Hard Road to Hierarch/C16
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Hard Road to Hierarch/C16
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The day's competition had already ended. Everyone was discussing it. The victor naturally found it difficult to suppress the joy in his heart, and the loser could not help but feel resentful. Xuan Ji's disciples were all laughing and laughing. Other than Faang Hui, there was another senior brother who had also won the round. The other brothers and sisters also felt proud on the surface.

After dinner, everyone dispersed. Xuan Ji called Faang Hui to explain the experiences and circumstances of the downhill. Faang Hui answered them truthfully one by one. Only the information within Old Testament Alliance was kept hidden, and Xuan Ji didn't ask about it himself. Along the way, they talked about Ironflame Token. Xuan Ji suddenly stood up and asked: "You said that the one Marquis Nanyang left behind was indeed a Ironflame Token of the Devil Sect?"

Faang Hui was secretly surprised, when he talked about the cyan robed eccentric's martial arts and secret manuals, his master seemed to not care, and when he heard the three words "Ironflame Token", he was greatly shocked, thinking that this thing must have a great origin. Immediately, he answered: "Disciple thinks that this thing is indeed a Ironflame Token. Marquis Nanyang's one is in the hands of junior sister Zou. Disciple still has another one. Xuan Ji was even more shocked. "Both of you have one in each of your hands?"

Faang Hui took out the Ironflame Token that Lee Feng gave him and handed it over with both hands. "Master, please look at this one. This one has a green glow within it. The one in Junior Zou's hand has a red glow." Xuan Ji took the Ironflame Token and read it over and over again. He said: "The rumors in the martial arts world are not bad, yours is indeed the one under the Devil Sect's Great Wood Flag. The one with Martial Nephew Zou's red light flashing through it is the Raging Inferno Flag." Faang Hui replied, "When disciple took this Ironflame Token, the person who gave it to me said that there were seven of them."

Xuan Ji slowly paced two steps and nodded as he said, "I heard from my master that the Devil Sect was known as the Ming Cult at its peak. This is also why the name of the Great Ming Empire was born here. Afterwards, when the Ming Cult and evil were plaguing him, he would become a part of the devil sect, and become a part of the devil sect both in the government and in the martial arts world. In the past, the Devil Sect reconstructed seven Ironflame Token, which were divided into upper, lower, and two ranks. The low rank is controlled by the Five Elements Flag, the Sharp Golden Flag is white, the Giant Wood Flag is green, the Flood Flag is black, the Fire Flag is red, and the Heavy Earth Flag is yellow. According to the looks of it, this attribute is the faint glow of the Ironflame Token. "

Faang Hui asked, "There are still two high grade ones. What is it?"

Xuan Ji pondered a bit and continued, "It is said that those two high-rank goods are gold and silver respectively. They are controlled by the Light Emissaries of the Demon Sect."

Faang Hui did not understand, and continued to ask: "Master values this Ironflame Token so much, in my opinion, this is only used for the Devil Sect's message or token, and does not seem to be of much use to the outside world."

Xuan Ji looked out of the window and chuckled dryly: "Not that useful? It wasn't of much use... Twenty years. Let's not talk about this. Continue talking, how did you get the Ironflame Token called the Giant Wood Flag? "

Faang Hui reported the previous matter to his master all the way until he used his cold inner energy to extinguish the incense on the examination field today.

Xuan Ji listened attentively for a long time without saying anything. He did not pursue the matter of using any of his sect's inner force skills on Faang Hui. Instead, he waved his hand, signaling that the matter was over and they could leave.

Faang Hui said, "Master, that disciple will take his leave first. In tomorrow's exam, this disciple will want to win another match. Since this Ironflame Token is of great importance, I will hand it over to Master. "

Xuan Ji shook his head and said lightly: "I am just thinking about some old things and lost in thought. This Ironflame Token is something that you are willing to take, to help others obtain, I want it to be useless, you can keep it for yourself. At the same time, you have to tell Zou Lee'er that no one is to leak the news of the appearance of the Ironflame Token in the underworld, and that she should not cause any trouble for herself. "

Faang Hui cried out and said, "Sister Zou grew up in the sect, so she has no experience with the martial arts world. She has treated the sect like a god. I think she has already reported this to Master Shen. Is it that important?"

Xuan Ji shook his head and said: "Duo Fan's mouth is like tofu, but his heart is a bit short. Furthermore, back then she was also one of the people who knew about the Ironflame Token, she would definitely make her disciple keep it a secret. "You are naturally quick-witted, and are not someone who has been stuck at the top for a long time. Sooner or later, you will have to go down the mountain and roam the martial arts world. He waved his hand again and again, seeming to want to say something, but he also seemed to be dispirited and was unwilling to say it.

Faang Hui knew that his Master was naturally comical and free. It was rare for him to be so heavy-hearted, so he quietly left to look for Zou Lee'er.

After walking not too far, Faang Hui sensed that there was someone behind a tree. He stopped and asked: "Brother, are you joking with me? I have fought two consecutive battles today, I'm physically and mentally exhausted. Please come out here."

A shadow flashed behind the tree. It was Zou Lee'er, her face red with shock. "Senior Brother, your internal energy is so strong. I'm holding my breath. You actually knew I was hiding behind a tree?"

Faang Hui smiled helplessly. "We are roaming the martial arts world. White clothes are like the wind, and the light and shadows of swords and sabers are like the shadows of the wind. We must see and listen in every direction. I …" He grinned and pointed to the sky, "Tonight, the moon is shining brightly in the sky — look at the huge figure behind the tree, can I not see it?"

Zou Lee'er suddenly realized something and pouted, pouting, "You're messing with me again! I knew I wouldn't let you win today's competition. "

Faang Hui chuckled and replied seriously: "To be honest, I really don't know how good your palm art is. When I started, I was distracted and used many methods to turn it around, but I was always at a disadvantage. Martial Uncle Shen doesn't know that you're letting me win, right? "

Zou Lee'er chuckled, "I knew you were afraid of my master. Master has a straightforward temperament. Today, she used this move of mine to hit you. It's her masterpiece, this move is called Double Circle Elbow Arm Hands.

Faang Hui nodded his head: "When I used this move in your Fast Palm, it was indeed very powerful. At that time, my left arm was sore and numb, if you attacked again, I wouldn't be able to use my left arm in the blink of an eye, I would definitely be defeated by your hands.

Zou Lee'er said, "Don't tease me. My master said you're the best." Of all the martial sisters, I was the best for this move. If my palm technique was used so quickly during the day, none of them would have been able to dodge my strike. Even if they knew I was going to use this move, they would still lose to me. You're the one who's amazing, my master wasn't even able to trap you with his buckle, and instead got his wrist caught in your mouth. Master doesn't say it on the surface, but when I go back, I have greatly praised you! "

Faang Hui replied with an 'oh'. Although Martial Uncle Shen is a woman, he has a pretty good bearing. After losing half a move in the day, it's quite rare for him to be able to praise me like this. He changed his mind and said, "I really didn't expect your palm technique to be so high, no wonder your master sent you out to participate in the exam. I've been with you for so long, and I only saw you using the sword.

Zou Lee'er had already known that this Senior Martial Brother Fang had no way to keep his mouth shut. Now that he had said something, she was both embarrassed and anxious. "You, you, you …" For a long time, he could not speak a single word. He pouted his lips in anger.

Faang Hui was a bit regretful when he said those words, "Beautiful girl," he said. He quickly changed the subject and asked: "I just got out from my master, what did your master tell you about the Ironflame Token?"

Zou Lee'er's face was still turned away to show her anger. She snorted and replied, "What do you mean, I didn't even mention it to Master."

Faang Hui was shocked: "You didn't tell your master?"

Zou Lee'er turned around and looked up. "This is a secret between you and me. Why should I tell Master?"

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