Greatest Conceited Emperor/C72 Three numbers
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Greatest Conceited Emperor/C72 Three numbers
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C72 Three numbers

The distance from Hanhai City to this small town was only a few hundred miles. Moreover, the people from this small town had left three days ago. By then, they would have already sold it off.

Fortunately, Qiao Nan had asked clearly, that they were all prepared to sell the beast to the Heaven's Moon Beast Battlefield.

He was riding a handsome horse, galloping through the mountain forest. His long black hair was wildly dancing, and the cloak behind his back was fluttering. He had an air of a proud and aloof travelling adventurer.

After galloping for several hours, the horses finally arrived at Hanhai City before nightfall.

A towering city, surrounded by countless greatswords that pierced through the clouds. The city gates were wide open, as if an ancient beast had opened its jaws to swallow the heavens.

Standing there, he couldn't help but feel fear.

This place had always been full of valiant people, and the air of a martial artist was extremely strong. Almost everyone on the street was wearing a sword and carrying a killing weapon.

Qiao Nan led his horse and entered the city. Although it was already evening, the streets were still bustling with noise and excitement.

"This is great! This trip has been worthwhile! It just so happens to be on time for the annual Beast Battling Day of the Heaven's Moon Beast Battling Field!"

"That's right. I heard that the Nine Suffice Mountain's white ape and monkey king have been captured. Tsk tsk tsk, this is the mountain's king."


Hearing that someone was talking about the white ape in the inn, the little mouse excitedly cried out.

"This big white ape is the one you want to save?"

The little mouse nodded vigorously.

Qiao Nan was astonished. He had thought that it wanted to save a big mouse, but it turned out to be an ape.

At this moment, he was sitting in an inn. After hearing the conversation of these people, he roughly understood a few things.

It turned out that the Celestial Beast Battling Arena held a grand beast competition every year.

And each time, the beast king would be the famous one.

The white ape Monkey King was actually one of the finalists in the Beast Gathering that was held three days later, and it was just a temporary addition. However, it had also instantly ignited the atmosphere.

The white ape King of the Nine Ice Mountain was infamous and had been dominant for a long time. After living in the depths of the mountain for many years, no one dared to provoke him. The Heavenly Moon Beast Battling Arena had been interested in him since long ago. They had entered the mountains many times to capture him, and all of them ended up in defeat.

He heard that this time, for some reason, the white ape King was heavily injured and thus had been captured.

"Heh, you guys don't know, but this white ape King is very ferocious. I heard that when she arrived at the Beast Battling Arena three days ago, her injury was just a bit better. She immediately went berserk, killed quite a few people, and then got suppressed."

"Keke, this is more interesting. What's the point of taming those monsters?"

The inn was bustling with noise and excitement, as the topic of conversation revolved around the matter of the Celestial Beast Battling Arena.

Every year's Beast Fighting Day was the busiest day in Hanhai City.

People from the nearby cities and neighboring countries would all come to see the battle beast show.

"Fellow brothers, may I ask where I can buy the tickets to the Beast Battling Arena?"

The moment Qiao Nan opened his mouth, the noise stopped, and all of them sneered at him.

"This kid doesn't know the rules of the beast battle arena. Hahahaha, he really makes me laugh to death."

"Hmph. Country bumpkin. You don't even know what a Dou Beast is, yet you still dare to run and look. You truly don't know the term."

"Young Master Leng, don't say that. So what if you are a country bumpkin? Which servant isn't a country bumpkin? Ah! Hahahaha!"

The three young men sat there, recklessly teasing the young man in front of them.

As far as they were concerned, they didn't even know that the Beast Fighting Arena in Hanhai City was a country bumpkin that came from a certain mountain.

"Is it funny?" Qiao Nan sat there, with a playful smile hanging on his lips.

"Why, are you unhappy? But I, young master, am extremely happy. Look, this country bumpkin is actually angry. "

Seeing that Qiao Nan was a little angry, not only did the few of them not restrain themselves, they were even more insolent.

"Country bumpkin, to dare to provoke young master Leng, I think that you must be tired of living. Hurry up and come over here to apologize."

The two people beside him snapped coldly.

"Forget it, I'm not such a domineering person. Kneel down and kowtow a few times. I won't pursue this matter." Leng Feng waved his hands as if he did not care, as if this was a great gift to Qiao Nan.

"Young Master Leng is still the merciful one." The two of them flattered him, turned their heads, and shouted at Qiao Nan: "Young Master Leng has already shown mercy, don't miss your life, why aren't you rolling over here and kowtowing a few times?"

"Sigh, who is this boy that isn't easy to provoke? How did he end up provoking Leng Feng?"

"That's right, the Leng Clan is one of the largest clans in Hanhai City. They are extremely tyrannical and rampant. Which one of them would not hide from them? Who would have thought that this brat would actually dare to run into them?"

The people nearby could not help but sigh. Leng Feng was the tyrant of Hanhai City. Relying on the power of the Leng Clan, he acted brazenly, and many people had their own difficulties.

"I'll count to three. If you don't roll over here, hmph, you have to bear the consequences." Seeing that Qiao Nan was actually still sitting there, Leng Feng's face couldn't help but twitch. In Hanhai City, there was actually someone who dared to give him face.


"Heh heh, kid, I, Young Master Leng, has ignited my Primordial Flame. Even the Heavenly Emperor and his father can't save you now."

Seeing Leng Feng's cold expression and the trace of cruelty on his face, he knew that this kid was going to die for sure.

"Two!" The corners of Leng Feng's mouth curled up in a cruel smile. He was infuriated. Completely infuriated.

A country bumpkin actually dared to ignore his words. If he didn't teach him a lesson, how would he be able to stand up in Hanhai City?

"It's already this time, this kid can still eat."

"He is truly fearless. I'm afraid he has offended someone."

Everyone saw that Leng Feng was counting to two, yet he was still sitting there eating.

He could not help but shake his head, sighing at how arrogant this person was. To not put Leng Feng's threat in his eyes, wasn't this just courting death?


Qiao Nan put down the chopsticks in his hands, his voice was not loud, but in this quiet inn, it sounded like thunder.

"What? You want to kowtow and admit your mistake now? Too late." Leng Feng laughed complacently, his tone full of contempt.

This time, he was determined to teach this ignorant country bumpkin a lesson.

"If you knew earlier, why did you have to kneel down today? Didn't you say that you had nothing to do? Now that Leng Shaoyin's anger has come, you finally understand."

The two young men beside him couldn't help but sneer.

"I'll give you three a count. If you don't crawl over and kneel down, you will suffer the consequences."


The three of them could not help but shout out. They thought they had misheard, but this person actually wanted them to crawl over and beg for forgiveness. Could it be that they had lost their minds?

"One." A cold voice rang out in the inn.

In an instant, the temperature of the entire inn seemed to have dropped. Everyone could not help but shiver.

"Has this boy gone mad? He actually allowed Leng Feng and the others to climb through."

Not only Leng Feng and the others were surprised, even the others were astonished.


Qiao Nan's expression was calm as he stretched out two fingers, reminding them that there was still a final count.

"Country bumpkin, I think you're courting death." The three of them were enraged, they immediately stood up, one of them fiercely stomped on the ground, and took the lead to rush over, releasing a punch that released waves of whistling sounds, aimed straight at Qiao Nan's head.

Qiao Nan sat there and laughed coldly: "Three."

"It's too late to kneel down now!"

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