55 Tian huang jing
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C55 Tian huang jing
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C55 Tian huang jing

The black clad old man brought Qiao Nan and Jun Luotian deeper into the Demon God Mountain Range. According to the old man, the last Demon General was the strongest of the four Demon Generals.

However, they were also the ones that had suffered the most damage during the sealing period. Even so, the five of them were only barely able to deal with them.

If not for the fact that the Demon God Mountain Range had powerful restrictions that prevented the Demon Generals from absorbing the energy of the world, they would have long since recovered their strength and massacred everything.

Therefore, he could only borrow the demonic energy to display his might.

"Eh, the demonic energy in this place is much thinner than before." Qiao Nan observed his surroundings and was able to see in a radius of tens of metres.

"Sigh, if we don't find a place with weaker devil energy, then this old skeleton would have already become a monster."

The elderly man sighed deeply. He probably would never be able to become a human again in his life.

As time passed, the demonic energy would gradually take over their bodies, and then they would really become zombies.

"Heh, old fart, why did you bring two dolls back?"

The moment they entered the cave, the four old men in black robes immediately surrounded them.

They hadn't seen a human in ten thousand years. The last time they saw a human was when someone accidentally trespassed into the Demon God Mountain Range and was devoured by the Demon General.

"Qiao Nan pays his respect to the clan elders." Qiao Nan kneeled on the ground solemnly, if not for the fact that these people were willing to guard the place and the arrival of the Demon God, the entire continent would have been in chaos long ago.

All these people were worthy of Qiao Nan's respect!

"The disciple of the Nine Heavens Saint House, Jun Luotian, pays her respects to the seniors." Jun Luotian also respected the seniors of the Desolate Sky Continent a lot. They were willing to become a monster that was neither human nor demon to protect the continent in silence.

"Ancestor?" Little fellow, you are a student of Eternity. " Hearing Qiao Nan referring to his group of people as his ancestors, he immediately felt a sense of familiarity.

"Hmph, the Eternity is long gone. A group of unfilial disciples actually dared to split the Eternity."

As the black-robed old man thought of this, his anger flared.

After countless years of settling in, he had only built up the name of the former hegemony of the Ancient Desolation. He had actually said that it was all gone without a trace.

"Old bastard! Quickly tell us what happened!" When they heard that the Eternity was gone, all of them revealed faces of anger, eager to know about it.

The old fogey repeated what Qiao Nan had said to him, infuriated these people so much that they wanted to immediately rush out and beat up the Four Desolate Vice Principal and destroy Saint House s in the process.

"Ever since we entered the Demon God Mountain Range, the dean had burned himself and refined his own treasure. After sealing his Demon God, he left the Heavenly Desolate Holy Token here, causing the entire world to become desolate and without a leader. No wonder these bastards would cause trouble."

An old man couldn't help but sigh. This was also the reason why the four wastelands didn't have a dean. Whoever could find the Heavenly Desolate Sacred Token would be able to control the four wastelands.

"Qiao Nan, I see that you have yet to enter the Mortal Revolving Core realm. Today, I, Du Tianyu, in my capacity as Vice President of the Heavenly Desolate Domain promise that if you can unleash ten human wheels, I will hand over the Heavenly Desolate Holy Token to you. From now on, lead the Heavenly Desolate Land back to its former glory state."

The black-robed old man trembled as he stood up, his eyes shining with a bright light.

He could not let the Heavenly Desolate Sacred Medallion be buried in their hands, otherwise he would not be able to face the ancestors.

"Vice Principal, please think about it, this person's experience is still shallow, how can he bear the heavy responsibility of the Ancient Desolation? I think it would be better to give the sacred order to Qiao Nan, and let him take it out to the Four Great Wastelands' most outstanding person."

Someone stood out to object and handed Eternity over to a brat who was still wet behind the ears. He was really worried.

"I have made up my mind. There is no need to say anything more." The vice principal waved his hand, signalling for everyone to stop discussing this matter.

"Qiao Nan, are you confident that you can breakthrough to the Mortal Revolving within a month?"

The Vice Principal looked at the youth before him with a kind gaze.

"One month? "Is it really that urgent?" was a little shocked, he had been told to step into the Mortal Revolving Realm within a month, and was a little anxious, the firmer the foundation of the human force, the greater his future achievements would be, and he did not want to break through so quickly.

"Time waits for no one. One month from now, the desolate moon will disappear and the devils will explode. The five of us will not be able to defeat it. If we don't seal it within one month, then this continent will be finished."

The vice principal's face was filled with determination. He had long since been prepared to perish together with the Demon Generals.

During this month, the faint yellow halo on the moon would fiercely suppress the demonic general's temperament, causing him to lose a great deal of strength. This was an excellent opportunity. If he missed it, he would wait for another ten thousand years!

But did they have time to wait?

"Child, let me bring you to a place."

Qiao Nan nodded and followed the Vice Principal out of the cave.

The Demon God Mountain Range did not see the light of day, it was already noon, but not a single ray of sunlight could enter.

The devilish qi was churning in the mountains. The surging devilish qi was terrifying to the soul.

Du Tianyu was very familiar with the topography of the Demon God Mountain Range, and he continuously brought Qiao Nan around the great mountains. Finally, they arrived at an ancient cave.

Looking at the dark depths of the cave, he could clearly feel several monstrous powers lurking within.

Once it exploded out, perhaps even the heavens would be pierced through.

"The name of this cave is Desolate War Institution. My fellow disciples from Desolate Heavenly Desolate Hall will die here." The Vice Principal looked at the pitch-black cave and felt somewhat regretful. Inside the cave, there were dozens of Empyrean Gods buried. They had used their own flesh and blood to forcefully suppress the three Demon Generals here.

Qiao Nan followed Du Tianyu into the cave. The cave was cool, the light seemed to have stopped right there, there was no demon qi in the cave, it was out of place with Demon God Mountain Range.

The ancient cave was deep and long. After walking for nearly an hour, there was still no end in sight.

"Old brothers, Tianyu has come to see you." The ancient cave did not have a head, but a ravine appeared in front of it. It was several zhang wide, like a heavenly stream. It was unfathomably deep, as if it was going to reach deep into the earth.

Du Tianyu muttered to himself as he stood in front of the ravine.

Below the ravine was the place where the three Demon Generals were being suppressed.

"Qiao Nan, dozens of the great powers of the Heavenly Desolate Land died here. They were lucky when they were alive, and after their deaths, their blood condensed into a blood pool that contained a monstrous energy."

Du Tianyu pointed to a half-human deep hole in front of him. Blood was flowing through it, surging with energy. It was like a surging river, and the faint sounds of thunder could be heard.

The energy condensed but did not disperse. It concealed itself and did not release any of it. The ancient aura within the blood pool assaulted his face, and his monstrous battle intent shocked him.

It was hard to imagine how much blood had flowed and how many supreme experts had died in battle, resulting in such a large pool of blood.

Eternity had silently sacrificed too much for this continent!

"This place is filled with energy. The ancient aura is very strong. Demon Generals don't dare to come here. Even this old man doesn't dare to stay here long." You can stop worrying about cultivation here, after you break through the Mortal Revolving, this old man will send you out of Demon God Mountain Range. "

Du Tianyu sent Qiao Nan here, left behind a jade book, turned around and left. Before he left, he turned his head and said quietly: "I hope you will not let down the expectations of this blood pool."

"Ancestor, don't worry, Qiao Nan will not disappoint us!" He clenched his fists and said to himself resolutely.

If his talent was not stunning enough, how could he be at ease to entrust the future of Eternity to him?

The Northern Wasteland allowed him to prove his talent, and so did the Heavenly Desolate.

Qiao Nan opened the jade book and shockingly, three ancient words were written on it. These words contained the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth and contained a mysterious ancient aura.

He did not recognize the three words, but they resounded clearly in his mind: The Heavenly Desolation Scripture!

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