Greatest Conceited Emperor/C63 Invitation from lingyun
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C63 Invitation from lingyun
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C63 Invitation from lingyun

It had already been almost half a month since Qiao Nan escaped from the pursuers, and he had already arrived at Ling Tian City a few days ago.

This was the agreed location before he and Jun Luotian separated.

If another person hadn't arrived in half a month, he wouldn't have to wait any longer. This meant that he had already been killed.

Ling Tian City was the capital of Ling Yun Country, and when the power of a nation was gathered in a single city, its prosperity was no less than that of the Chu Kingdom's Ying Du, and might even surpass them.

"It's been half a month and Luo Tian still hasn't come. Could something have happened?" Qiao Nan walked on the streets of Ling Tian City with a depressed mood.

"Look! Look at what's in the sky!"

"Oh my god, that's a palanquin! It's actually flying!"

Ling Tian City was in an uproar as a palanquin was flying in the sky.

Qiao Nan stood on the street, his eyes gleaming. Looking up into the sky, he saw a purple chariot, in front of him were actually two strange beasts pulling the chariot.

Inside the war chariot sat a purple-haired youth with sword-like eyebrows and bright eyes. He had a resolute expression on his face.

His aura was as calm as a mountain, and as he sat there, he looked like a towering mountain.

Looking at the peak of the cliff, Cang Bai stood proudly. He was also like a lion on the prairie, majestic and noble.

This person was definitely not simple.

Sensing that someone was spying on him, the violet-haired youth frowned, and his black eyes slightly opened as he gazed downwards. It was as deep as the starry sky, and as far as the eye could see, it had already fallen within, unable to extricate itself.

In that moment, Qiao Nan felt as if his soul was being sucked out of his body.

He was shocked and quickly tried to defend himself. But his eyes showed no fear, staring straight up into the sky.

The violet-haired youth laughed disdainfully, no longer paying any attention to the youth below. The beast pulled the chariot through the air, and the chariot rumbled as it sped away.

"What a terrifying look." Qiao Nan's heart throbbed. He had almost failed to resist the other party's gaze and felt a sense of defeat. At the same time, a torrential fighting spirit ignited in his heart.

Qiao Nan took a stroll around Ling Tian City, experienced the prosperity of a foreign country and felt bored of it, so he found a restaurant to sit at.

The Spiritual Gathering Pavilion was the most luxurious restaurant in Ling Tian City. It was dazzling in gold and jade. This pavilion had a total of three floors. In the middle was a pillar that reached the heavens. The pavilion was constructed with pavilions, waterside pavilions, and guests were allowed to view it at will.

The room was surrounded by rooms for guests to discuss and talk about, as well as snowy moon and wind flowers.

It was said that the consumption level of the third floor was different. Those who could spend money on the first floor were all well-known merchants in the city.

Those who had the right to spend money on the second floor were all nobles. Most people wouldn't go even if they were rich. This was a symbol of status.

As for the third floor, it was used by the Imperial Family to entertain the world's heroes. It was set up by young geniuses, so it was known as the Spiritual Gathering Pavilion.

Although the things inside were extremely expensive, the place was bustling with noise and business was booming. To be able to spend money here was the greatest affirmation of one's own identity, becoming the symbol of many people.

The moment Qiao Nan stepped in, a graceful young lady immediately walked over. With a smile, she said: "May I know which floor this esteemed guest wishes to enter?"

"First floor, help me find a window seat."

The young girl smiled sweetly, "Esteemed guest, please follow me."

The Sage Assembling Pavilion took up a vast amount of space. The first floor could accommodate at least a few thousand people without being crowded.

Qiao Nan followed the girl and turned left and right before finally coming to a stop at a cubicle.

"Dear customer, I wonder if this position is satisfactory."

Qiao Nan went in to take a look. It had to be said that the design of the pavilion was ingenious, no matter where the rooms were built around the stage, everyone could clearly see the performance on stage. Furthermore, this position, was right next to the city gates.

"Alright, that's it."

The room was an exquisite room. There was a low table made from golden silk and a pot of tea was placed on top of the table. A faint aroma of tea wafted out from the pot.

There were a few prayer mats in the surroundings, and they all sat down on it. It was extremely soft, and in an instant, he felt as if his body and mind had relaxed.

"Sir, this is the menu. Please take a look. If you need anything, feel free to instruct me."

Qiao Nan nodded, and picked up the jade book menu.

It was truly luxurious. Even the floor was made out of warm jade, and the menu was actually carved out of jade.

Flipping open the menu, Qiao Nan was shocked. Any single dish would cost more than tens of thousands of gold coins.

"No wonder you can relax and use these luxury goods." Qiao Nan understood in his heart, those that were able to come here were probably all from wealthy clans, and they did not care about this little bit of jade.

Opening the door, one could clearly see the dance skills outside. All of them had sexy and beautiful bodies.

Not only Qiao Nan, almost all the doors to the private rooms on the first floor were opened. Clearly, if you don't open it, how can you chat with others? If you don't open it, how can others know that you've come to the Spiritual Gathering Pavilion?

He was flaunting his identity.

"Did you see the chariot above Ling Tian City today? I heard that he is an extraordinary person. "

"Not only impressive, but my big brother is also the leader of the imperial guards. According to him, His Royal Highness has personally welcomed him, and even His Majesty has sent out important officials to meet him."

Hearing that someone was talking about the purple-haired youth, Qiao Nan immediately became spirited and perked up his ears to listen carefully.

"It seems like Ling Yun had prepared a major event and invited all the young talents from all around to enter the palace."

"I've also heard that this matter is probably related to the Chu Kingdom. Last time, General Yuwen Protector led his army and attacked the Chu Kingdom, but he returned after a huge defeat. He lost face, and now he wants to take back his dignity."

"It actually has something to do with the Chu Kingdom?" Qiao Nan felt that Ling Yun was about to make a big move again, but all of this had nothing to do with him.

"May I ask if you are Mr. Huang Bei?" A guard dressed in a military uniform, with a sword in hand, walked in front of Qiao Nan with a military bearing.

"You have recognized the wrong person, I am not Huang Bei." Qiao Nan was confused, all those who came were people with good reputations, how could this guard admit his wrongs?

Wait? Huang Bei? Northern Wasteland?

Qiao Nan was startled. Is he looking for me?

"Who told you to find Huang Bei?" Qiao Nan frowned, and asked the guards.

How could there be someone looking for me here, and that's the Lingyun Army. Could it be that Lingyun Country already knew I was coming?

"Reporting to Sir, it was Mr. Jun Luotian who had instructed me to come and find Mr. Huang Bei."

"Luo Tian? Where is he? " Hearing that Jun Luotian was looking for him, the boulder in his heart dropped. He had been worried that Jun Luotian would be killed this entire time.

"Mister Jun Luotian is currently waiting for Mister in the imperial city. He specially ordered me to invite Mister to the palace. There is a letter for you from him." The guard said as he handed the letter over to Qiao Nan.

Qiao Nan opened the letter and read only eight words: To fight in Chu, to wash away my shame!

It seems that Jun Luotian knows everything about me. Qiao Nan coldly snorted in his heart. This kind of feeling made him feel extremely uncomfortable, as if someone was pulling his nose away.

"Let's go."

Qiao Nan also wanted to see how they could go to the Chu Kingdom to invite war, and how they could wash away their shame.

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